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Modi, Will You Ignore Aamir Khan Too?

This amir, sharuk or tom dick and harry think they are all India hero's, are they really? They are famous hero's in Bollywood, is Bollywood the only film industry in India? Is amir khan so famous that Hindustan ka baccha baccha knows them? India is too big baba there are millions who have not heard of these men, for us who live in the south, they are not big stars, they are just one among 500, it would have been a huge controversy if any of the southern superstars had spoken, amir or his grand father, they are nobody in the south.
Exactly...I'm from andhra....I give rats @ss about Bollywood and its overrated so called heros!!
The Irony while they call themselves super stars of India.. when hardly there films get released in south India..:lol::lol:
what about mega, giga, tera, peta stars from andhra... and dozen of sooper stars .. lolz
ontopic: Modi should have removed that swami dude talking sh*t from BJP and reacted sooner to beef incident.
I dont think its appropriate for a PM to respond to a bollywood actor however, it will demean his post.
what about mega, giga, tera, peta stars from andhra... and dozen of sooper stars .. lolz
ontopic: Modi should have removed that swami dude talking sh*t from BJP and reacted sooner to beef incident.
I dont think its appropriate for a PM to respond to a bollywood actor however, it will demean his post.

At least those tollywood hero's don't claim to represent the entire nation while giving stupid intws.
what about mega, giga, tera, peta stars from andhra... and dozen of sooper stars .. lolz
ontopic: Modi should have removed that swami dude talking sh*t from BJP and reacted sooner to beef incident.
I dont think its appropriate for a PM to respond to a bollywood actor however, it will demean his post.
The southern hero's are taller, smarter, than these khans, and they represent our culture, Bollywood copies southern movies, Bollywood movies now a days are just **** movies, no story nothing, southern movies are way ahead in technology, cinematography, and northern heroins beg to work with southern hero's. The average height of southern hero's is 6 feet, what is the height of these khans? , southern hero's dance better, act better, fight better, hence they are mega stars, if you had been in Bangalore during the death of legendary Kannada hero rajkumar, you could have seen what following he had there were more than a million people angry and weeping, the same with NTR and MGR, these khans are bacchas before them, these khans are involved in allegations, controversies, not great, they have to do a lot to get appreciation from southern people.
At his public interaction at an awards function with Anant Goenka of the Indian Express, he underlined that "acts of terror are not connected to any religion"

Utter BS.

Crusaders aren't related to christianity.So stop blaming us,Christians for it :lol:

its invocation as a legitimate tool by Zionists fighting for Israel in the Palestine mandated territory (and its continuing use by Israeli commandos against Palestinians)

Who the f wrote this shit ?

Oh wait,Mani Shankar Aiyar
You want it moved from Indian section, is growing atmosphere of intolerance in this section of the forum making your thread "alarmed" :o:
You want mods to make a statement that is reassuring to the members here? o_O
LOL, they will be the first to issue fatwa for his behadinng in case he is anyhow related to movie like prophet
Yeah right, shoot the messenger!

What are you talking about ? Both the Zionists & the Arab nationalist have committed deplorable crimes,in the name of Jewish/Palestinian 'homeland'
What are you talking about ? Both the Zionists & the Arab nationalist have committed deplorable crimes,in the name of Jewish/Palestinian 'homeland'

My point is now Hindu nationalists are trying to turn India into a Hindu rashtra and anyone who speaks against such bigotry should be encouraged not mocked

What If messenger is a chicken-head, I mean it dedicates from his mouth :D

Yeah sanghis always see sane people as chicken headed ones
than these khans, and they represent our culture, Bollywood copies southern movies
Your whole post is correct except these two points.
first, Our culture is represented by everyone and anyone who calls himself/herself an Indian, despite of any name and title.

Second, dude, Actually its vice-versa, every superhit bollywood movie (specially of Salman Khan) is remade with everything identical, and that irritates me. I adore some S. Indian movies and Baahubali is on top of that list, but these remakes I tell you...
My point is now Hindu nationalists are trying to turn India into a Hindu rashtra and anyone who speaks against such bigotry should be encouraged not mocked

Even Hafiz Zaid might oppose 'Hindu Rashtra.Would you support him?
My point is now Hindu nationalists are trying to turn India into a Hindu rashtra and anyone who speaks against such bigotry should be encouraged not mocked
Yes, one or two incidents by some morons, and you decided that this country is been hijacked by Hindu nationalists, if such were the case any tom dick and harry credo would not have survived in this country. Everyone should respect this INDIAN tolerance of INDIA.

yes, one or two incidents by some morons, and you decided that this country is been hijacked by Hindu nationalists, what about those sick comments sneering and derogating the terms "Hindu" , "Bhakts", "nationality". In every anti-social incident you bring the term "Hindu", but use "people of certain groups" or "some anonymous people" otherwise.

India is tolerant against every creed, credo, culture and customs but is VERY VERY INTOLERANT against hypocrisy, so please....
Yes, one or two incidents by some morons, and you decided that this country is been hijacked by Hindu nationalists, if such were the case any tom dick and harry credo would not have survived in this country. Everyone should respect this INDIAN tolerance of INDIA.

yes, one or two incidents by some morons, and you decided that this country is been hijacked by Hindu nationalists, what about those sick comments sneering and derogating the terms "Hindu" , "Bhakts", "nationality". In every anti-social incident you bring the term "Hindu", but use "people of certain groups" or "some anonymous people" otherwise.

India is tolerant against every creed, credo, culture and customs but is VERY VERY INTOLERANT against hypocrisy, so please....

Historically, ( unless you have a system like China/Russia ) no nation has been Immune to Such issues.
Be it US , SA or even parts of Europe.

The Vastness of the Diversity ( As one of the Indian Potes rightly suggest : Kos Kos p badle Paani.. Char Kos Par Bani ) and the Freedom of Expression can and will/have lead to such incidents.

The Crux of the matter is the TIMING of the FOCUS on such incidents and you dont need to be a Rocket Scientist to know why we Ignore Sikh Riots, Mumbai Bombs and the Fact that Jews, Parsis have been living in this country for over Thousands of years, and yet Boldly discuss "Tolerance" of a nation like India.
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