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More than 1 lakh Muslims clerics sign fatwa against terrorism in Bangladesh

Maybe not

but the right of women to chose how to dress themselves regardless of what their men folks opinion is does promote happiness...at least for the individual concerned.

Your sensibilities end where my nose begins.

We choose to behave like humans, not animals.
There have been countless fatwas against terrorism all in vain. The issue is a large population of Muslims don't consider these acts of wanton violence as terrorism but righteous acts as prescribed by the scripture. If you ask them, these clerics are the ones who deviated from the true teaching, and they(whom you are calling terrorists) can rightfully back themselves up with quotes from scripture.

If we keep on pussyfooting the real problem here and not oppose these people from a position of strength and hide behind a veneer of PC culture so entrenched in so called liberal worldview, we will just help electing a Trump or a Modi or a La Penn.
I consider myself as a person of neutral perspective in this matter. Most muslims(even supporters of radical Islam) do not usually support attack on regular civilians(of other religion).but there is a problem of theocratic propaganda here......even Bin Laden tried to justify 9/11 by saying that the American civilians were tax payers and facilitators of "American presence in the Holy Land"...he didn't say we kill them because they are not muslims...There are inherent problems in scriptures..by comparative study The Old Testament is way more violent than the Quran...but you don't see the followers of those texts committing acts of violence at such a large scale because they have been freed from Theocratic Propaganda....a great example of such Propaganda was how the mullah's drilled into the people's head that Saddam was a hero during the Iraq war...and absolutely white washing the fact that Saddam tried to wipe out the Kurdistani Muslims....a similar support was also seen for Pakistan during 71...although the people they were wiping out were also Muslims...but that was whitewashed and Pakistan became the hero of a war with a Soviet(read atheist) proxy state(India and Socialist East Pakistan).The inherent violence has been pointed out by people like Sam Harris or Hirsi Ali...but they fail to understand the fact that Scripture cannot be edited...and Islam does not have a pope....Harris and Ali make the mistake of thinking that religion can be defeated just like that....Hitchens on the other hand understood the problem and made distinction between religion and theocracy. The only solution is to use clerics to fight clerics.


Good, sounds like much is covered.

If I was scripting this I would specifically add that it is an act of terrorism to kill people who don't agree with you, including blasphemers, apostates, h0m0sexuals, adulterers etc. let there be fair trial in a court of law and let law of the land take its course. Just so as to make sure that no one misunderstands what terrorism is - the use of violence to intimidate fellow human beings.

Anyway, this is all good and a step in the right direction. Best of luck to Bangladesh!
Wishful thinking....unfortunately that is going to take a long time.
Human being were born naked, Complete nudity among men and complete or near-complete nudity among women is still common for Mursi, Surma, Nuba, Karimojong, Kirdi, Dinka, sometimes Maasai people in Africa, as well as Matses, Yanomami, Suruwaha, Xingu, Matis, Galdu people in South America & many more. Many indigenous peoples in Africa and South America train and perform sport competitions naked.

People started wearing animal hides & clothes to keep themselves warm in cold countries. When a person is covered, It's the curiosity what's behind forces man to explore & commit crimes. If every human is naked, most beautiful girls also will not even appeal the least to man & vice versa.

Pakistan was all Hindu prior to muslim invasion. We allowed the foreigners to assimilate, live, grow, preach & put up with all these invaders atrocities & let the new believers live since we were tolerant. Islam & their beliefs were not the culture of the Indian sub continent. We still accepted this new religion & culture.

It's you who wanted a different country. We are tolerant & had big hearts, so gave you our land to go live peacefully. If we were intolerant we would have slaughtered all Muslims. We could have taken revenge for demolishing thousands of our temples & killing millions of our people.

You claim was you can only be peaceful & be able to freely grow if you have a separate Muslim country. Hindus will not allow you to grow or be peaceful. So we gave you one, so you can go live peacefully & let us also live peacefully. Jinnah & your Iqbal sowed the first seeds of hatred & jealousy in the hearts to divide our country's peace.

Now you can see how peaceful you are & how much higher you have grown from India & Hindus. The obsession to prove Muslims are stronger & your religion is better has never died. We gave Paksitan, now you ask Kashmir. If we give Kashmir you will ask Deccan, then next then next. You cannot hold your home together you fighting for your neighbor's house. You lost BD, Can you save Baluchistan, Sindh, Karachi. The more you fail, the more & more you try to prove you are right.

This will lead you to your doom. It's the month of Ramadan, May God give you some mind to shed your obsession & jealousy. My best wishes for Pakistanis & season's greetings for a peaceful Ramadan. God bless

Islam is the religion of peace. I hope you find peace as well brother.

