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Boris Johnson: Children should learn Mandarin in school

It is. English is the language of International Business. Business create opportunities and innovation, hence the growth.

Also, English is the language that unite India. To move ahead in India, English is a must.
Actually, India is becoming the next superpower. So its important to continue to master the English language.

So, you mean to say that world uses Indian numerals just because "India was a super power, then" ?


It's merit dear ...

You are not on a "somalian" language or "mandarin" language forum, because English is way too important that somalian or a pictographic language you call "mandarine".

English is only slightly less embedded in modern world than the Indian numerals.

And English has its merits .. that's why. Not because Britain or USA is a superpower.
Chinese were one of the first to have the decimal system, and already had symbols for 1 to 9, with a blank for 0. India is credited with the symbol for 0.

Counting rods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is also incorrect to say that Chinese writing is a pictorial system. There are basic Chinese strokes. Simpler characters are built from these strokes. Complex characters are built from basic strokes and simpler characters, just as English words are built from basic letters and simpler words.
Chinese were one of the first to have the decimal system, and already had symbols for 1 to 9, with a blank for 0. India is credited with the symbol for 0.

Counting rods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese didn't know how to write, ten, hundred, thousand etc. using zero. While Chinese had separate symbols for them, Indians wrote them as 10, 100, 1000 etc.
Chinese didn't know how to write, ten, hundred, thousand etc. using zero. While Chinese had separate symbols for them, Indians wrote them as 10, 100, 1000 etc.

Without a symbol for 0 is not a major hinderance. As explained, a blank space was substituted for the symbol 0.
Also, English is the language that unite India. To move ahead in India, English is a must.

Imported Latin letters unite Chinese through Mandarin, still 400 million Chinese can't speak Mandarin. :laugh:
English writing is 1 dimensional. Chinese writing is 2 dimensional. Now all we need is a 3 dimensional writing system. :yahoo:
Without a symbol for 0 is not a major hinderance. As explained, a blank space was substituted for the symbol 0.

Without the use of zero, Chinese numerals is extremely complex. For writing 3 digit number like 873, Chinese numerals had to use 5 symbols.

So, you mean to say that world uses Indian numerals just because "India was a super power, then" ?

It's merit dear ...

You are not on a "somalian" language or "mandarin" language forum, because English is way too important that somalian or a pictographic language you call "mandarine".

English is only slightly less embedded in modern world than the Indian numerals.

And English has its merits .. that's why. Not because Britain or USA is a superpower.

LOL, you're so dimwitted he couldn't grasp the sarcasm. Never mind that.

The adoption of a standard is not always based on merit, but power project or the ability to influence. English is the most spoken because the last two great powers were both English speaking. China is projected to be great power, hence, the importance of learning the language. It has as much to do with merit as to why India adopted English as one of it national languages.

And pls stop bragging about the numerals. One, a numeral system is not a language, you're out of point. Two, the numeral system is called Hindu-Arabic numeral, not Hindu. The Arabs not only impoverished the numerals, they were the ones who spread it to the west during Islamic golden age. Otherwise, it stays in India. Give some credit where credit is due.
Without the use of zero, Chinese numerals is extremely complex. For writing 3 digit number like 873, Chinese numerals had to use 5 symbols.


Incorrect. Those are Chinese book writing, not symbol writing which is counting rod. Counting rod uses symbols, not Chinese characters. Counting rod does not have symbols for 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc. It is all explained quite well under the section Using counting rods. The 2nd picture from the top on the right shows 71,824 written in Chinese characters (top) and in counting rod (bottom). Counting rods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Without the use of zero, Chinese numerals is extremely complex. For writing 3 digit number like 873, Chinese numerals had to use 5 symbols.


Your indian zero is not the same as today's zero. Brahmagupta was dividing numbers with ZERO :omghaha: :rofl:

He even assigned a positive and negative to Zero. It was Newton who corrected it 1000 years later.

The History Of Zero The History Of Zero
Just as in English we can write 1,000 as one thousand, in Chinese 1,000 can be written in Chinese characters which corresponds to the words one thousand in English, but can also be written in counting rod which is the symbol for 1 followed by 3 blank spaces since there was no symbol for 0 in counting rod.
Your indian zero is not the same as today's zero. Brahmagupta was dividing numbers with ZERO, LOL. He even assigned a positive and negative to Zero. :omghaha::rofl:
It was Newton who corrected it 1000 years later.

The History Of Zero The History Of Zero

Brahmagupta one of the greatest mathematicians of ancient world who work was copied by Arabs, first dared to divide a number by zero which took a long 1000 years to find out while no Chinese mathematician worked on it. What is wrong in dividing by zero when we have complex number and irrational numbers in mathematics. :girl_wacko:
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