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Mohammad Amir Apologizes!

'I want to apologise to all in Pakistan and all others to whom cricket is important...The best day of my life was when selected by Pakistan. I was given my shirt the night before. I stood for hours wearing it in front of the mirror. I would have worn it all night but I didn't want to ruin it. I want to apologize for not pleading guilty before. I wish I had had the courage to do it earlier. I did the wrong thing. I was trapped, because of my stupidity. I panicked.'"


---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

What a shame. What a loss of talent. A future legend gone wasted. :hitwall:

My respect for him doubles. He took it on his chin like a man. Hope he bounces back. Even in this dismissal times Pakistan should be proud of him. The real blame lies with is seniors and the management to allow a shark like Majeed getting access to him. I hope someone starts an online petition urging ICC / PCB to allow him in return to cricket once he is released in 2 months time.
if same punishment had been given to the previous generation players for their wrong doings today the nation and these guys wouldn't be seeing this day.

You allow a bad deed to happen under your nose and turn a blind eye to it or you dont have the courage to punish the cheaters you've open the flood gates for others to do the same because they know they can get away with it.

Now with these guys punished, disgraced and sent to jail, for others and future players it's going to be a huge lesson. This senctence should also be a lesson for Pakistani courts and other legal institution which let famous and talented people off the hook easily under the argument "they're young and talented, why waste their careers over something so little."

It's not something little. You catch the perpetrators and punish them accordingly others and the person in question learn their lesson. Stop execusing people who're brought infront of your for misconduct saying they served Pakistan for number of years, let's go easy on them. You keep doing that, then this is the result.

I would hope and also support PCB taking legal actions against these players. As for Aamir, you're young but you gotta live this taint of disgrace for the rest of your life. Life is a *****.
he's young and he's naiive......he's just a teenager, a kid. But i am a strong believer in people being held accountable for their actions. That is part of becoming a MAN. The politicians in our country set worst example for humanity; at least our cricket players who wear the green uniform should set an example for the youth.

the other 2 are damn fools. They have humiliated Pakistan and damaged the prestige of Pakistani cricket. Millions and millions of people --kids and adults --look up to the team members of the Pakistan cricket team

these men have caused harm......and therefore, no matter who they are --they are not above the law. They are responsible to represent their COUNTRY, not their personal finances.


bookies/dealers are also scum of the earth......they deserve to be behind bars


I totally disagree with that kind of statement----here in the U S---the sports stars have lots of issues--and they arise out of the money these guys make---.

So, after Kobe Bryant was charged with the supposed what with that women in colorado----this female attorney came on tv---she stated that we trained the players to keep their eyes open for all the oppurtunists---when they go back to their hotels---the girls follow them----skirts get shorter---underwears disappers----boobs are hanging out---so much temptation is being offered to them all the time just for one moment of indescretio, but then we are there for keep reminding them of what to expect.

Here the ICC and the PCB failed the players miserably-----where were icc security and anti corruption---where was the pak team anti corruption staff and security----. This is purely a mangement failure----and they are running scott free----.

I totally disagree with that kind of statement----here in the U S---the sports stars have lots of issues--and they arise out of the money these guys make---.

So, after Kobe Bryant was charged with the supposed waht with that women in colorado----this femaly attorney came on tv---she stated that we train the players to keep their eyes open for all the oppurtunists---when they go back to their hotels---the girls follow them----skirts get shorter---underwears disappers----boos are hanging out---so much temptation is being offered to them all the time but then we are there for keep reminding them of what to expect.

Here the ICC and the PCB failed the players miserably-----where were icc trainer5s and anti corruption---where was the pak team anti corruption staff----. This is purely a mangement failure----and they are running scott free----.

Got to agree with Mastan over bold part. :agree:
MastanKhan I agree.....Kobe Bryant escaped b/c having an affair is not an arrestable offence. He was still tarnished by the incident.

Mike Vick was not so lucky...but he's back after learning his lesson

i do agree its a management failure....someone in the higher ups knew what was going on. But in the end, the players themselves --the onus is on them to know right from wrong

these guys knew what they were doing is WRONG. Make no mistake about that. I think that if our govt. had balls, they'd have them extradited to Pakistan instead of being so submissive. They should be jailed in Pakistan, and answerable to nobody else other than Pakistanis

these britishers and their news (they ought to choose a channel which hasn't been itself exposed for corruption and crime) should investigate corruption long ago institutionalized by elements of other international cricket teams

thank you Abou----now only if M Amir's mother could bring about a law suit against the pcb and icc----stating that she handed them over her innocent minor child---who they failed to suprvise and train as he was supposed to be trained to become a professional cricketer with good character---. They failed in their duties to superise him and guide him and train him.

Looking at the consequences of what has happened, it should have been mandatory for the sports authority to have reined in the players and have better control by the management.

The law suit must seek massive damages----$100 million dollar lawsuit on behalf of the greiving mother would shake things up.

thank you Abou----now only if M Amir's mother could bring about a law suit against the pcb and icc----stating that hse handed them over her innocent minor child---who they failed to suprvise and train as he was supposed to be trained to become a professional cricketer with good character---. They failed in their duties to superise him and guide him and train him.

The law suit must seek massive damages----$100 million dollar lawsuit on behalf of the greiving mother would shake things up.

MastanKhan - I think the PCB have behaved like complete vultures and disrespectfully. The guy should have been managed and better looked after. They allowed these things to go on in the changing rooms. The guy was a minor. He should have managed better. Somebody is responsible and has buried their head in the sand. Thanks
Mazhar Majeed was filmed interacting with the players in their hotel and training sessions in Australia and England, why no action then by the Tour Manager, Security manager et al. This was prohibited after all.

I think the judge also made it pretty clear that Amir was pressurized into it by Salman Butt, and remember, no money was found on either Asif or Aamir, the judge even said to Asif, that even though no money has been found on you, but considering your past record, I find it hard that you are innocent.

Really feel sorry for Aamir, but the question is, even though he has been banned for only five years, and should be back into the scene by age of 24, can he make a comeback, and important still, get the respect, and form back?

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

Mohammad Amir and family receive threats from gangsters involved in match-fixing - Telegraph

really serious thing.
Galti kissay nahi hoti badi baat hai galti maanna.. Chalo mauf kiya.. Galti maani hai to agli baar galti dubaara na karna.. you were one fine bowler and it will be exciting to see you back in the game..
Hope.... ICC allow him to come back in action after six months..... ... But Justice Cook should give him a chance by accepting his apology
ok we accept your apology now move your face forever we don't wanna see you again
PCB should take action on dis.... a young one should be given a chance.... i guess if amir belongs to Ausi or any other Europe country judge have to accept his apology and jus fined him,,,,,,,,
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