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Mongolian Executed For Rape, Murder Found Not Guilty - After 18 Years

The person is dead. He was innocent. $4500 USD compensation is not much. A failed justice system, the only justification for this is murder.

4500 dollars is the court granted, it is not the state compensation. In 2001, a man Zhao Zuohai, wrongfully sentenced to eleven years in jail, finally, give 650000 yuan of funds for state compensation. In this case, should at least million yuan compensation
In addition, don't say system, all countries have misjudged, this kind of thing. Some time ago read a American news, an American in prison for decades, was acquitted.
4500 dollars is the court granted, it is not the state compensation. In 2001, a man Zhao Zuohai, wrongfully sentenced to eleven years in jail, finally, give 650000 yuan of funds for state compensation. In this case, should at least million yuan compensation
In addition, don't say system, all countries have misjudged, this kind of thing. Some time ago read a American news, an American in prison for decades, was acquitted.

Thanks tip. Obviously. And don't tell me what to do.
That's where China is taking the wrong turn. Organ harvesting from executed prisoner should be mandatory and legal. The main problem is the process that it should be transparent and non-profit. Yes, there will be wrong convictions in any system, but to do away with death penalty or organ harvest because of that would be like to stop eating because there is a risk of choking.

You are disgusting to even suggest that executed prisoners should give away organs for free, or to use a rather horrifying term, organ harvesting! You cannot deny that China's judicial system is immature and has lots of loopholes. What mechanism in place that can prevent judges from sentencing people to death in order to get organs? let alone corrupted judges that have financial incentives, even honest judges now will think they are doing the country a service to just sentence people to death so people can get free organs. I believe that's what happened. Before people make any comments, try to put yourself in other's shoes and how you will react if you are wrongly accused and then get sentenced to death so some poor soul can get your organs. Disgusting.

But overall, I think any judicial system has wrong executions. It is always a good step to acknowledge human errors. The next step is to further tighten death sentencing, which China has already done. Death rows have to be approved by the highest court.

Also why is this news? I read this news like months ago or even about a year ago. gee. I have no idea how foreign media gets their news and how credible their news is with regard to China. lol
You are disgusting to even suggest that executed prisoners should give away organs for free, or to use a rather horrifying term, organ harvesting! You cannot deny that China's judicial system is immature and has lots of loopholes. What mechanism in place that can prevent judges from sentencing people to death in order to get organs? let alone corrupted judges that have financial incentives, even honest judges now will think they are doing the country a service to just sentence people to death so people can get free organs. I believe that's what happened. Before people make any comments, try to put yourself in other's shoes and how you will react if you are wrongly accused and then get sentenced to death so some poor soul can get your organs. Disgusting.

But overall, I think any judicial system has wrong executions. It is always a good step to acknowledge human errors. The next step is to further tighten death sentencing, which China has already done. Death rows have to be approved by the highest court.

Also why is this news? I read this news like months ago or even about a year ago. gee. I have no idea how foreign media gets their news and how credible their news is with regard to China. lol
I don't think he suggested the organs shall be given cheaply but with an open and transparent manner without profit involved. Imagine executed kidney can save poor kidney patient or people who need lung transplant. How wonderful that will be?
I don't think he suggested the organs shall be given cheaply but with an open and transparent manner without profit involved. Imagine executed kidney can save poor kidney patient or people who need lung transplant. How wonderful that will be?

Even organs being donated in transparent and open manner is still dangerous. As I explained above, judges can have different motivations. Corrupted judges are for selfish interest and profit, while so called honest judges are for their lofty ideals and humanitarian reasons as you suggested. This motivation clouds judge's minds and will motivate them to find even innocent people guilty or not giving as much scrutiny as should be. Humanitarianism is no reason to kill one person for another's benefit. Would you be the person who was wrongly accused and then wrongly sentenced to death so a poor soul can get your kidney?
Even organs being donated in transparent and open manner is still dangerous. As I explained above, judges can have different motivations. Corrupted judges are for selfish interest and profit, while so called honest judges are for their lofty ideals and humanitarian reasons as you suggested. This motivation clouds judge's minds and will motivate them to find even innocent people guilty or not giving as much scrutiny as should be. Humanitarianism is no reason to kill one person for another's benefit. Would you be the person who was wrongly accused and then wrongly sentenced to death so a poor soul can get your kidney?
That is why is open and transparent. They are plenty of area that can be implemented to ensure a far system. First, how do the judge knows which organ goes to which patient?
That is why is open and transparent. They are plenty of area that can be implemented to ensure a far system. First, how do the judge knows which organ goes to which patient?
You still don't get it. Read my post carefully. Being impartial is keystone of being a judge, even if killing a person might be warranted for greater good, but that's not the judge's job. Open and transparent system is only good to curb corruption, but humanitarianism or lofty ideals also cloud people's impartiality. i.e. religious wars, communist revolutions etc,
You are disgusting to even suggest that executed prisoners should give away organs for free, or to use a rather horrifying term, organ harvesting! You cannot deny that China's judicial system is immature and has lots of loopholes. What mechanism in place that can prevent judges from sentencing people to death in order to get organs? let alone corrupted judges that have financial incentives, even honest judges now will think they are doing the country a service to just sentence people to death so people can get free organs. I believe that's what happened. Before people make any comments, try to put yourself in other's shoes and how you will react if you are wrongly accused and then get sentenced to death so some poor soul can get your organs. Disgusting.