If you hindus would not have hate in your heart for Islam, or Muslims eating beef, there would be no reason for Pakistanis to separate from India. You guys have not learned and still try to impose your beliefs on Kashmiris. That is why Kashmiris want to be a part of Pakistan. If you Indians stopped trying to force people to go against their religion, then you will have no problems. I personally don't have issues with Hinuds or Sikhs. But that is probably because I'm Pakistani. If I was Indian and someone tried to tell me how to practice my religion or live, then I would probably be like the Kashmiri youth now. If India is secular then let all the hatred go. Love each other. I am Muslim, but I genuinely do not hate hate hindus in my heart. Show love instead of hate.

Ramzaan Mubarak to you brother.
but they fail to understand the fact that Scripture cannot be edited.

It can be interpreted and reinterpreted as per ones wish though. I have followed several threads here on PDF where people who have opposing views argue for it and against it using exactly the same scriptures. Even where the actual text is quite clear people refuse to take it in a literal sense when they disagree with what it says.

the way that ancient poetic language is interpreted depends very much on the interpretor. People see what they want to see.

At the end of the day it is a cleric versus cleric fight but the liberal clerics have to have the back up of liberal followers.
Bin Laden tried to justify 9/11 by saying that the American civilians were tax payers and facilitators of "American presence in the Holy Land"

Bin Laden was trying to extract revenge against USA for leaving him dry after Afghan Jihad, he didn't have territorial ambition unlike IS, which is basically Saudi Arabia two centuries back. Only difference is two centuries back we were ignorant of the threat the mix of theological and political Islam poses.

There are violent verses in all religious scriptures - Torah, Old Testament, Geeta you name it. However Islam and Christianity mix religion and politics most. Christianity went through the separation of Church and State so we see a peaceful and prosperous Europe.

The problem is western Liberals are very vocal against Christian dogmas and rightfully so, someone like Glenn Beck is considered a loon and written off as such, however liberal silence towards Islam is deafening and helping to drive away people to Trumps and La Penns of the world in drove by their PC crap.

It can be interpreted and reinterpreted as per ones wish though. I have followed several threads here on PDF where people who have opposing views argue for it and against it using exactly the same scriptures. Even where the actual text is quite clear people refuse to take it in a literal sense when they disagree with what it says.

the way that ancient poetic language is interpreted depends very much on the interpretor. People see what they want to see.

At the end of the day it is a cleric versus cleric fight but the liberal clerics have to have the back up of liberal followers.
It is actually not very ambiguous just like texts in old testament are not ambiguous. It's xenophobic and hateful towards people who are not of the book.

Claiming terrorists interpret it wrongly is just looking at the wrong way.

The inherent violence has been pointed out by people like Sam Harris or Hirsi Ali...but they fail to understand the fact that Scripture cannot be edited...and Islam does not have a pope....Harris and Ali make the mistake of thinking that religion can be defeated just like that

Actually Christianity was as violent if not more than Islam in medieval age. It's just Europeans have become less religious with time and that was made possible by pointing out obvious flaws in religious texts, not by sugar coating it.
Bin Laden was trying to extract revenge against USA for leaving him dry after Afghan Jihad, he didn't have territorial ambition unlike IS, which is basically Saudi Arabia two centuries back. Only difference is two centuries back we were ignorant of the threat the mix of theological and political Islam poses.

There are violent verses in all religious scriptures - Torah, Old Testament, Geeta you name it. However Islam and Christianity mix religion and politics most. Christianity went through the separation of Church and State so we see a peaceful and prosperous Europe.

The problem is western Liberals are very vocal against Christian dogmas and rightfully so, someone like Glenn Beck is considered a loon and written off as such, however liberal silence towards Islam is deafening and helping to drive away people to Trumps and La Penns of the world in drove by their PC crap.

It is actually not very ambiguous just like texts in old testament are not ambiguous. It's xenophobic and hateful towards people who are not of the book.

Claiming terrorists interpret it wrongly is just looking at the wrong way.
There's a reason why western liberals do not go against Islam...Because they fear becoming labeled as a part of "Christian Crusade" against Islam...When they see Christians Radicals criticizing Sharia Law they automatically feel criticizing Sharia Law even from a liberal perspective would get them down to the level of radical Christians...Its kind of like not fighting your enemy because your enemy's enemy is also your enemy and you do not want to become friends.
Bin Laden was trying to extract revenge against USA for leaving him dry after Afghan Jihad, he didn't have territorial ambition unlike IS, which is basically Saudi Arabia two centuries back. Only difference is two centuries back we were ignorant of the threat the mix of theological and political Islam poses.

There are violent verses in all religious scriptures - Torah, Old Testament, Geeta you name it. However Islam and Christianity mix religion and politics most. Christianity went through the separation of Church and State so we see a peaceful and prosperous Europe.

The problem is western Liberals are very vocal against Christian dogmas and rightfully so, someone like Glenn Beck is considered a loon and written off as such, however liberal silence towards Islam is deafening and helping to drive away people to Trumps and La Penns of the world in drove by their PC crap.

