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Modi, Will You Ignore Aamir Khan Too?

Historically, ( unless you have a system like China/Russia ) no nation has been Immune to Such issues.
Be it US , SA or even parts of Europe.

The Vastness of the Diversity ( As one of the Indian Potes rightly suggest : Kos Kos p badle Paani.. Char Kos Par Bani ) and the Freedom of Expression can and will/have lead to such incidents.

The Crux of the matter is the TIMING of the FOCUS on such incidents and you dont need to be a Rocket Scientist to know why we Ignore Sikh Riots, Mumbai Bombs and the Fact that Jews, Parsis have been living in this country for over Thousands of years, and yet Boldly discuss "Tolerance" of a nation like India.
Agree, Also have a look on PDF's thread history, there were no posts no comments about intolerance. But this intolerance suddenly increased after 2014 lok sabha elections. They should not act like hypocrites, they should dirctly say that they dont like the particular government and particular individual, that would be better than propaganda.
Agree, Also have a look on PDF's thread history, there were no posts no comments about intolerance. But this intolerance suddenly increased after 2014 lok sabha elections. They should not act like hypocrites, they should dirctly say that they dont like the particular government and particular individual, that would be better than propaganda.

They would not agree but its the TOLERANCE of India, that Certain "Secular" Citizens are able to talk and SPEAK over INTOLERANCE !

Let, a Hindu Speak over "Intolerance" in Pakistan and see the result. This Forum ( as you mentioned ) does record another phenomenon, any one talking about Pakistani issues, is deemed "Traitor" while Indian rapes and Toilets and Poverty are far more Prestegious issues to be deeply researched and discussed.
Actually what he said was damaging the secular Image of the country. What he said on the wrong platform i.e Media, on the wrong time -- when the country is facing threats from the irrational people, and he was indirectly damaging the harmony of the brotherhood of different culture living in a society in a country named India, Bharat, Hindustan. I have no problem what his wife thinks, discuss with her in your house, pack your bags and go to Pakistan, China, iraq, syria, or Uganda --- I don't care, why provoking other using the media and since he is an popular figure, his words could bring more problems.

First of all SECULAR means the equality of the Culture and there is no place for Religion. And the freedom of speech does not means any one could paste poster of Sharlee Cartoon of Muhamaad, because Secularism means to respect each others culture, brief, religious thoughts and that brings some rules and duty on all.

Dear Zebra,

Can you just convey the same to "Safron brigade" ??
My point is now Hindu nationalists are trying to turn India into a Hindu rashtra and anyone who speaks against such bigotry should be encouraged not mocked

Yeah sanghis always see sane people as chicken headed ones
Hey buddy I am not Shanghai/Hindutva terrorist by any means. Though I know few of them, very sensible persons. Exceptions are every where so don't be surprised if a loon start hate mongering
I mearly stated the fact, Money S. Iyar is a sore looser and pet got of pseudo-Gandhi family besides which he doesn't worth a shit, no offence to you if you are a fan of this moron
Dear Zebra,

Can you just convey the same to "Safron brigade" ??

I would Love to, but don't understand what does Safron Brigade Means. There is park near my house, where every Sunday, RSS members gather, for their weekly meeting. I watched them closely, what they did is they hoist a flag, do some exercise, and practice parade, and listening to their Meeting, they don't talk of any shit, which most of Pakistani thinks, infact I had only heard their Pledge for National Benefits away from any Politics behavior is like some well discipline organization. I remember my days in NCC (National Cadet Corp) camp.

But VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad), specially his leader Tagodia, is a idiot and he don't have anything on his head and speaks only shit, and even don't mind defaming the Image of India, or the Hindu.

when I watch TV and what I have observed, is that their are some Morons leaders who eat SHIT and always bark Gutter Gutter, they don't understand, feels, but only thing they want is the Power, the power of the leadership, money, political power-- so they try to create the environment so that people feels FEAR.

1. BJP/VHP ---- Fear among Hindus, from Muslims and Christens and present themself the true saviors of Hindus

2. Congress ---- Fear Among Muslims from RSS present themselves the true Secular Party, in reality Aristrocrat government with the Reign of Gandhi Parivar.

3. SP/BSP ----- Fear Among the Dalits

There is no such thing as Safron Brigade, only some Idiots, claiming themself the one who are the saviour of Hindus, even don't know that there is no religion called Hindu its only the culture which is called Hindu and even includes Muslims, cristens and even athesis, They should called it Sanathan Dharma and Dharma is not Religion but its the Duty, and should understand the Dharma first.
First it was Shah Rukh Khan. Now it is Aamir Khan. Bollywood has always preserved us from the poison of Hindutva. No wonder the Hindutva trolls take to 140 characters of character assassination, particularly of any Bollywood star, and above all, Muslim screen heroes, who speak their mind about public affairs.

