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More on YFC-1e

YFC-1E made its first flight in late 2009.

It doesn't matter if the photo's authentic or not (although it was released in the Chengdu report). THE TRUTH IS, the plane exists and it's currently in flight testing. All of it is in the Chengdu Aviation Corporation report.

Won't be long before it enters production.
YFC-1E made its first flight in late 2009.

It doesn't matter if the photo's authentic or not (although it was released in the Chengdu report). THE TRUTH IS, the plane exists and it's currently in flight testing. All of it is in the Chengdu Aviation Corporation report.

Won't be long before it enters production.

...And your source for this information is?
...And your source for this information is?

Flyings pigs , i would love to think that this variant exists but the issue is that there is no way we can turn JFT into a stealth fighter while having external weapon pylons i mean wtf is wrong with you people it doesn't make any sense at all:rolleyes:

Siegecrossbow i would like to agree with jigs on this matter - there is no stealth JFT but there could be a low RCS variant which may have low observability - everything more than that is a fantasy.
Flyings pigs , i would love to think that this variant exists but the issue is that there is no way we can turn JFT into a stealth fighter while having external weapon pylons i mean wtf is wrong with you people it doesn't make any sense at all:rolleyes:

Siegecrossbow i would like to agree with jigs on this matter - there is no stealth JFT but there could be a low RCS variant which may have low observability - everything more than that is a fantasy.

Yea i agree JF-17 variant with stealth features anything equal to RCS of Typhoon is good for us
E.g Typhoon

Internal weapons bay is not compulsory.
Euro Fighter CEO said Typhoon is more 5th Generation than F-35.:partay:


Eurofighter more 5th-gen than F-35, says Eurofighter - The DEW Line
Flyings pigs , i would love to think that this variant exists but the issue is that there is no way we can turn JFT into a stealth fighter while having external weapon pylons i mean wtf is wrong with you people it doesn't make any sense at all:rolleyes:

Siegecrossbow i would like to agree with jigs on this matter - there is no stealth JFT but there could be a low RCS variant which may have low observability - everything more than that is a fantasy.

thats exactly what we have been talking around....I mean for an all aspect stealth aircraft, you need a hell lot of money and speculated budget for YFC-1e is about three times that of thunder. so it would be nothing less than a miracle if an all aspect stealth fighter is yielded out of this....like i said in my previous post the objective of YFC-1e(nhanced) may be to optimize the reduction in current baseline RCS. the internal store and more and more goodies like that of a true stealth fighter would likely translate into higher per unit cost...I also read somewhere that PLAAF is interested in this version of AC rather than current baseline JFT (but given availability of JH-7As and JH-7Bs in market in coming year, I am not sure what will happen)
Flyings pigs , i would love to think that this variant exists but the issue is that there is no way we can turn JFT into a stealth fighter while having external weapon pylons i mean wtf is wrong with you people it doesn't make any sense at all:rolleyes:

Siegecrossbow i would like to agree with jigs on this matter - there is no stealth JFT but there could be a low RCS variant which may have low observability - everything more than that is a fantasy.

Exactly that would be the case, this can be a new variant with further enhanced dynamics to reduce RCS, may be they just made changes to the body keeping engine same.

Because internal weapons bay would result in an increased size of fuselage leaving wings empty, which will affect the overall body size and weight of AC, which would require a more powerful engine. Maybe weapons are kept outside to avoid all that.
The only problem i have with the ultra hyped and boasted about stealth planes is that they haven't yet proved their worth in an actual war....
In earlier conflicts such as operation desert storm, stealth were used successfully..But that was Iraqi army,which was medieval,not modern..In a later conflict of Balkans,stealth was shot down, doesn't matter how,but it was.
In a more recent conflict,i have yet to read about stealths being used without being shot down,against a well equipped army,such as Syria or Iran,or even North Korea.
We cannot assume that radar development has not kept pace with stealth tech...For a better mouse there is always a better trap...somewhere.
Anyways, I ve confirmed. Though there were plans for such a variant, yet they were not materialized and with this, this thread can now finally RIP:wave:
I think Pakistan is going to need a stealth fighter soon in response to India's plans to buy 250-300 Russian PAK fighter.

I think China should make a stealth fighter for Pakistan, maybe not the twin engined beast like the JXX but a smaller, single engine stealth fighter. If India gets the Russian PAK fighter, Pakistan will be helpless.

India to buy 250-300 fighter jets from Russia:
by Staff Writers
New Delhi (AFP) Oct 7, 2010

India has agreed to buy up to 300 advanced stealth fighter jets from Russia, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said Thursday, announcing a deal that could be worth up to 30 billion dollars.
Antony told a press conference with his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov that Russia would supply the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) as well as 45 multi-role transport aircraft.

"India will receive 250-300 most advanced FGFAs," Antony said. "These are the two major projects for the next 10 years which will be a shining example of Indian-Russian cooperation."

Hindustan Aeronautic Ltd (HAL) and Russia's United Aircraft Corp. and Rosoboronexport signed a joint venture last month to develop the multi-role transport aircraft in a project worth 645 million dollars.

