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Modi;the most popular leader India has ever produced


Feb 7, 2020
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Seeing the success of lighting the lamp programme today, we can confidently say Modi is the most popular leader or PM india has ever produced.Whenever he gives a call to people the whole country except muslims and christians support it...even here in south India where BJP has no strong hold people support such calls given by Modi...
He is a brave and bold leader too...is there any other PM in our history who enjoyed such popularity? Imagine how meek the reaction of the people if Manmohan singh had given such calls?
Recall the decisions he took...demonetisation,GST, Balakot,revoking of article 350 etc etc..even this lockdown is a decision tht only a brave leader can take...When leaders of rich countries like US and UK were hesitating to give a lockdown call,Modi did it and inspite of all the hardhsips,even poor people are supporting it without making much fuss.
A true and selfless leader is required to unite a country..to lead the country to progress...to instill confidence and courage in people.
and luckily India has a leader who has all those qualities...hail Modi.
he was chamcha got the pm job for licking soniias pussy

Oh okay...didn't know you were in the room watching when it all happened. Typical Sanghi....khud sey kuch nahi hota hai...bus dekhne ko chahiye.
I still rate Indira Gandhi higher than Modi..Although 84 is one drawback with her leadership, but she leads the show ahead of Modi...Modi may be good aming last 30 year...But he need to deliver more to get top slot
Hitler was the most popular leader ever 'produced' by Germany .... :whistle::whistle::whistle:
What was the population not Germany then,not even the population of Pakistan .do you guys really know how big India is.
Manmohan Singh is an educated person, an economist. He is not building a cult like following of brainless bhakts like "ayradravida"

You are coreect...But unfortunately, Congress never allows their good leader to take leadership role without instruction from Gandhi familly...Otherwise PV narasimha rao was architect of our economic reform..How can we forget him...
You are coreect...But unfortunately, Congress never allows their good leader to take leadership role without instruction from Gandhi familly...Otherwise PV narasimha rao was architect of our economic reform..How can we forget him...

I think you are barking down the wrong tree. This is not a discussion of leadership, but rather who could build a cult that has a following of a gazillion brainless morons.
educated economist who use to take his orders from a illiterate foreign women

If that is all that bothers you about him, he must have done a great job.

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