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Mohammad Jibran Nasir attacked by Khatme Nabuwwat goons: Forced him to declare Qadianis Kafir

Pakistani Sample A: You kafir
Pakistani Sample B: No you're a kafir
Pakistani Sample C: Both of you are kafirs, I'm the only true Muslim(blows himself in the market full of children and women).

Meanwhile rest of the world......

Qadianis were not declared Kafir overnight with common sense but after many decades of political campaigning

Are they Political Kafir too now?

I heard they are boycotting elections in Love for Nawaz Sharif.

Have you seen a country taken hostage by one cult of a Religion.

This attention seeking individual is dying to provoke a lynching for glorification of secular India.

In short. He is born in the wrong country

Obscurantism (/ɒbˈskjʊərənˌtɪzəm, əb-/ and /ˌɒbskjʊəˈræntɪzəm/)[1][2] is the practice of deliberately presenting information in an imprecise and recondite manner, often designed to forestall further inquiry and understanding. There are two historical and intellectual denotations of Obscurantism: (1) the deliberate restriction of knowledge—opposition to disseminating knowledge;[a] and, (2) deliberate obscurity—an abstruse style (as in literature and art) characterized by deliberate vagueness...

...The second sense of obscurantism denotes making knowledge abstruse, that is, difficult to grasp. In the 19th and 20th centuries obscurantism became a polemical term for accusing an author of deliberately writing obscurely, in order to hide his or her intellectual vacuousness....
Qadianis were not declared Kafir overnight with common sense but after many decades of political campaigning

To be honest one doesn't need political campaigning to declare a them non Muslims, In fact their own leader start this by saying all who does not take him as Last prophet is a Kaffir .. so i think they should consider themselves a Minority ( Non Muslim ) .. this is no Fatwa its simple observation what they stand for

These "goons" didn't beat him up until the police themselves did: link

Yes just like Israel Police beat kids, women and elderly ? for demanding their own land and rights? i just humiliated you in other thread, you still have Audacity to post LOL i thought only Indians are shameless :lol:
Obscurantism (/ɒbˈskjʊərənˌtɪzəm, əb-/ and /ˌɒbskjʊəˈræntɪzəm/)[1][2] is the practice of deliberately presenting information in an imprecise and recondite manner, often designed to forestall further inquiry and understanding. There are two historical and intellectual denotations of Obscurantism: (1) the deliberate restriction of knowledge—opposition to disseminating knowledge;[a] and, (2) deliberate obscurity—an abstruse style (as in literature and art) characterized by deliberate vagueness...

...The second sense of obscurantism denotes making knowledge abstruse, that is, difficult to grasp. In the 19th and 20th centuries obscurantism became a polemical term for accusing an author of deliberately writing obscurely, in order to hide his or her intellectual vacuousness....

Look man we No Perfect nor we chosen or something.

Either you take us as we are or we shall Talk it out.

We are Not patronizing a cult as Muslims.
Look man we No Perfect nor we chosen or something. Either you take us as we are or we shall Talk it out.
Your excessive use of pronouns renders your comments meaningless as a reader cannot tell for certain which items you are referring to. What are you referring to as "alarming"? When you say, "he" are you criticizing the judge, a policeman, or the activist?
Your excessive use of pronouns renders your comments meaningless as a reader cannot tell for certain which items you are referring to. What are you referring to as "alarming"? When you say, "he" are you criticizing the judge, a policeman, or the activist?

The illegal protest
He don't respect constitution, How can be he allowed to run in elections, he is ineligible.
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