In Aamir, we have a showpiece of humanity, as demonstrated in his TV masterpiece Satyamev Jayate. At his public interaction at an awards function with Anant Goenka of the Indian Express, he underlined that "acts of terror are not connected to any religion" and added, "no religion teaches killing of innocents". His critics, not content with this, insisted on linking terror specifically to Islam. To this, Aamir responded, that acts of terror are "not Islamic acts". And went on to poignantly explain:

"A person holding a Quran and killing people, he may feel is doing an Islamic act, but as a Muslim I don't feel he is doing an Islamic act....I am very clear that a person who is killing innocents is not a Muslim. He may claim to be a Muslim, but we should not recognize him as that. He is a terrorist and we should recognize him as a terrorist".

What could be clearer than that?

Yet, Aamir continues to be hounded, especially by the likes of Tavleen Singh, his most persistent questioner at the function. And only because he will not accept the proposition that all terrorists are Muslims. For he also said "Somebody who's a Hindu who is engaging in an act of violence is not following Hinduism." Would anyone outside the Hindutva brigade deny that the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi, despite asserting that he did so to defend Hindus and Hinduism, was "not following Hinduism"? Or that the non-Muslims responsible for the Samjhauta blasts are not being brought to justice - perhaps because they are not Muslims?

Aamir also asserted that "Islam just does not condone or allow the killing of innocents". His critics, like the aforementioned T. Singh, assert that it does, that the Wahhabis and the IS kill in the name of Islam and in justification cite the Quran. Leading Indian Muslim theologians have expressed their abhorrenceof such extremist fatwas, and through numerous thundering declarations and public meetings have highlighted Islam as a religion of peace and brotherhood. In saying what he did, Aamir highlighted the overwhelming Indian Muslim view. Explicitly, he said, "My problem is not with just ISIS, but it is with that kind of thinking. Today it is ISIS, tomorrow it can be some other organization.'' What concerned Aamir was the larger question of "extreme thinking". It is, he said, "this extreme thinking, no matter where it comes from, is very, very destructive and very, very negative." (emphasis added)

What stuck in the throats of his critics is the suggestion that "extreme thinking" could come from outside Islamic or Quranic sources. Given terrorism's origins in the 20th century among Southern Slavs that sparked the First World War; its deployment by various revolutionary groups in Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Latin America; its widespread use in Africa, particularly in Rwanda and the Congo; its invocation as a legitimate tool by Zionists fighting for Israel in the Palestine mandated territory (and its continuing use by Israeli commandos against Palestinians); and numerous other examples including our own Malegaon and Mecca Masjid blasts, it is obvious, as Aamir says, that "terrorists have no religion", that "extremist thinking" is not the preserve of any one religious group. Moreover, most co-religionists of whatever religion condemn terrorism whether conducted by Muslims, Hindus, Christians or adherents of any other religion or, indeed of no religion at all. It is this refusal of Aamir and most other Muslims to accept any unique equivalence between Islam and terrors that riles the Hindutvists and their clapper-boys and -girls.

When, in this perspective, Aamir also refers to "the growing atmosphere of intolerance" in our country, the Hindutvawadis explode. He says "There is a sense of fear more than there was earlier" and pleads that he is both "ashamed" and "alarmed" by the "number of such incidences", that there is "growing disquiet", a "growing sense of despondency". If that is the condition of one of India's most loved, admired, respected and celebrated Muslims, true patriotism demands that one consider the plight of less exalted Indians, members of the Indian Muslim community - and others. This indeed is an issue that goes beyond members of a particular community to those who Aamir has in mind when he talks on their behalf, the "common man". It is, says Aamir, the Common Man who should be given a "sense of security", a "sense of justice". In these circumstances, said Aamir, we look up to the elected representatives of the Common Man "to take a strong stance, make strong statements and speed up the legal process to prosecute cases." But "when we don't see that happening, there is a sense of insecurity".

