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More Indians should listen to this lady

Yeay!!! Out of 1.1 billion Indians, Pakistanis finally found one Indian activist whom they could bribe. It is an open secret that Arundhati Roy gets monthly pay check from Hizbul Mujahideen. Nobody has been reading her books recently and the only way she can be in limelight is by making cheap, anti-India comments on behalf of Pakistan.

This manner-less female openly abuses Indian courts, demands freedom for Kashmir and even opposed the Indo-US nuclear deal. And some Pakistanis here have the audacity to tell Indians to "listen to this lady"?!

If she is so keen to get Kashmir freedom from India, then tell her to compensate all the 400,000 Kashmiri Pandits (who formed 35% of Kashmir valley's population in 1940s) who lost their homes and livelihood in Kashmir.
Yeay!!! Out of 1.1 billion Indians, Pakistanis finally found one Indian activist whom they could bribe. It is an open secret that Arundhati Roy gets monthly pay check from Hizbul Mujahideen. Nobody has been reading her books recently and the only way she can be in limelight is by making cheap, anti-India comments on behalf of Pakistan.

This manner-less female openly abuses Indian courts, demands freedom for Kashmir and even opposed the Indo-US nuclear deal. And some Pakistanis here have the audacity to tell Indians to "listen to this lady"?!

If she is so keen to get Kashmir freedom from India, then tell her to compensate all the 400,000 Kashmiri Pandits (who formed 35% of Kashmir valley's population in 1940s) who lost their homes and livelihood in Kashmir.

All the people who say the truth in india are either ISI agents or recieve money from hezbul mujagedeen?
Get a life
All the people who say the truth in india are either ISI agents or recieve money from hezbul mujagedeen?
Get a life


It is similar to how you guys claim that the Baluch rebels and Pakistani Taliban are on RAW payroll. :lol:

Anyways, saying that Arundhati is on Hizbul payroll was a part of the rhetoric. She is not because ISI and associated agencies cannot afford her. :P

But yes, she is one of those media hungry losers who would do anything to stay in limelight.
The disputed Kashmir is only the portion that is occupied by Pakistan....and by the same logic and standard Pakistan employs, Balochistan is also on the same base as Kashmir.:coffee:
Who says that man.Wasn't india accepted the Jammu and kashmir valley a disputed territory.You better read history :you will find Jawahir lall nehro promising for plebiscite to the people of kashmir and accepting the UN decision.
On 22 March 1949, Admiral Chester Nimitz of the US Navy was appointed by the UN to ensure the implementation of the 13 August 1948 resolution through arbitration. The mission failed.Who cause this failure.You better look into history and you will find the answer.
The UN later authorised Gunnar Jarring, the then UN President, to visit India and Pakistan to seek demilitarisation. He visited India and Pakistan (14 March - 11 April 1957).But this attempt was also a failure.He later reported the failure of the visit to the UN and told that India have shifted her stand on Jammu & kashmir. :frown:
& your knowledge about Balochistan really impressed me.
Doesnt matter if the mountbatten plan made any reference to faith, the facts are that the majority muslim areas went to pakistan and the majority hindu areas went to to india,kashmir being the exception, where a muslim majority area is ruled by india and runs counter to the logic of the partition.

logic? don't give me such nonsense. show me as per mountbatten plan, how was kashmir to go to pakistan. the partition was made as per the mountbatten plan, if the mountbatten plan has no 'logic' for kashmir going to pakistan, then accept the kashmir problem is due to your aggression. remember, it was the pakistani army that invaded the princely state of kashmir, india got involved later.

Show some honesty first before appealing to others' conscience.
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Its religion that makes the difference no matter how much people deny it when it comes to kashmir.
Majority muslim areas where supposed to join pakistan and the majority hindu areas to join india......thats what the partition was about.....faith.
Why is it that muslim ruler of junagarh wanted to join pakistan and the hindu population wanted to join india ,if no other reason then being of the same faith?
The same goes for kashmir....hindu king wants to join india but muslim population wants to join or ally with pakistan.
Its hinduism that binds india.

No religion BINDS Humans anymore. At most it creates social stratification creating groups of people who, despite of being identical biologically, are not ready to accept the fact.
Anyways coming to the topic, Its not Hinduism but Indianness that binds India together.We have accepted everyone who had come to India and in the course of history India has evolved as a unique philosophy and culture which is a beautiful mix of different cultures, religions and ethinicities.
Lets just calm down a little bit. I would request my friends from India to stop writing BS such as A Roy is hired by ISI, etc. Lets not argue for the sake of an argument. This thread is no longer constructive in any shape or form if we continue this trend. Let me not comment on the other side of IOK as I may get banned. :D

We have a lot of fan followers of A Roy in Pakistan than we ever had. That is a good start from the author. If you think that A Roy's opinions are sound and rational, then lets also examine her other views. She has published several articles on the net and a few are controversial to say the least.

A Roy is of the opinion that dams cause more damage to the society than its known set of benefits. She argues strongly to stop displacement of population for any large scale infrastructure building. China is it takes her advise will not manage to more above 1% growth. Excellent. Back to dams. Lets dismantle every dam we have constructed and lets start from Pakistan as this forum is a good sample of how much A Roy's views are respected. Will you agree to her hypothesis? Now, I am sure people will ask me links and so please exercise your search skills for "Greater + Common + good+Roy+Nehru". I am not saying that she is wrong but it is important to consider her views with a pinch of salt and at times with a kilo.

Next: The report card on poverty in India: 300 families in 260 villages

Several video links were given by the members and let me take the example of this video. A research group made a statistical analysis of economic status of several families from the schedule tribe (ST) and schedule caste (SC). The SC and STs are the oppressed community in India for over several centuries. Whose fault, the people of undivided India. But consider that 49% of the families were out of poverty in the first 10 years and of the remaining 51%, 68% of the families came out of poverty in the next 20 years. So sparing you all the maths, out of 260 families ~ 19.4% continue to remain poor after 30 years. This implies that ~ 50 families continue to remain poor. The glass is half full or in other words 210 families have come out of poverty and remember they are coming out of centuries of oppression.

India is doing all that it can to help all those who want to help themselves and come out of poverty. 30 years is not a long time given that over 80% of the families that were followed are living a better life.

Please feel free to disagree with me.
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