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Modi to Kill 500 Pakistanis for 5 Indians | Baba Ramdev

You need to see hundreds of schools and Ayurvedic centers to know. The elites hate him because of his following. His lack of formal education is their pretext. Besides Indians have always held yogis in high esteem. CBI launched many many cases against him. From 2010, but till date have not been able to prove anything. So yes, he may not look appealing, he may not be hot, he may not be able to speak good english, but that does not make him a bad person.

Nobody asked him to get involved in politics. If he does that & he speaks rubbish, he should & will be called out. No one is after him because he does yoga, though I find it amusing that you think a man who runs such a massive business is some sort of a "poor" guy who deserves sympathy.
This 'idiot' was the first to show his face on 26/11 in Mumbai as Pakistani terrorists were slaughtering innocent people, trust me we need a strong leader like him to stand up to terrorism in India and Kashmir.

Too many *** kissing Indians on pdf licking Pakistani boots shameful it is

So showing up in front of media is what makes you brave? My dear it takes more than that. I would have called him a hero or a brave man if he had showed the courage to stand infront of the terrorists.....
On the other hand sitting behind PM desk, CoAS desk so also what takes guts, as if anything goes wrong, they will have to answer the masses, so every move has to be calculated.....
If Pakistan is attacked, Islamic Forces of Pakistan will end Hindu civilization and its thousands year old history once for an all!

Btw such is the state of affairs that in Pakistan, someone won the elections by putting trade with india on the table and in india its the vice versa.....
Does he work on lists or random? Would he consider a list from us of 500 names??
It means muslim

:) Not really. Means foreigner(barbarian), speaker of unintelligible languages & having unfamiliar customs, someone outside Aryavarta but essentially directed westwards. Muslims were not around & wouldn't be around for till over a 1000 years after the word was originally used.
In summary, he is saying that the PM and DM are incompetent, who are shielding Pakistan, by saying it was terrorist that killed the Indian solders. They should have killed 50 PA solders. Had it been Modi, 500 Pakistani armymen would have died for 5 Indians. Basically an idiot who is getting more airtime than his worth.

If it so, it is good for Pakistan. Unfortunately, it just goes to show how lame Indian media is, guys like this aren't worth a minute.

Its funny to begin with assuming even that "if Modi was PM he would have succeeded in killing 500 Pakistani armymen" at LOC, Because The Indian Army is shelling countlessly and failed to achieve that target or even point one precent of that. So how Modi would have achieved that? By dropping bomb on Pakistani posts???
Even if he runs an honest business I am fine. I will thank him always. It is for him that I started doing Yoga/Pranayam etc. Something that was NOT EVEN TAUGHT in our schools. Besides commenting on politics and taking part in it is different.

One thing I will give to you - he is a simpleton and by the standards of the 'elite' - an idiot. But that does not make him a poor guy. Without going to his ashrams if you are commenting, I have nothing to say. At all.
Nobody asked him to get involved in politics. If he does that & he speaks rubbish, he should & will be called out. No one is after him because he does yoga, though I find it amusing that you think a man who runs such a massive business is some sort of a "poor" guy who deserves sympathy.

Nice bro. Really nice to see me up there in smoke. Keep this up. :cheers:
If Pakistan is attacked, Islamic Forces of Pakistan will end Hindu civilization and its thousands year old history once for an all!


ZH is not a star in Pakistan, he has been rejected. And even his narrative starts 'If they Invade us'.

I see a lots of support for him in PDF also.

I had seen Baba ramdev saying many time that once we get black money from abroad, we shall give to Pakistan and BD since they are in need.
But this kind of back stabbing of killing of our brave soldiers by some rats would have annoyed him like many other Indians.

I have seen many Pakistanis Including PDF members warning India of Nuclear attack. BABA is much batter than them.
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For all those who are comparing Hafiz Saeed and ZH to Modi,

Please note that ZH and HS CANNOT win a single seat in parliament. And here we are talking about a man that can very well be India's next prime minister.
"And here we are talking about a man that can very well be India's next prime minister." - Don't worry about it. No terror charges are proved against him. In spite of Congress trying everything. Trust me, if even a strand of hair of his was involved, Congress would do everything to hang him. :)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/genera...is-5-indians-baba-ramdev-6.html#ixzz2c76kDLYj
For all those who are comparing Hafiz Saeed and ZH to Modi,

Please note that ZH and HS CANNOT win a single seat in parliament. And here we are talking about a man that can very well be India's next prime minister.
For all those who are comparing Hafiz Saeed and ZH to Modi,

Please note that ZH and HS CANNOT win a single seat in parliament. And here we are talking about a man that can very well be India's next prime minister.

he himself can do it like this chila kaat ker:lol:





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