Is this a feminine suspense thing?
Not that. I had to finish some work
So let's get back to the topic>>>
That's a female just being herself. A female being herself and not performing,
is that such a bad idea?
Can't say what exactly her posture means but it's definitely not begging because her expressions don't support that theory.
Soliciting? I don't think so.
She's a teenager, loved to adorn herself with necklaces and bangles. Prolly 18-19.
Since it's a very tiny figurine (4'-5' tall) and her expressions aren't clear, so it is difficult to make out if she's smiling or not.
But I'm definitely sure this is just the posture you will see a village woman standing in when waiting for something...or when watching something.
It most prolly was a part of a set of figurines. Just a guess! It looks incomplete to me unless it had more figurines to complete the series. I hope the site was excavated well, this was found way back in 1920's.
Even to this day I have heard ppl steal the bricks of site around Mohanjodaro.
I heard Pakistan is demanding the statue back. I wonder why?
They would never be able to relate to it for theirs is a very conservative society. At the same time in india Khajaraho temples to Ajanta Elora caves have such figurines that we can relate to.
Our outlook has always been very rational.
I don't mean to compare the 2 cultures.