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More Indians should listen to this lady

a few marks mean nothing in the grand scheme of things

india did not exist until it was drawn up, kashmiri's have their own distinct and unique identity, ethnicity and history


note indians rarely ever make an argument on these lines, what business does a south indian have with a kashmiri?


they are chalk and cheese, they do not belong in the same nation, its an unnatural situation hence the brutal occupation.

looks like you really didn't look up in ur dictionary what a country meant. A country is not based on similar ethnicity. Its based on a common government. Ethnicity differs after every few thousand miles. A country can have multiple ethnicites like is the case with india. All 4 sides in India have different cultures and ethnicity and languages. But yet we have a similar aim, a similar goal, and a similar government. That is what what makes us one country.

The idea of India is different from idea of Pakistan. Pakistan was made on the idea of similar religion. India was never made. It was what you left.
a few marks mean nothing in the grand scheme of things

india did not exist until it was drawn up, kashmiri's have their own distinct and unique identity, ethnicity and history


note indians rarely ever make an argument on these lines, what business does a south indian have with a kashmiri?


they are chalk and cheese, they do not belong in the same nation, its an unnatural situation hence the brutal occupation.

What distinct identity and ethnicity mate??Its like some of the guys saying All Pakistanis are from Arab decendants..we are all from South Asia and will be identified and treated as south Asians all over the world..
i have to laugh how there will be some south indians sitting typing away saying KASHMIR BELONGS TO INDIA, yet the only reason they do this out of sheer bloody mindedness, an imperial desire to control something that is not their's.

dont take the above as a slight to the south indians, but i ma merely highlighting the ridiculousness of the indian argument.

So a Pakistani living in Britain can say any rubbish ..is that what you meant??Dont enlighten us with your stupidity mate
world know how they are fighting for freedom just ask any baluchi they feel khan and Punjabi are ruling them

they want freedom

kashmiri love there country they are just indian and in last election they show that :cheers:

When Balochistan will be on UN resolutions we will allow the Bahrtayas to bring it in for discussion.

For the time being lay off and if you still insist debating Balochistan the internal matter of Pakistan then be sure we have many naga lands, North Indias for one Balochistan in every discussion.

Hope i am clear
why not tell me well you one one the best user i saw in this site

we love all Pakistani and we wish they grow

they have think positive

:) we have no reason to hate you either or differe other than Kashmir.

Indeed you love us in form of spreading propaganda against Pakistan. In form of blocking our water, in form of runing terror camps against us in Afghanistan.

But again lets leave these points for discussion in some other thread as these are off topic here.

Lets focus on Held Kashmir.
she has one stonecold point, historically india and kashmir are like chalk and cheese, they dont belong with one another, never have done.

this whole argument only exists because india are being bloody minded and saying we want kashmir and we will occupy it

India and Kashmir are like Chalk and Cheese Historically?Well lets go back in History shall we?Who was the ruler of Kashmir before independece?He was a Hindu king named Hari Singh.Before that it was under Sikh kingdom.There was never any repression of Muslims in Kashmir despite the rulers being from different religion,During partition each of the princely states was deciding on whether going with India,Paksitan or Independent,but your army emboldened by demographic of the state having 70% muslim majority attacked Kashmir,as a result of which Hari Singh signed document of accession.you still have over 30% of Kashmir which you refuse to leave despite UN resolution.So STOP calling Kashmir an occupied territory by Indians.IT IS YOUR COUNTRY which has occupied Kashmir.India has always favored autonomy for states and except economy and defence kashmir has autonomy.

its a suppression of free will, india have decided the land is theirs and have overlooked the people who have historical, ethnic, cultural and religious ties with the region - which india does not

You know the difference between India and Pakistan?
For Indians Country comes first whereas for Pakistanis Religions comes first .As a result you guys invited all the WHACK jobs from world over whether they be Al Qaida,Chechens or any god damn terrorist,as long as he belonged to your religion he was welcomed.Now look what have they done to your country.Peshawar and Lahore are burning.It hurts us
You guys were our brothers once,we could have been partners in growth but your hatred for India will consume your nation.Still there is time.Get your house in order,do some introspection get back to development.I am sure Quaid-E Azam Jinnah would have shed tears on seeing the current state of terrorism .
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kashmir only way is war ...... ondia wont allow it.....