Of course, there would be. The Hindutvists are right when they say that several such incidents can be cited from the beginning of our Independence. But at no time till now has there been any sense that those resorting to vicious intolerance and even violence have the blessings of the Establishment. The continued failure of the top honchos of the BJP, in particular the Prime Minister, to "make statements that are reassuring to the citizens", as Aamir pleads, combined with the lack of clear-cut action to cut to size those responsible for such intolerance and violence, that has led to the widespread concern that intolerance is raising its ugly head with the tacit approval of those in power. This is the new disquieting factor that has led to so much protest, including especially by a legion of creative artistes. Aamir confesses, "I can't deny that I am alarmed." So am I. So are many millions in this country. So have the voters of Bihar shown.

Aamir said, he "would actually endorse any protest which is non-violent." What could be more non-violent than award wapsi? "As long as you don't start beating up people, as long as you don't resort to violence," said Aamir, "individuals have a right to protest and they can protest in any manner they feel is right as long as they are not physically harming people or taking the law into their own hands". That is called defending the right to freedom of expression - not "shouting obscenities at me for speaking my heart out" as he was to later observe.

There is a debate on intolerance coming up in Parliament. The Prime Minister has chosen this moment to once again flee abroad. Yet he could authorize his Home Minister to reassure the country (and, incidentally, retrieve his fading reputation) by distancing himself from all manner of intolerant statements emanating from his own kind, the Sangh Parivar and its BJP MPs and Ministers. But can he? After all, he is himself is a lifelong prachark of Hindutava, "an ideology," as Times of India columnist Aakar Patel, has described as "unappealing, unintellectual, even unaesthetic" and, above all, as "also dangerous."

Let us leave the last word to Mahatma Gandhi:

"For me, there is no politics without religion, not the religion of superstitions that hates and fights, but the universal religion of tolerance" (Young India, 1937)

Modi, Will You Ignore Aamir Khan Too?

Seems author of this article is pursuing specific agenda and OP who posted this article is ignorant.

Inspite Aamir Khan who signed petition to stop visa for Modi in 2005, Modi first meet Aamir post he become PM. Now think again and stop posting rubbish with defined agenda.
The southern hero's are taller, smarter, than these khans, and they represent our culture, Bollywood copies southern movies, Bollywood movies now a days are just **** movies, no story nothing, southern movies are way ahead in technology, cinematography, and northern heroins beg to work with southern hero's. The average height of southern hero's is 6 feet, what is the height of these khans? , southern hero's dance better, act better, fight better, hence they are mega stars, if you had been in Bangalore during the death of legendary Kannada hero rajkumar, you could have seen what following he had there were more than a million people angry and weeping, the same with NTR and MGR, these khans are bacchas before them, these khans are involved in allegations, controversies, not great, they have to do a lot to get appreciation from southern people.
Even guys like John, vidyut, hrithik look better than these 3 plus akshay kumar , I agree though I am a northie but a guy like mohanlal, kamal hassan are much ahead of these 3 jokers not to forget the bollywood legend amitabh as well, acting wise nawaz, Irfan and manoj vajpayee are way ahead of S.A.S.
The southern hero's are taller, smarter, than these khans, and they represent our culture, Bollywood copies southern movies, Bollywood movies now a days are just **** movies, no story nothing, southern movies are way ahead in technology, cinematography, and northern heroins beg to work with southern hero's. The average height of southern hero's is 6 feet, what is the height of these khans? , southern hero's dance better, act better, fight better, hence they are mega stars, if you had been in Bangalore during the death of legendary Kannada hero rajkumar, you could have seen what following he had there were more than a million people angry and weeping, the same with NTR and MGR, these khans are bacchas before them, these khans are involved in allegations, controversies, not great, they have to do a lot to get appreciation from southern people.
But none of ur south hero dances better than hrithik including bunny allu arjun, his acting in guzarish was exceptional, I like vikram's acting though, mahesh babu ,vijay and NTR and ravi teja are overhyped, same with pawan kalyan .
But none of ur south hero dances better than hrithik including bunny allu arjun, his acting in guzarish was exceptional, I like vikram's acting though, mahesh babu ,vijay and NTR and ravi teja are overhyped, same with pawan kalyan .
You are right to some extent, but only when you see a movie in the original language instead of dubbing it in hindhi, it looks so awkward, one can make justification to a movie only in its original form, south Indians think Hindi movies are exaggeration and illogical and too much westranised, sexed up, unfit for family viewing, perception of a movie differs from north to south, now a days movies in the south are story oriented very good quality movies unlike movies like grand masti and Sunny Leon, from yester years south heroins ruled Bollywood, from hema malini, rekha, vyjayanthi mala, vidya Balan, deepika padukone. So these khans who think they are all India stars are laughable, when I enquired about amir or sharukhs comments even after so many days many said they had never heard of them, and even questioned are they such great actors?
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