Serdyukov said the success in the co-production of the BrahMos cruise missile would spur the FGFA's joint development by India's HAL and Russia's state-owned Sukhoi Company.

"We have a 10-year programme and it is quite challenging (but) we have very good experience in military cooperation and BrahMos is an example," the Russian minister said of the FGFA, the richest deal in India's military history.

"The FGFA have been designed by us, the price has been fixed and the draft of the agreement has been given to India. Once it is signed, HAL and Sukhoi will participate," he said.

Serdyukov did not disclose details.

Experts say each 30-ton FGFA is worth up to 100 million dollars.

Indian Defence Production Secretary R.K. Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages.

"At present a 300-million dollar preliminary design contract for the FGFA programme is currently under the (Indian) government's consideration," Singh told AFP separately.

The draft agreement is likely to be signed during a trip to India by President Dmitry Medvedev in December.

Moscow is New Delhi's largest military supplier but recent frictions over cost escalations and delays in the delivery of a refurbished Russian aircraft carrier have strained cosy bilateral ties.

"We have a great volume of (military) projects and so it is natural to have some delays," Serdyukov said.

The minister also said Russia was waiting for New Delhi's clearance to supply 22 attack helicopters and 15 heavylift helicopters.

"As soon as we get the contract we will provide them," Serdyukov added.

India plans to mothball its mainstay MiG-21 Soviet-era fighter jets, which have earned the sobriquet "flying coffins" because of their dismal safety record.

India is also in the process of acquiring 270 Sukhoi war jets worth 12 billion dollars and is poised to hand out a contract for 126 fighter planes as part of a separate 12-billion dollar deal for which six global aeronautical giants are in the race.

earlier related report
Russia to refund Iran over missile deal: arms export chief
Nicosia (AFP) Oct 7, 2010 - Russia is reimbursing Iran for its downpayments on a deal for advanced S-300 ground-to-air missiles which Moscow halted in the face of tough new UN sanctions, Russian Technologies chief Sergei Chemezov told reporters on Thursday.

"We are now preparing all the necessary documents," said Chemezov, whose company includes arms exporting monopoly Rosoboronexport.

"We should return them all the funds," he said. "Of course, they are not very pleased. We do not have a choice."

Chemezov said it was unlikely Russia would return the money by the end of the year, however, and declined to quantify the funds in question.

Iran has threatened to sue Russia over what it regards as a breach of contract.

Russia had come under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of a weapons system that was seen as greatly complicating any military action against Iran.

Both Israel and the United States have refused to rule out a resort to military action to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear weapons capability, an ambition Iran strongly denies.
I think Pakistan is going to need a stealth fighter soon in response to India's plans to buy 250-300 Russian PAK fighter.

I think China should make a stealth fighter for Pakistan, maybe not the twin engined beast like the JXX but a smaller, single engine stealth fighter. If India gets the Russian PAK fighter, Pakistan will be helpless.

India to buy 250-300 fighter jets from Russia:
by Staff Writers
New Delhi (AFP) Oct 7, 2010

India has agreed to buy up to 300 advanced stealth fighter jets from Russia, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said Thursday, announcing a deal that could be worth up to 30 billion dollars.
Antony told a press conference with his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov that Russia would supply the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) as well as 45 multi-role transport aircraft.

"India will receive 250-300 most advanced FGFAs," Antony said. "These are the two major projects for the next 10 years which will be a shining example of Indian-Russian cooperation."

Hindustan Aeronautic Ltd (HAL) and Russia's United Aircraft Corp. and Rosoboronexport signed a joint venture last month to develop the multi-role transport aircraft in a project worth 645 million dollars.

Serdyukov said the success in the co-production of the BrahMos cruise missile would spur the FGFA's joint development by India's HAL and Russia's state-owned Sukhoi Company.

"We have a 10-year programme and it is quite challenging (but) we have very good experience in military cooperation and BrahMos is an example," the Russian minister said of the FGFA, the richest deal in India's military history.

"The FGFA have been designed by us, the price has been fixed and the draft of the agreement has been given to India. Once it is signed, HAL and Sukhoi will participate," he said.

Serdyukov did not disclose details.

Experts say each 30-ton FGFA is worth up to 100 million dollars.

Indian Defence Production Secretary R.K. Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages.

"At present a 300-million dollar preliminary design contract for the FGFA programme is currently under the (Indian) government's consideration," Singh told AFP separately.

The draft agreement is likely to be signed during a trip to India by President Dmitry Medvedev in December.

Moscow is New Delhi's largest military supplier but recent frictions over cost escalations and delays in the delivery of a refurbished Russian aircraft carrier have strained cosy bilateral ties.

"We have a great volume of (military) projects and so it is natural to have some delays," Serdyukov said.

The minister also said Russia was waiting for New Delhi's clearance to supply 22 attack helicopters and 15 heavylift helicopters.

"As soon as we get the contract we will provide them," Serdyukov added.

India plans to mothball its mainstay MiG-21 Soviet-era fighter jets, which have earned the sobriquet "flying coffins" because of their dismal safety record.

