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Modi's speech about development

Sir, trust me I meant no disrespect. I just think religion (of any kind) has NO part in 21st Indian politics and this is what the BJP needs to distance itself from/ditch.

So you don't think Congress needs to distance itself from Religion ? .......what about communist parties that use religion blatantly in politics ?

What about Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen ? what about CHRISTIAN PEOPLE FRONT, Christian Democratic Front, Christian Mannetra Kazhagam ?
Sir all I meant was that the NDA needed to ditich its right-wing ideology, move more to the centre and be about India and as such elemants like the RSS can't be associated with the party.

There is nothing wrong in having a center-right party. NDA is not a right wing alliance. its a center-right alliance. Something like the Republicans in US or Tories in UK.

We need one to balance the chronic lefties/socialists in Congress/SP/TMC etc and the die hard communists. Every healthy democracy in the world has a right wing party in it to balance out things.
IMHO the NDA still has to prove it is beyond its right-wing Hindu supremacy rhetoric. Indian policitcnas have to come to the conclusion that secularism is the only viable option India, for me the NDA still shoots itself in the foot on this front a lot.

India is secular state by name only and no substance.

Secular means keep religion away from the state. Have we done that in India?
We charter hundreds of flights for Muslims bound for Mecca and end up spending thousands of crores in the process.

While not a single Hindu gets a free ticket for Amarnath Yatra. OR, any Sikh living in Maharashtra to get free train ticket to Amritsar - why?
Shame on such sick-ular society of India.

More, its Haram to get money for Hajj, Pakistan does not do it either.
So you don't think Congress needs to distance itself from Religion ? .......what about communist parties that use religion blatantly in politics ?

What about Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen ? what about CHRISTIAN PEOPLE FRONT, Christian Democratic Front, Christian Mannetra Kazhagam ?

Not just BJP/NDA but ALL Indian poltics- the lot of them.
I hope India changes for the better. Congress has preached all this secular BS for yrs and has done the exact opposite. As far as I am concerned, they can shove it. Talk is cheap. We are so quick to knock Modi for the riots what about Congress and its treatment of Sikhs after Indira's assassination? Shove it. I want development. Inclusive development, proper development, protection of natural resources, water, etc. I want dalit/tribals and everyone else to be treated as equals. Everyone gets a quality education, proper nutrious food, protection of our women, etc. The only person capable of dealing with the problems with India will face is MODI. Another feather in his cap, will be the day he is elected, i can't wait to see the US roll out the red carpet for him. The same US that denied hima visa lol. What we all need to do is start questioning the electronic voting machines to make sure they are being hacked or tampered with. Remember this is under CONgress watch in which the computer researcher who exposed it fled to Canada a refuggee. Under this administration, remember that. I want MODI to go after these corrupt SOBs in power, enforce our laws, etc. The only person who has the will and the heart to clean and change India is MODI>

.....yet that was not what you said ....you called out NDA and RSS while keeping quite about the rest. You need to ask yourself, Why?

Great point. He made a point about that only, then switched up. India in its former glory didn;t have foreign ppl in power. They had indigenous Indians running India proving that we have what it takes in our DNA. LET INDIA BECOME GREAT ONCE AGAIN UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A PUCCA INDIAN>
All those idiots who always campare Modi with Hitler they weren't completely wrong as i previously thought since they both have similar magnificient oratory skills :D
Not in mood to argue but have to say, monsieur honourable modi, the best a nation of 1.2 billion can produce. Only time will tell!!!!
Not in mood to argue but have to say, monsieur honourable modi, the best a nation of 1.2 billion can produce. Only time will tell!!!!

Not the best but the best candidate in politics so far. With that point, Im willing to accept that
we should learn from him, indeed he made impossible possible by bringing water table up to the mark in desert. Establishing forensic uni, cotton cultivation, milk udyog, and etc..
if every youth of India thinks like him... I am sure withing 15 years we will be a developed country.

Amul was there long before he became CM.....................
Not in mood to argue but have to say, monsieur honourable modi, the best a nation of 1.2 billion can produce. Only time will tell!!!!

Still more promising than Rahul Gandhi

Could someone summon up the main points of his speech??? That would be nice.

(I dont have enough time and furthermore my Hindi is quite bad)
look at it this way, if you find sarcasm in my post then you monsieur yourself know there is some baggage with candidate but if you had not responded, it means that you find nothing wrong with the candidate and see no sarcasm. Also by the way i am not a pasty face, i can understand roman urdu, so most likely I can speak your national langue too.
Amul was there long before he became CM.....................

cotton was also there sir water was also there but what he did is he just increased the quantity so that no one dies empty stomach there and without clothes
Could someone summon up the main points of his speech??? That would be nice.

(I dont have enough time and furthermore my Hindi is quite bad)

I dont think it covers all the points of his 1 hr+ speech.

But this is what indiatimes thinks are the salient points.

-I am here from the earth of Gujarat. From the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel.

-If India has to make its mark in the global stage then we need to consider how we will govern our nation.

-We need P2G2. Pro people.Good governance

- I am an optimist. This glass(pointing to a glass of water) is neither half full or half empty. I believe it is full, filled half with water and half with air.

-The youth of India is fed up with corruption. They think they have had enough and plan to go abroad to escape it.Everyone thinks "What is there to do? Everyone is a robber. Why did God let me be born here." But I disagree.You can succeed here. With the same system.

-The ambassador of a nation asked me what major challenges India faces and I said the biggest one is that how we use opportunity.When asked what the opportunity was, I said the youth.Europe has turned old. China is old. But our India is young. Nearly 65% of India's population is under 35 years of age. And we need to use this resource.

-Gujarat's economy is one third agriculture, one third industry and one third services. They support each other and we have developed all.

-Over 6 lakh tanks have been built for the storage of water. We are the only state where the water table is rising instead of falling.We have a growth rate of 10% where as the national rate sits at 4%.

- There must be no one in the audience who has chai without doodh from Gujarat in it. All the milk in Delhi is from Gujarat.

-We are first in the world where we have a forensic science university.

-We try to strengthen the farmers. We follow the paradigm-Farm to fibre to fabric to fashion to foreign.

-Currently security forces are employed only on the basis of physical strength which needs to be changed.We have a university for security forces where a person can enrol after class X and can then join any security force.

-If you ask any person what is their main desire, they say they want good education for their children.That is why we have created a university for teachers. I say we have so much youth and export so much, why not export teachers?

-The whole world sees us a bazaar where they can dump products. We should look to make the world our bazaar and boost manufacturing.

-When South Korea hosted Olympics it was a turning point and all their manufacturing became popular worldwide.Here we had Commonwealth Games. Why we had it? Even those who organised it don't know yet.

-Till December end I was busy with elections. In January we had Vibrant Gujarat summit. 121 countries were there at it.I just had 10 days to prepare for it. But we pulled it off.

-Whatever products we make in manufacturing should have zero defects for a global reputation and should have good packaging.

-In Taiwan, the interpreter asked me if India still was a nation of snake-charmers,I said no,we are now mouse charmers. The youth of the nation has its finger on the mouse of computers and is changing the world.

-Answer to every problem is development, the country has been ruined due to vote-bank politics.Minimum government, maximum governance is what I believe in.

-In Delhi all the metro coaches are coming from Guajrat.

-If there is developement there is much scope for for a lot of improvement in the nation

Highlights: Modi's SRCC Lecture & Opposition's Nasty Reactions | India | www.indiatimes.com
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