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Moonis Ilahi Claims that His Friend was Picked up in a Vigo last night

So I am not sure if he is doing a Topi Drama to deceive PTI but Moonis Ilahi claims that one of his friend was picked up in a black Vigo by Na-Maloom Afrad last night and FIA is denying respnsibility of this action.

Video doesn’t show anything

Also, is this the same guy who was arrested for corruption and tried to sell of a public park as his own property when his family were in power?

The same guy who killed an innocent man and then used his power and influence to silence the widow and her family?

The same guy?
Video doesn’t show anything

Also, is this the same guy who was arrested for corruption and tried to sell of a public park as his own property when his family were in power?

The same guy who killed an innocent man and then used his power and influence to silence the widow and her family?

The same guy?

They also bought land, rerouted the ring road to raise the prices, sold it, bought more, re-routed it again... you get the picture :)
Video doesn’t show anything

Also, is this the same guy who was arrested for corruption and tried to sell of a public park as his own property when his family were in power?

The same guy who killed an innocent man and then used his power and influence to silence the widow and her family?

The same guy?
Maybe you can send some of your principled statesmen over to Pakistan so we can elect them and fix this country.
Politicians all scum and filth of gutters. Can’t trust them at all.
Theyre all the same
So I am not sure if he is doing a Topi Drama to deceive PTI but Moonis Ilahi claims that one of his friend was picked up in a black Vigo by Na-Maloom Afrad last night and FIA is denying responsibility of this action.
He might be playing the both sides here.

Video attached has no relevance to claims made in his post. I thought, he was a sensible person.
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