India is also in the process of acquiring 270 Sukhoi war jets worth 12 billion dollars and is poised to hand out a contract for 126 fighter planes as part of a separate 12-billion dollar deal for which six global aeronautical giants are in the race.

earlier related report
Russia to refund Iran over missile deal: arms export chief
Nicosia (AFP) Oct 7, 2010 - Russia is reimbursing Iran for its downpayments on a deal for advanced S-300 ground-to-air missiles which Moscow halted in the face of tough new UN sanctions, Russian Technologies chief Sergei Chemezov told reporters on Thursday.

"We are now preparing all the necessary documents," said Chemezov, whose company includes arms exporting monopoly Rosoboronexport.

"We should return them all the funds," he said. "Of course, they are not very pleased. We do not have a choice."

Chemezov said it was unlikely Russia would return the money by the end of the year, however, and declined to quantify the funds in question.

Iran has threatened to sue Russia over what it regards as a breach of contract.

Russia had come under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of a weapons system that was seen as greatly complicating any military action against Iran.

Both Israel and the United States have refused to rule out a resort to military action to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear weapons capability, an ambition Iran strongly denies.

let me make one thing crystal clear, PAK-FA will be an LO aircraft not an all aspect stealth fighter. I am confused on what role will India assign to them? I mean if they are waiting for a stealth fighter somewhere around 2017, that makes quite an interesting situation. I mean India keeps on buying MKIs in Air superiority role. Keeping Mirage 2Ks in A2G role, upgrading Mig-29s for support, buying MMRCA for multirole where would the stealth fighter fit in. most probably strike role and AS role will be assumed by MKIs. since they will be LO aircraft hence all PAF has to do is to fit some LO defeating gadgets as PAK-FA will not be in class of F-22 which is the trademark of all aspect stealth. what can PAF do? as we know that PAK-FA has its tail exposed (unlike Raptor) so IRST is a good option to detect its heat signature, Secondly it has a host of radars (both X band and Low Band) on its nose,wings and tail. So if PAF is able to fit some good sensors on its ACs, I think they have a very good chance of detecting FGFAs coming in. Since FGFAs will be alone on strike mission so once their LO is compromised,they will lose their major advantage and will be engageble just like other aircrafts. on the other hand PAF may not need a stealth fighter since 1) it has good stand off weapons. 2) good ranged missile delivery. so this somewhat compensates for long range strike. rather than buying expensive LO platform i would recommend curise firing subs which could engage the long range targets in the Indian ocean and complement the surface missile capability. PAF would focus on paralyzing the FoBs of IAF near Pakistan border so our current stand off weapons can do it with ease. The IAF will probably house FGFAs in some safe base deep in Indian territory rather than along the boarder as on FoBs as these assets will be in the range of SO weapons so FGFA will have to come from deep India to strike Pakistani Targets which means more time for PAF to detect and counter them if it has a good radar and SAM coverage in along the border
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take a look at this wiki article for the f/a-18 hornet

Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The F/A-18 E and F is not complete stealth fighter but has incorporated some stealth design for upgrades thats exactly what the
YFC-1e is all about nothing more.
What is this that people here comparing F-22 with YFC-1e is beyond me. YFC-1e is not a Fifth generation fighter at all !
You have to have the full criteria of a fifth generation to start calling one. Heck even the Euro-fighter is not one, yet it supersedes the YFC-1e by a mile off !

But on the flip-side to all those people who have pessimistic view of China/Pak Jet-fighters you can bet your back-side will have fifth generation fighter V soon because as the equation goes in war
if your enemy has built a superior weapon, is known to be the aggressors in other conflict and WILL use such weapon against you
you will have no choice to build one yourself to defend yourself unless you want to be slaves. DO you see China and Pakistan to be completly conqured by the US ?

So please stop the silliness

And as for the PAK-FA, rest assured the United states is already working on a sixth generation fighter: F/A-XX

the F/A-XX
F/A-XX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boeing displays manned F/A-XX concept jet

Sixth Generation fighter

Sixth generation jet fighter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Directed Energy Weapon

Directed-energy weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



let me make one thing crystal clear, PAK-FA will be an LO aircraft not an all aspect stealth fighter.

And where do you get that assessment from? PAK-FA is not a LO but all aspect stealth fighter. You think the Russians would build a less stealthier aircraft than the F22? Think again.

Pakistan is in serious trouble. They have no answers for the PAK-FA flying in Indian colors. J10? No chance. JF17? Please. Will China give Pakistan it's JXX? Doubt it. So where does Pakistan go?

They should be begging China for it's own Stealth craft. A single engined stealth fighter that has internal carriage built on a WS10A engine.
Muse: Huh? This is not a dream. According to the article, India plans to purchase 250-300 PAK stealth fighters from Russia!

If you wait until India receives these planes, then Pakistan is doomed. They have no options. They should start begging China right now, this second to start a stealth fighter program for Pakistan!!

Pakistani JF-XX:

-Powered by a 13,200 KG WS10A turbofan engine, later the 20,000KG WS15
-Slightly larger than a J10
-Internal carriage for 4-6 A2A missiles
-All aspect stealth
-Super Cruise@1.8Mach with WS15
-Advanced avionics
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