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Modi has been anti-Pakistan from day one: Aziz

And Pakistani's love affair of state sponsored terrorism is pro humanity!

What a bunch of delusional people, living in their own parallel universe and finding fault with others for their own failures. Go sell your airfields, ports and sovereignty for a quick buck.
and then what abut DAAL ROTI of them ?

well said, the people to people contacts must be increased sensibly by both countries first to create a real feel of each other but no the govt are using the enmity as a tool of foreign policy
mamoo its both sides . and BTW pakistan did not charge him for gujrat it was indian pannel court whom run modi involvment case many years in gujrat. abut hate be its modi or anyone it will never hurt bloody politicians its hurt normal public and poor solders . tell me honestly if this hate was not here can't we have more lives saved on LOC after modi elected ? i am honest i blame both 50-50 so if 20 killed 10 are modi"s responsibility and 10 pakistani gov .

the problem is you both indian pakistani did not admit own mistakes just blame and bla bla other side .
janab its not us who started it rather it was your feudal and militarry elite who is the main reason for all this starting as earli as 1947 and then 1965 ..... pehle zakham diya aur fir kured kured ke usse nasoor bana liye aur wo bhi khud pe :coffee:
Pakistan always hated Evil Hindu Baniya now they got a face for that narrative. :enjoy:
as they say : ameer e sheher gareebon ko loot leta hai kabhi banam e watan to kabhi baliha e mazhab .... no wonder why pakistani nation has no answer to its problems
Lol, free publicity for Modi by Aziz sahab. Doesn't he know Indian public is gonna love this and Modi will use this as a badge of honor?
All indians hate Pakistan.......
you can witness the hate here on PDF also.

Indians do not hate Pakistan as a nation but some of its policies, here what we witness is extreme form of blind nationalism in most of members
All indians hate Pakistan.......
you can witness the hate here on PDF also.

as if pakistanis don't hate India... the fact is pakistanis hate us to the core.. dig threads opened by pakistani members...

may be aziz hate Modi more than anything from the day one... how many times he give empty statements or lip service like this...
Interesting. Looks like the gloves are off from the Pakistani military and civilian leadership and we are putting up a joint front against India.

I was hoping that things will get calmer but it looks like we are moving towards further escalation.
Interesting. Looks like the gloves are off from the Pakistani military and civilian leadership and we are putting up a joint front against India.

I was hoping that things will get calmer but it looks like we are moving towards further escalation.
care to tell me who attacked india in 1947,1964,1999 and who propogated bleed india dry thru 1000 cuts policy and war with india for 1000 years even if meant to eat grass :azn:
That statement itself is a travesty...
Did you miss the statements made by COAS two days ago?

This is delivering the same message but using different words.

care to tell me who attacked india in 1947,1964,1999 and who propogated bleed india dry thru 1000 cuts policy and war with india for 1000 years even if meant to eat grass :azn:
The Pakistani - Indian saga isn't one sided, we have both taken shots at one another as opportunities have presented themselves.

So yes, you can cherry pick the above dates if you want, but Pakistan can do the same.
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