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Modi UK visit: British MPs want to raise human rights issues, ban on 'India's Daughter' with Indian

one is the figurehead of a powerful country and the other is CEO of a social website?
So a figurehead with no tangible power is more able to influence the globe than the CEO of the world's largest social networking site?
wait, Mark is more important that the Queen?

YES!! Mark is a Jew, an ELITE member of ILLUMINATI & Free Masons, they control the financial market of the world.

As per reports, ILLUMINATI & FREE MASONS have there OWN parallel Facebook where they CONNECT all members together.........
British people talking about Human Rights :o:
Looks live Devil are quoting the Scripture .:mad:

Britain has one of the best human rights records in the world. The only countries i can think of who have our level of rule of law/protection for human rights are scandinavian countries. Anybody who jas been to Britain will attest to this. Our courts even refused to let suspect islamic extremists be deported to the U.S /E.U just because they didnt want their 'human rights' to be violated. :disagree: i will even say we take things a little bit too far with this shit.

However, its true that when its comes to geopolitical games around the world, NO COUNTRY or government is moral. Its just a game afterall. :D

As for Modi's visit , we welcone him . Great Britain always treats its vistors with care and love. So expect a good reception as well.:cheers:

Tony or david ...it matters little.

The only uncomfortable part will be for the host to ask the question when they know the answer very well could be "None of your damn business" :lol:

Brits know that after 1947 they lost the right to ask questions to India, it is now for India to ask uncomfortable questions to the British. Starting with the 5 million Bengali's dead during WW2. ....... wait the questions go back to 1857 and beyond. :coffee:

You might wish with all your christian heart for an opportunity to "question" Modi, but the ONLY people he is accountable too is the People of India

What next ? the Pope going to ask questions ? :lol:

Well our human rights activists can be a real pain in the *** even for us i must confess. They have derailed many of our government contracts with quite a number of gulf countries. So you are not alone in this situation. You know as a REAL democracy our government is accountable to the public. So our leaders often find it hard to balance our foreign interests with our public demands for human rights accountability abroad.

That doesn't means there are no human roghts violations in the countries our activists ask our government to preach to/pressure. Of course there is, but to be honest, that's none of our business, I couldn't care less how other countries treat their own citizens. What matters is protecting our interests NO MATTER WHAT. The rest is secoundary. That's how it should be. Other countries should solve out their human rights issues themselves. Tired of playing human rights policeman globally.
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one is the figurehead of a powerful country and the other is CEO of a social website?
That old bitch of an island is insignificant where she and her ancestors live on the looted money of Indians and Pakistanis, don't u want your looted wealth back, it is a very good opportunity to demand these British robbers to return back all the wealth to India and demand apology from the queen and her thugs for apartheid and also take england to ICJ for committing crime on humanity for killing millions of indians , conducting genocide of Australian aboriginals and red Indians, and that shameless bitch wears a looted robbed diamond on her crown.
However, its rrue that when its comes to geopolitical games around the world, NO COUBTRY or government is moral. Its just a game afterall. :D

Which is why the Brits questioning Modi will be seen as an offensive move in the context of geo political games. An attack.

Hardly a "welcome gesture".

Well our human rights activists can be a real pain in the *** even for us i must confess. They have derailed many of our government contracts with quite a number of gulf countries. So you are not alone in this situation. You know as a democracy our governemnt is accountable to the public. So our leaders often find it hard to balance our foreign interests with our public demands for human rights accountability abroad.

That doesnt means there is no human roghts violations in the countries our activists ask our government to preach to/pressure. Of course there is, but to be honest, thats none of pur business, i couldnt care less how other countries treat their own citizens. What matters is protecting our interests NO MATTER WHAT. The rest is secondary. Thats hoe it should be. Other countries should solve out their himan rights issues themselves. Tired of playing himan rights policeman globally.

Your activism or lack of it is your problem. Not ours.

Your govt. need to tell your people in clear terms that they do not have the moral authority to question Nations who was exploited by Britain for 200 years. Your comforts stands on the foundation of our blood.

But your govt. does not do so for the simple reason that they want to claim "public pressure" while playing this dastardly geo-polical game. A bit like pakistan sending terrorist claiming "public pressure" to get kashmir.

But considering everybody knows what games you play, its a self defeating move. It only serves to make you more unpopular than you already are. Not wise.
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