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Modi visiting Lahore today

Any deal in making? Seems without PA backing the visit would have been a no go - am impressed with PA COAS, he has certainly been bold in his approach, so hoping another new initiative. Modi can deliver if PA and GoP are ready, the hardline tag certainly gives him the leverage in India, Gen Sharif's approach has given me hopes too ... dare to hope?
All right then, #ThankyouRaheelSharif from across the border, things are changing.
It shows he cares for country unlike Imranistan who has ruined KPK.
At least you are sure about something in your life, haven't used ALLAH hu Alim this time.
However I think it's s totally casual visit. Nothing big will happen nor should be expected. However it may open a bridge towards more visits and greater and warmer relations which can move towards greater things and co operation between the two nations...
The Kashmir issue is going to be led completely by the army especially after the FSA fiasco about some time ago. If raheel was meeting then I would say that...

If any serious talks do happen then it will most probably be about trades TAPI and increasing relations between two nations...

That was just sarcasm. Not actually talking about Kashmir issue. For sure the government is not capable of solving this problem. If not government then who's gonna look over this matter. Of course army.
Correct but no way lahore can compare to Delhi as delhi mcr itself one of the world city rather a regional one.The vehicle population itself is more than all Pakistani cities combined and 1/3 of Lahore population volume riding on Delhi metro per day
Can you give any reference to what you said regarding cars. As far as i know delhi today has about 31 lakh cars while pakistan had about 42 lakh in 2004 and that has got to be more than 3 times by now.
Nawaz Sharif doesn't have it in him for direct talks on Kashmir with modi. The Kashmir issue is going to be led completely by the army especially after the FSA fiasco about some time ago. If raheel was meeting then I would say that...

If any serious talks do happen then it will most probably be about trades TAPI and increasing relations between two nations...

Did you see Kashmir anywhere in my post? Why start low quality rants when the topic didn't even mention Kashmir. NS doesn't need to run the show, he's the chief executive. He just approves the negotiations and takes a stand. Similarly, Modi doesn't have a brain of his own, nor is he a foreign diplomat before taking the office, he gets all the input from IA too and takes a stand on his NSA's provided details. Similarly, just an example, in Bush's time, Dr. Rice ran the entire thing in terms of who, why, where and all and had Pentagon advise him. The Presidents by themselves don't come up with things. They use their respective military and foreign diplomats.

Pak Army is just like that, call it a Pakistani Pentagon. The only thing that goes against them, is that they've allowed rogue generals to become dictators, but that's not the case anymore.

This is how silly you people from India get, the entire thread is now derailed and I had to write an explanation to an already stupid post!!!! :angel::offtopic:
That was just sarcasm. Not actually talking about Kashmir issue. For sure the government is not capable of solving this problem. If not government then who's gonna look over this matter. Of course army.

I understood the joke.. Comparing the hopes of innocent awam to reality :p :p was just saying that.



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