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More kids in Pakistan are learning Chinese


Aug 27, 2010
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More kids in Pakistan are learning Chinese | GlobalPost

For many middle class Pakistanis, Mandarin is the new language of choice, Agence France Presse reported. Traditionally, only the wealthiest Pakistanis could afford a foreign education. Children from the wealthy families opted to learn English so that they could attend a prestigious Western university, such as Harvard or Oxford.

But the AFP has identified a growing trend: middle class Pakistani students who lack the money to afford an expensive Western university, but still have plenty of ambition. So instead, they sign up to learn Mandarin Chinese at places such as the National University of Modern Languages in Islamabad. The university is cheap and offers 500 scholarships a year.

The AFP's report comes about a year after Pakistan launched a pilot project to teach more children Mandarin. Education officials had said they hoped to eventually make Mandarin a standard part of public education, the Telegraph reported back in 2011. "Our trade, educational and other relations are growing with China everyday and now it is necessary for our younger generation to have command over their language," Pir Mazhar-ul-Haq¸ senior provincial education minister, said back then as he unveiled the pilot project.
Not only Pakistanis but western people are interested in learning Chinese. It was quite strange for me to see, almost all the westerns I met in China, that they believe that CHinese is the language of future. Due to tremendous growth rate of Chinese economy, everyone related to business would need it.
It is surprising that many cannot speak their indigenous languages with a heritage of 5000 years but find pride in learning English and now Chinese. No wonder our civilization is doomed to lose its identity!
Salaam to all the Muslims,


Wow, this is impressive.

Pakistan's trade with China is already more than twice as much as the US, so this was bound to happen. However, the sooner the Pakistani people adopt Chinese into the mainstream, the sooner economic related benefits will follow.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Pakistani military had assumed their alliance with the United States would last forever but that dream came to a speedy end in the 1970s. At the end of the day, United States is so far away from Pakistan that it's really difficult for Pakistan to have any sort of meaningful and, consistent integration culturally, economically and militarily with the Americans for too long. On the other hand, China is a next door neighbour and we have to live with them.

Salaam to all the Muslims.
It is good for Pakistan. Pak China will always be best friends :pakistan: :china:
Pakistan's trade with China is already more than twice as much as the US, so this was bound to happen

Horse manure!
If above is right, then I own the Tajmahal, wanna buy?
Arey janab kuch soch ke likha karo. Otherwise your credibility will be jeopardized.
Horse manure!
If above is right, then I own the Tajmahal, wanna buy?
Arey janab kuch soch ke likha karo. Otherwise your credibility will be jeopardized.

It's probably true.

Every thing in Pakistan is China maal.

What the hell do Americans even make?
Horse manure!
If above is right, then I own the Tajmahal, wanna buy?
Arey janab kuch soch ke likha karo. Otherwise your credibility will be jeopardized.

Salaam to all the Muslims,


Pakistan-China Trade 2013: $12 Billion
Pakistan-China bilateral trade crosses $12 billion mark

Pakistan-UAE Trade 2012: $8.4 Billion
Economic relations: UAE invites Pakistani investment – The Express Tribune

Pakistan-US Trade: 2012: $5.2 Billion
Pakistan | Office of the United States Trade Representative

Please also note that Pakistan's total trade for the financial year 2011-2012 crossed more than $65 Billion.

Allahu Alam

Salaam to all the Muslims.
Salaam to all the Muslims,


Pakistan-China Trade 2013: $12 Billion
Pakistan-China bilateral trade crosses $12 billion mark

Pakistan-UAE Trade 2012: $8.4 Billion
Economic relations: UAE invites Pakistani investment – The Express Tribune

Pakistan-US Trade: 2012: $5.2 Billion
Pakistan | Office of the United States Trade Representative

Please also note that Pakistan's total trade for the financial year 2011-2012 crossed more than $65 Billion.

Allahu Alam

Salaam to all the Muslims.

Pakistan's trade with China is already more than twice as much as the US

Above ambigous statement also leads to believe that Pakistan/China trade is above the US/China trade.
And that was where I was coming from.
US/China trade is by far the biggest.
I see big opportunities for Pakistanis who can speak Mandarin and Cantonese.
China is already over populated same is with India, both China & India is not in position to provide employment to any outsider. Don't waste your time learning Chinese just to show your friendship.
Above ambigous statement also leads to believe that Pakistan/China trade is above the US/China trade.
And that was where I was coming from.
US/China trade is by far the biggest.

How did u come up with that he simply saying that Pakistan's trade with china is bigger then its trade with USA. No where did he claimed to be bigger then trade between USA and china.
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