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Modi thrashes Dig Vijay Singh, a must watch

Your rejection of facts will not change reality. The documents are there for people to read.

How cute.

A person who is pulling things out of his rear with no regard for truth accusing others of rejecting facts.

A person who sees a hidden zionist hand behind his puppy not taking his food accusing others of not living in reality.

Hear hear.

So the people who demand actual statistics as opposed to "my uncle told me so" are lacking in brain power?

Got it!

No a person who thinks he knows more about india and its societal conditions than Indians is the one who is lacking in brain power and in this case that would be YOU.
I am not raising different issues.
From the beginning, I have asked you to provide two statistics to substantiate your assertions.
The number of Muslims arrested and convicted v/s the number of Hindus and other religions.
The average Muslim income under Modi v/s the average Hindu income and the trends.
You have consistently failed to provide these statistics, and come back with individual anecdotes.
Statistics without Reasoning and understanding the socio-economic purpose is useless.

If Muslims education rate is low in some region and its obvious their income will be low, they will have less representation in Govt. agencies. Most of the Muslims are business orientated.

Criminals are criminals, if a person is uneducated, poor he will commit crime. Crime 101.

Watch that Saeed Naqvi Video again. Understand the basic structure of Indian Muslims.

Read this.

India’s Muslim Population - Council on Foreign Relations

Fudging facts on minorities - The New Indian Express


Godhara and state Central govt. part is misinformation the Varshney have from media sources.

58 were killed. In the communal rioting that followed, up to 2,000 people died, most of them
Muslims. The BJP-led state and national governments came under fire for inaction; some
observers even saw evidence of state government complicity in anti-Muslim attacks. The
U.S. State Department and human rights groups have been critical of New Delhi’s apparently ineffectual efforts to bring those responsible to justice; some of these criticisms were echoed
by the Indian Supreme Court in September 2003. In March 2005, the State Department made a controversial decision to deny a U.S. visa to Gujarat Chief Minster Narendra Modi under
a U.S. law barring entry for foreign government officials found to be complicit in severe
violations of religious freedom. The decision was strongly criticized in India.

Supreme court cleared all charges against Narendra Modi. No proof of governmental inaction.

This is what Congress do.

Statistics without Reasoning and understanding the socio-economic purpose is useless.

I have given up since I know you will circle around without actually backing up your claim.

Once again, the issue is not whether Muslims commit crimes; of course they do, like any other community.

The issue is your claim that the Indian legal system favors Muslims and they escape punishment disproportionately. That's the claim I want you to substantiate and which you have failed to do.
I have given up since I know you will circle around without actually backing up your claim.
Once again, the issue is not whether Muslims commit crimes; of course they do, like any other community.
The issue is your claim that the Indian legal system favors Muslims and they escape punishment disproportionately. That's the claim I want you to substantiate and which you have failed to do.
Dude, did you read the links I provided ?

You asked about Indian Muslims, I gave you the links. What do you want ?

And who said Indian Judiciary ? I said politicians and Police controlled by these Politicians save them for vote bank. :hitwall:

Time to smell the coffee.
Dude, did you read the links I provided ?

You asked about Indian Muslims, I gave you the links. What do you want ?

And who said Indian Judiciary ? I said politicians and Police controlled by these Politicians save them for vote bank. :hitwall:

Time to smell the coffee.

I did not ask a blanket question about Indian Muslims.

I specifically asked you to back up your claim that the Indian legal system favors Muslims and they escape conviction disproportionately. In case you didn't know, the police are part of the legal system.

Now you've been humming and hawing and throwing random articles around, but the one thing you HAVEN'T done is to provide statistics backing your victimhood mantra that Muslims criminals are victimizing Hindus because the Indian legal system is too soft on them.
I bet he's a Zionist.

A Dharmic Zionist.

Suddenly it all makes sense.

He's probably a Jew as well. A Buddhist Jew.

This is a Gem CD :D

OT I think Indian posters are trying to educate a Think Tank who has obviously closed his eyes to all reason. This thread is a waste of time and energy. At max Modi is only as guilty of Gujarat Riots as Rajiv Gandhi was for 1984 riots. Well guess no one is shedding tears in Pakistan for the death of Sikhs. For them only Muslims count. Whether its in India or in Palestine. Though killing of Muslims in Pakistan don't count. That is an internal matter.
I did not ask a blanket question about Indian Muslims.I specifically asked you to back up your claim that the Indian legal system favors Muslims and they escape conviction disproportionately. In case you didn't know, the police are part of the legal system.Now you've been humming and hawing and throwing random articles around, but the one thing you HAVEN'T done is to provide statistics backing your victimhood mantra that Muslims criminals are victimizing Hindus because the Indian legal system is too soft on them.
Where the hell I said Indian Legal system ? I never used this word.

I said Police and Politicians epeciafically. As for statistics, all the furhter links are present their.

And random articles ? Look at the source of the news.

You know what, leave it. You have obsession of Self Righteousness like many Pakistanis who thinks entire world is a Liar and they are the victims of Conspiracies and Propaganda against Pakistan.

I am pretty sure you haven't read the articles and even checked the sources.
I did not ask a blanket question about Indian Muslims.

I specifically asked you to back up your claim that the Indian legal system favors Muslims and they escape conviction disproportionately. In case you didn't know, the police are part of the legal system.

Now you've been humming and hawing and throwing random articles around, but the one thing you HAVEN'T done is to provide statistics backing your victimhood mantra that Muslims criminals are victimizing Hindus because the Indian legal system is too soft on them.
Point he tried to make is that the police dont arrest many Muslims under the pressure of the politicians who do it for vote bank politics.

What you are asking is the statistics - which would only come AFTER the police has arrested the people.

What part of this are you not getting?
Point he tried to make is that the police dont arrest many Muslims under the pressure of the politicians who do it for vote bank politics. What you are asking is the statistics - which would only come AFTER the police has arrested the people. What part of this are you not getting?
Islamic extremism's and growing prime characteristic - Victim mentality wherever they are in Minority. Happens in every country.
Point he tried to make is that the police dont arrest many Muslims under the pressure of the politicians who do it for vote bank politics.

What you are asking is the statistics - which would only come AFTER the police has arrested the people.

What part of this are you not getting?

Uh huh.

So you back up the first unsubstantiated claim by foisting another.

Brilliant logic!

And still no hard numbers...
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