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Modi is welcomed by car in US and only Minister of Health in Ireland

But what to do, most civilized americans hate chinese

And yet they would give the Chinese president a far larger motorcade than they gave Modi-ji. This surely is a sign of disrespect for Modi-ji and India. Perhaps the White House is displeased with the lack of progress in prosecuting those who raped American tourists.
And yet they would give the Chinese president a far larger motorcade than they gave Modi-ji. This surely is a sign of disrespect. Perhaps the White House is displeased with the lack of progress in prosecuting those who raped American tourists.

Haha typical looser the US media making fun in their media about your president and world watches...

Anchor asked-Do you know Xi Ji ping ! I don't know

You are here to troll, then be prepared the pay back as well.
Modi's convoy is far too small. America has disrespected Modi-ji. The Chinese president's motorcade is several times larger than Modi-ji's. India should have lodged protest in Washington for such a disrespectful reception. Here are videos of Chinese president's convoy:

I can arrange twice large convoy if you ready to finance it.

"Standard operating procedure" is not the same as "protocol".
It is as SOP derived from protocol.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh broke protocol by personally receiving King Abdullah at the airport January 22, a sign of how much importance India attaches to the royal visit, the Arab News reported.
King Abdullah receives a warm welcome in India
My original post

So, Health Minister is not state representative ?
We send secretary level officer to greet people so mean we are insulting our guest ?
If Ireland would have send their bureaucrats , its not problem as they are state representative (not know about Ireland but in India bureaucrats are very powerful in some cabinet minister).
Did I complain? I did not say anything wrong so please do not quote me like this again.
Have a nice day.
Did I complain? I did not say anything wrong so please do not quote me like this again.
Have a nice day.
My apology if you comprehend in bad tone.
I am just correcting that Health Minister is a influential state representative (along with NRI)
I can arrange twice large convoy if you ready to finance it.

"Standard operating procedure" is not the same as "protocol".
It is as SOP derived from protocol.

King Abdullah receives a warm welcome in India

I too am appalled by the disrespect shown by America toward Modi-ji. Instead of barking at me, we should all lodge protests against the White House.
I too am appalled by the disrespect shown by America toward Modi-ji. Instead of barking at me, we should all lodge protests against the White House.
Why would I ?
You are already barking with your throat out of your mouth.

Buddy he is here for a troll, no need to waste the time further for this low life characters.
I perfectly know but only teasing :lol:
I too am appalled by the disrespect shown by America toward Modi-ji. Instead of barking at me, we should all lodge protests against the White House.

Oops we are doomed, oh we didn't got nice welcome :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

So you admit the multiple gang rapes of American tourists are a diplomatic problem.

Ohh are you a 5 year old child ! Rapes happening all over the world and your country is not an exception which is controlled by your state propaganda media which never shows any thing negative.There is no free media access in china.By the way we have increased tourists flow from US and other countries and so you don't need to worry.
No comparison there. Head of govt has different protocol than the Pope.

Wherever Pope goes, his protocol requires he be met at the airport on arrival by the Head of State or Head of Govt.
Americans use this annual gathering at UN to show friends and foes alike.... that they are too powerful and that they dont care...
Ireland visit was not even a state visit lol just a quick pit stop on route to NYC.


It doesn't work like this. Every post you read, I am getting personally attacked and I am warning your cousing from India in EVERY SINGLE post to stop getting personal. Don't attack someone personally and expect them to follow your rule.
Try attacking Lahore, Pakistan will open up two more fronts. So the moral of the story is, once you insult someone (even when you are being told to stop), you can't stop he other person's reaction AND you've derailed an entire thread.

This whole Indian gang thing is being monitored and discussed on here. You can't gang up on one person, when he warns you of NOT getting personal, you don't stop. And then a couple of you call daddy's like the above post.

There shouldn't be ANY personal attacks on the forum. Courtesy should be extended at all costs. But you can't also tell 10 of your friends to insult someone and upon this person's response, you report the post. This is getting old. I'd suggest Give Respect and Get Respect. Your gang is Giving Shiit and Insults and wanting Respect back. Indian style mathematics to only benefit you????

@waz @Horus @WebMaster @Slav Defence Please read above. The Indian members need to realize that when they personally attack a member, and the member would warn them, and it still doesn't stop, the member will retaliate also. So the Indian members need to understand to give respect and get it in return. You can't talk shiit and expect Roses back

@Manticore: You need to read the above thread and then respond to my message please.

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