It is actually not very ambiguous just like texts in old testament are not ambiguous. It's xenophobic and hateful towards people who are not of the book.

Claiming terrorists interpret it wrongly is just looking at the wrong way.

Actually Christianity was as violent if not more than Islam in medieval age. It's just Europeans have become less religious with time and that was made possible by pointing out obvious flaws in religious texts, not by sugar coating it.

I know that and I do not begrudge Harrsi or Ali for pointing out flaws....but when you acknowledge that the problem is getting out of control you need to come up with a solution...and scholarly discussions will help in the long run...but the run is too long..centuries maybe...are you willing to wait 200 years for Islam to mellow down to the level of modern Christianity? Thats why I say Hitchens gave the best solution....deconstruction of theocratic dictatorships...when you take down the theocracies the propaganda will die out quicker...people will start following religion on a more personal level...other wise Harris's books or Hebdo's Cartoons are not going to be quick solutions.
There's a reason why western liberals do not go against Islam...Because they fear becoming labeled as a part of "Christian Crusade" against Islam...When they see Christians Radicals criticizing Sharia Law they automatically feel criticizing Sharia Law even from a liberal perspective would get them down to the level of radical Christians...Its kind of like not fighting your enemy because your enemy's enemy is also your enemy and you do not want to become friends.

Most actually are very afraid of being labelled Islamophobe, Racist or some other silly name.
Most actually are very afraid of being labelled Islamophobe, Racist or some other silly name.
Well I know it sounds terrible....western Muslims picked that up from their Jewish brethren. Just like Jews lumped the criticism of their religion and their politics with actual anti-Jewish bigotry(anti-Semetism)...Muslims do the same thing as lumping criticism of Islam with anti-Muslim bigotry...and radical Christians were the most anti-Jewish group once...but they have been sanitized by liberals and now radical Christians usually are not very critical of Jews....Muslims seek to do the same.
I know that and I do not begrudge Harrsi or Ali for pointing out flaws....but when you acknowledge that the problem is getting out of control you need to come up with a solution...and scholarly discussions will help in the long run...but the run is too long..centuries maybe...are you willing to wait 200 years for Islam to mellow down to the level of modern Christianity? Thats why I say Hitchens gave the best solution....deconstruction of theocratic dictatorships...when you take down the theocracies the propaganda will die out quicker...people will start following religion on a more personal level...other wise Harris's books or Hebdo's Cartoons are not going to be quick solutions.

Do you think a Clinton administration will take on Saudi Arabia or rather preserve it for some convoluted geo political game? Do you see liberals opposing SA in the same way they do against IS, although there's not much difference between the two.

Infact USA was mostly soft on IS until they started going batshit crazy.

This is exactly the reason why Trump is proving to be such a force to reckon with even after committing such buffoonery.
Do you think a Clinton administration will take on Saudi Arabia or rather preserve it for some convoluted geo political game? Do you see liberals opposing SA in the same way they do against IS, although there's not much difference between the two.

Infact USA was mostly soft on IS until they started going batshit crazy.

This is exactly the reason why Trump is proving to be such a force to reckon with even after committing such buffoonery.
Clinton won't take on SA...neither will Trump. SA has substantial influence in the US through investments and an unlikely ally...Israel...Israel knows SA acts as a counterbalance for Iran...Israel will lobby in favor of SA...and I doubt Trump will run the country...He will have some people like Cheney and Rumsfeld to do the actual decision making for him...and even if Trump does keep every single of his election mandates(and we know he wont be able to do that)...it will not effect the Saudis that much...on the other hand Trump told Bill O'Reily that he will protect SA from ISIS if SA is willing to help out the US economically....most Trump voters are too ignorant to understand foreign policy...they see it as Murica Mexico and Muslimistan....so they do not expect much from Trump anyway.
That awkward moment when you need a petition from clerics to 'denounce' terrorism. It's a shame how many Sunnis are prone to join extremist groups like Taliban, ISIS or AQ (for whatever pathetic and sick excuse). From Egypt to Pakistan, from Bangladesh to Turkey, from Saudi Arabia (mother of all of them) to Tunisia, from Afghanistan to Iraq, from Syria to Libya and many other examples, people have been easily absorbed to these kinds of groups. There is something definitely wrong with education, ideology or what they are taught at childhood.
Many Muslim countries need to get their heads out of the sand. If your ideology/teachings/manners have problems, don't be ashamed or embarrassed for admitting it and try to fix it, for you may regret it awfully in the future, as many already have.

I was reading somewhere (don't remember exactly) that only 10% of Sunnis either support or sympathize with ISIS (values, ideology and agenda), well that's very comforting, considering the fact that 10% means roughly 120 million people. And forget about other terror groups like AQ, Taliban, Boko Haram, Nusra and the support they may have among regular Muslims.
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