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4500-year-old DNA from Rakhigarhi reveals evidence that will unsettle Hindutva nationalists

From our persepective (Pakistanis,) North Indian and South Indian look exactly the same. Besides the Sikhs, you guys look nothing like us.

Here is Gujurat which is North Indian.


Here is Tamil Naidu, South Indian.


Exact same people, same race.
Well DNA is more than skin deep... besides having a certain percentage of certain haplogroup is only part of your racial makeup. There is no pure blood Aryan nor a Semite for that matter it is only a part of your history, lineage and heritage of our common humanity. Nevertheless certain facts do take away from commonly perpetuated myths... such as one now peddled by hindutva in India calling it more native and the rest alien...
Prior to 65 AD, India had space travel, modern surgery techniques, Internet, and had invented calculus. They just forgot all the advances..

So said the Indians
Taiwanese still does not have space abilities, or ability to call itself a nation.

From our persepective (Pakistanis,) North Indian and South Indian look exactly the same. Besides the Sikhs, you guys look nothing like us.

Here is Gujurat which is North Indian.


Here is Tamil Naidu, South Indian.


Exact same people, same race.

Here is Lahore and they look totally different than Gujaratis.
There are people who have a interest in cars, horses, coins, trainspotting, dogs, flowers and some of us have interest in history.

Who exactly are North Indians?
That's an excellent question. Cardinal directions such as North and South are vague and up for debate. Here is what the Indian Government classifies as North India

So what is wrong with that? You see a nation state is too big for a individual to relate to. You can't know or be even related to 200 million. You can't even ever meet them all. A tribe one can expect to be able to relate to and even have personal connections with. But a nation state? Yet being and feeling part of a nation state is essential for any nation to progress.

This is where sense of shared myths, fables, legends and history kicks in. If you can create a sense of these across the citizens of a state you end up creating a monolith that can help to unite and leverage as a one organism.The individual gives his self the state. Nations who create this exclusive sense of self end up being successful.

There is a reason why Iraq cracked up like broken glass along ethnic, sectarian, tribal lines whereas Iran has persisted despite massive US pressure. The sense of 'Persianess' makes for a united nation.Turkey is another example where myth and history have been spun to make the turkish nation into a united whole that stands as a monolith.

I agree. I can't see how North India is hyphenated with Pakistan.

Have you seen how these aboriginals have blatently engaged in cultural appropriation. These people until recently were either semi-naked or clad in saree. Now they have discovered the shalwar kameez. Sickens me to see these savages wearing our attire.

That's not a Shalwar Kameez, its a kurta. those are school uniforms, which are standardized throughout India, just like uniforms in the UK where you live are standardized. And what is with the aboriginal stuff? I thought you would know better than that after reading my threads on North and South India. And how are saris "half naked?"
Here is Lahore and they look totally different than Gujaratis.
Hey even London looks totally differant from Gujratis. They even do vegie dhosas.

Here is a picture of Pakistani Punjabis

Now here are people in Ahmedabad Eastern Gujarat.

OOps, looks like Pakistanis are not as different from Indians as they would like to think
And is this Africa, Nigeria, Congo, Jamaica? Answer below.


Vedic period happened when Steppe came in contact with the natives sometime at fag end of the IVC and it is possible that they introduced Sanskrit language to the natives.

Introduced only language? What about caste system? Upper castes have high Steppe, lower castes have lower Steppe and Dalits have none.
And is this Africa, Nigeria, Congo, Jamaica? Answer below.


My point is that there are more to differences/similarities between peoples than skin color. Skin color is actually the most superficial of aspects. I do not think Indians and Paksitanis are the same, but as a whole, most Paksitanis are not as much fairer than Indians as some would like to think. The real differences are in culture, language, lifestyle, etc. That's why there are so many conflicts in Africa despite the fact that Africans look the same. Tell me, is it possible to tell the difference between a Huthu and a Tutsi?
Here is a picture of Pakistani Punjabis

Now here are people in Ahmedabad Eastern Gujarat.

OOps, looks like Pakistanis are not as different from Indians as they would like to think

Yes, anyone can tell that they look totally nothing like North Indians from Delhi or Noida or Gurgaon. Isn't it @Iqbal Ali ?
its a kurta. those are school uniforms, which are standardized throughout India,
You can choose to call it what you want to but the fact is all these people were not wearing this type of clothing until recently. It is not native to them. This change has come about only in the last 2 decades. You can look at old Indian movies or pictures and see that saree was the ubiquitous to these regions. The so called Kurta was more restricted to Indian Punjab or on Pakistan border regions. Even then it was a loose tunic but a a tight trouser.


Here is a challenge. Can anyone tell me which of these people are Huthus and which ones are tutsis? They look exactly the same. Yet one of these groups committed genocide against the other. I can do a side by side comparision between most Indians and Pakistanis, and most would not be able to tell the difference. There are substantial differences between Indians and Pakistanis, skin color for the most part is not one of them.
My point is that there are more to differences/similarities between peoples than skin color. Skin color is actually the most superficial of aspects. I do not think Indians and Paksitanis are the same, but as a whole, most Paksitanis are not as much fairer than Indians as some would like to think. The real differences are in culture, language, lifestyle, etc. That's why there are so many conflicts in Africa despite the fact that Africans look the same. Tell me, is it possible to tell the difference between a Huthu and a Tutsi?
Nice try, but we Pakistanis have little in common with you guys.
You can choose to call it what you want to but the fact is all these people were not wearing this type of clothing until recently. It is not native to them. This change has come about only in the last 2 decades. You can look at old Indian movies or pictures and see that saree was the ubiquitous to these regions. The so called Kurta was more restricted to Indian Punjab or on Pakistan border regions. Even then it was a loose tunic but a a tight trouser.
You are correct to some extent but kurtas have been worn in Northern India for hundreds of years. Like I said that is a school uniform which is standardized throughout India. You will even find schoolchildren wearing that in northeast India.

Overall, the kurta was influenced by Mughal Invadors, but many varieties such as the Bhopali and Hyderabadi were developed in India. Just like how the suit and tie was adopted from the British. In most pictures I have seen of Jinnah, he seems to love his suits.
Also, how is the saree inferior to the Kurta/Shalwar? The only disadvantage is that it is much harder to wear. Overall, when worn in a certain way, I think it is one of the most elegant female dresses on Earth.
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There's no such thing as pure race in the subcontinent. Its aways been a land of invaders. Muslim invaders are not the fast invaders.
Nice try, but we Pakistanis have little in common with you guys.
I said there are substantial differences between Indians and Paksitanis. skin color, for the most part, is not one of them.
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