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Mongolian Executed For Rape, Murder Found Not Guilty - After 18 Years

Mongol-Chinese. Better? :cheers:
Ben, difficult to explain. China is a multiracial nation. Most of us believe that the name Chinese (as a huge community) is (much) higher than the race, no matter he/she is Han or any minority. That's partially why separatists are highly unwelcomed or even hated in China.
So just title him Chinese will be fine. And I think this doesn't make any difference to you, unless...
We know the human life cost now.
FKing joke 1 million. Make it 100 million,1000 million ,10000million.
This high punishment may force the court to hide their fault, I'm afraid. Les gouvernements, c'est comme Félix Grandet.

ORGAN HARVEST? wow that a new angle
Rumors never stop.

The problem of many "Chinese" that left the country a long time ago is that they think Chinese culture is static. Chinese culture has never been static. It has a foundation, but successive generations have built on it.

They want a regression to the past, while we are looking to the future.
It's just optimistic or pessimistic.
Pessimistic: oh no they executed that guy by fault and didn't realize it until today! Terrible country! Evil government!
Optimistic: oh my, how brave these people are! They could hide this shame in tons of paper but they rejected it, instead they admitted their fault and finally showed true justice to the innocent! Bravo!
So, it ALL depends on you.
Ben, difficult to explain. China is a multiracial nation. Most of us believe that the name Chinese (as a huge community) is (much) higher than the race, no matter he/she is Han or any minority. That's partially why separatists are highly unwelcomed or even hated in China.
So just title him Chinese will be fine. And I think this doesn't make any difference to you, unless...

I'll call him whatever I feel like calling him.
This high punishment may force the court to hide their fault, I'm afraid. Les gouvernements, c'est comme Félix Grandet.
I do not care the money. What I really concern is who will be executed for killing innocent people .
When you dont have democracy such things happen. No one can challenge the system and if a few believe whats right , it has to be right. Not that it does not happen else where but you dont kill a guy in a hurry. Now that China has denounced communism and adopted capitalism, will they also shift from a one party rule to democracy?
For Muslims in China, I'd probably call them Chinese Muslims. Does that have your official seal of approval?
I don't know, I‘m not a muslim. But I think this depends on the context. For me, if you insist to highlight mongolian, then I will believe you're suggesting something. Don't think this is ridiculous since western media do love to do this. Medias do have the power to mislead readers but like I said, how you understand the article depends on you. you know what I mean.
In my opinion this case is just about a citizen executed faultily and now he has the peace. If you read more you will find that more cases are being dug out, no matter which race, male/female, rich/poor... We believe "égalité" indeed.

further more, i think there maybe a “translation” issue included. So here is the title of the same news from a well-known anti-CCP website which is maintained by the cult "Falun Gong". It also mentioned "INNER MONGOLIAN" in red, but in Chinese, it's just a region, a short for 内蒙古自治区 (Inner Mongol Autonomous Region), nothing about the race.
内蒙青年枉死18年 冤案“平反”多属意外 3w epochtimes com
So, you see the difference.
I wonder why the title use the name MONGOLIAN?

Instead a Chinese?

Is this a racist thread?

A thread to inflict racism between Mongolian and all ethnic groups in China?

Please answer me?

PDF rules state that original news article title must be used. As you can check the link of the original news article in my first post, you will see i have not changed the name at all.
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