Remove the financial incentive, and there is no reason for a judge to sentence anyone to death just for the purpose of organ harvesting, not to mention any such process would require multiple judges.
It is the first money from the court.
Their family can apply for national compensation, which is calculated to be around 1M RMB or 167K USD.
Also there is investigation for the judge and policeman will start..
Around 20 years ago, China society is not very stable, with lots of crime.
A lot of people are executed for crimes that will not be executed today..
That is a special time...

It's a good thing that China (very recently) ruled organ harvesting from prisoners as illegal.

China to end harvesting organs from executed prisoners - CNN.com

Too little, too late for that poor Mongolian guy. But the government should definitely compensate his family more than a measly 4500 bucks! Cheap bastards.
You are disgusting to even suggest that executed prisoners should give away organs for free, or to use a rather horrifying term, organ harvesting! You cannot deny that China's judicial system is immature and has lots of loopholes. What mechanism in place that can prevent judges from sentencing people to death in order to get organs? let alone corrupted judges that have financial incentives, even honest judges now will think they are doing the country a service to just sentence people to death so people can get free organs. I believe that's what happened. Before people make any comments, try to put yourself in other's shoes and how you will react if you are wrongly accused and then get sentenced to death so some poor soul can get your organs. Disgusting.

But overall, I think any judicial system has wrong executions. It is always a good step to acknowledge human errors. The next step is to further tighten death sentencing, which China has already done. Death rows have to be approved by the highest court.

Also why is this news? I read this news like months ago or even about a year ago. gee. I have no idea how foreign media gets their news and how credible their news is with regard to China. lol
"What mechanism in place that can prevent judges from sentencing people to death in order to get organs?", in order to get organs? What forced you to think that way? What forced you to link this re judgement to organ harvesting? Interestingly, I know one kind of people who always try to mislead the topic to the organ harvesting story, and that is the cult Falun Gong, which is a anti-CCP organization supported by US.
You are disgusting to even suggest that executed prisoners should give away organs for free, or to use a rather horrifying term, organ harvesting! You cannot deny that China's judicial system is immature and has lots of loopholes. What mechanism in place that can prevent judges from sentencing people to death in order to get organs? let alone corrupted judges that have financial incentives, even honest judges now will think they are doing the country a service to just sentence people to death so people can get free organs. I believe that's what happened. Before people make any comments, try to put yourself in other's shoes and how you will react if you are wrongly accused and then get sentenced to death so some poor soul can get your organs. Disgusting.

But overall, I think any judicial system has wrong executions. It is always a good step to acknowledge human errors. The next step is to further tighten death sentencing, which China has already done. Death rows have to be approved by the highest court.

Also why is this news? I read this news like months ago or even about a year ago. gee. I have no idea how foreign media gets their news and how credible their news is with regard to China. lol
And I further confirmed my conclusion after reading your former comments. Emm, anti Tibet policy, anti Olympic Games, stupid CCP, ban China's state owned enterprises, no single positive word towards China. Ridiculous right? Even American people sometimes have to admit China is good at some aspect...

his mother.


news.sina.com.cn/c/2014-12-16/044031289038.shtml [video]
昨日,呼格吉勒图的父母揣着无罪判决书的复印件来到儿子坟前祭奠。 /新华社





  (选自京剧名段 《六月雪·法场》唱词,编者略有改动)

  据新华社呼和浩特 12月15日电







  ●冯志明 时任呼和浩特新城区公安分局副局长

  ●刘旭 时任刑警队长

  ●任俊林、赵月星 时任刑警队副队长

  ●彭飞 当年负责此案的检察官

  ●苏明 一审的审判长

  ●宫静、呼尔查 一审的代理审判员

  ●杨小树 终审的审判长

  ●王智 时任呼和浩特市公安局局长










  (晨报记者 张昱欣)














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