:what: war? War is solution to NOTHING. Only realisation of facts from both sides keeping in view wishes of Kashmiris can solve the issue otherwise the wrangling will continue. Till the time US steps in and decide to have bases on both sides of Kashmir ;)
What kind of a joke is this argument? Without even going into the veracity of it, how does it even matter whether something was part of india? India itself was divided then united then divided again many times in history, when and who decided that that was the ideology of india???

And ethnicity? What kashmiris share with south indians? the same as what south indians share with gurkhas or punjabis or gujaratis and the same as what gilgitis share with sindhis or mojahirs. so keep your bleeding hearts to yourself and talk of something that applies to you without making you look like a complete fool.
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10 is too much........ find 5 for us :lol::lol:

(you won't be able to find it unless news users join and they claim to be Kashmiris and originally from Bombay/delhi)

Thats exactly what i meant.. By that logic how do I know that PN is saying the truth.. For all you know, I can claim to be from Kashmir and so can 10 other Indian members on this forum.. So take a chill pill and understand the intent of the comment
:what: war? War is solution to NOTHING. Only realisation of facts from both sides keeping in view wishes of Kashmiris can solve the issue otherwise the wrangling will continue. Till the time US steps in and decide to have bases on both sides of Kashmir ;)

Can't you solve a problem in your house without inviting the ghora to come and solve it for you ? The US will only have bases on both sides of Kashmir if it suits their foreign policy self serving agenda. But wait, Kashmir does not have oil and neither is it operated by die hard Islamic militants who plan on dive bombing Boeing 747s into skyscrapers in the US. So chances of that happening are slim to nil at this stage.

As for the wrangling, yes it does seem to be a rather stupid affair which has been dragging on for too long. India asks Pakistan to leave Kashmir and vice versa whilst the only people who suffer are the poor Kashmiris. Right now for their sakes I hope that India and Pakistan would go to war over Kashmir and to resolve the issue for once and forever since talks aren't helping enough. Thereafter I hope that the victor would be huge enough to ask the Kashmiris what exactly is it that they want and to grant them their wishes.
Thats exactly what i meant.. By that logic how do I know that PN is saying the truth.. For all you know, I can claim to be from Kashmir and so can 10 other Indian members on this forum.. So take a chill pill and understand the intent of the comment

Nearly every indian on that i have come across that has claimed to be from kashmir on this forum has never been from there......yeah, they might have visited kashmir but that does not make them kashmiri.
The first prime minister JUL Nehru was a Kashmir himself.
His daughter Indira Gandhi punished Pakistan in 19971 for trying snatch Kashmir by military means in 1695 war.

The most interesting things about Kashmir is that even Kashmir Muslims never claim they are descentands of foreigners .They still kept their Hindu surname like Butt,Lone etc after their conversions and believe in Sufi traditions.Our prominent many Hindu temples including Baisnav Devi is in Kashmir.The relationship we share with Kashmir is unbreakable .We have legal annexation Kashmir with India.Nobody can breakaway Kashmir from India.Kashmir is our Atut Ang.
When Balochistan will be on UN resolutions we will allow the Bahrtayas to bring it in for discussion.

For the time being lay off and if you still insist debating Balochistan the internal matter of Pakistan then be sure we have many naga lands, North Indias for one Balochistan in every discussion.

Hope i am clear

So whats the fight on.. Pakistan needs to make up its mind..Is it to gain more territory ?? In which case the concept of disputed land comes. Or is it supporting freedom of Kashmiri people..?? In which case disputed or not disputed, it really does not matter because its a cause to support the right of self determination..

Now if its the first case, then its an India vs Pakistan on who has the right over the land of Jammu and Kashmir (inlcuding Pakistan occupied kashmir and NA). Such teritorrial realignments never happen thru talks and require a military solution like ini 1971. And today, neither India is strong enough to take P0K and NA back from Pakistan nor Pakistan is strong enough to take J&K from India..

If its the second, and Pakistan is advocating self determination for all people, then Balochistan etc becomes a valid discussion because in that case the issue is not the disputed nature of J&K, but is support for people's rights..

btw you can keep discussing Nagaland etc and we can keep talking of Balochistan and so on.. Wont achieve anything except scoring points..The boundaries of Kashmir were drawn in 1947. All both of our countries can do now is to keep pricking each other thru sending terrorists, screwing around with water distribution etc, but that's exactly these are , pin pricks.. irritating but not damaging..These will not change the stand of India or Pakistan. Either we both learn to live with the present situation peacefully with some special conditions for Kashmiri interaction across the border, or keep hitting out at each other.. In either case, it is what it is and will stay that way..
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