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Featured Modi govt formally confirms that India took two big loans from China in the thick of the border standoff

You should know when to post and when not to. You should just read this kinda troll threads and trolling, laugh and move on. No amount of explanation can convince the Chinese and their "cheerleaders" here. They will continue to harass you even if you speak the truth.
Pdf is just a troll site now. So just scroll and move on. Reply to only serious queries.

@WebMaster @krash What a thread this is!! Equating AIIB to China. This is worse than Cheerleading.

Please dont allow such threads.
LOL!! Now China is USA and India is Al-Qaeda. HA HA HA

Let China officially claim that it has 1000 sq.km. land of India and let India admit it officially.

You can continue your dance till then. Kya funny character hai yaar tu..

I know a funny character who made these statements:

2019: "Agar Rafale hota to yeh na hota."
2020: "Na koi wahan hamari seema mein ghus aaya hai, na hi koi ghusa hua hai, na hi hamari koi post kisi dusre ke kabze mein hain."
I know a funny character who made these statements:

2019: "Agar Rafale hota to yeh na hota."
2020: "Na koi wahan hamari seema mein ghus aaya hai, na hi koi ghusa hua hai, na hi hamari koi post kisi dusre ke kabze mein hain."
I know the 2nd statement and I dont think even China will disagree.

1st I do vaguely remember but not exactly.

Thanks for keeping track of Modi more than Indians. If nothing else, it does mean he has touched a raw nerve somewhere right.

Hold on my friend, don't shoot the messenger. The original article is from an Indian source only. O.5 front is hard at work.
so? There are many "Indian sources" who are Indian only in name.

There are many such Pakistani sources too who are anti-Pak. Ask any Pakistani.
If you don't like an article, just prove it wrong. Simple.
What is there to prove wrong?
Is AIIB equal to China?
OR AIIB HQed in beijing makes it Chinese?
OR China being largest shareholder in AIIB makes it Chinese?

On the other hand, is China FOOL to give a loan to India under these circumstances?

The only spin this article is trying to give is: Modi took loan from China when China is killing Indian soldiers & intruding into India. None of it is right (except of-course for the cheerleaders).

China is the largest share holder of AIIB BUT it is not the majority share holder. There is no majority share holder in the bank. China's share vote % is 30%. Rest of the article is bogus since the basic premises is wrong. AIIB is NOT China's bank. China does not hold a majority share in the bank.
share vote means moot,china has veto power and can pick the chairman or amend the constitution on whim.China can cancel any loans they want ,I mean ,if they really want.
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I know the 2nd statement and I dont think even China will disagree.

1st I do vaguely remember but not exactly.

Thanks for keeping track of Modi more than Indians. If nothing else, it does mean he has touched a raw nerve somewhere right.


These are his exact words:
"Agar hamaaray paas aaj Rafale hota, to shahid is say bi nateeja kuchh aur hota."

Let me jog your memory.

And yes, you have keep these sort of vile Hindu Extremist Indian Prime ministers in check.
These are his exact words:
"Agar hamaaray paas aaj Rafale hota, to shahid is say bi nateeja kuchh aur hota."

Let me jog your memory.

And yes, you have keep these sort of vile Hindu Extremist Indian Prime ministers in check.
Exact tum track karo. I already said he said it.
Next time we need to know about Modi, we will ask you.
They need to buy weapons to fight China, so where do they go to get loan?
But I am sure they did not use any Chines app to apply for the loan.
this tells you one thing..
Chinese are capitalist people and dont think strategically...

if you look at china investments in Vietnam, Bangladesh and india you will come to same conclusion..t

his is not bad, its a good startegy, it made china rich, its a give & take for market acess and cheap labour but this is something Pakistanis tend to forget and need to understand..

china is not USSR (or even the old china), it does most of it stuff for money not strategic/ideological reasons..

however, china will need to keep an eye on this, last thing china needs is that its money is used to develop potential enemies, we all know Vietnam and india will be key stake holders in allaince against india..

like it or not , no matter how big and powerful you are, bring in enough minnows and you will fall...
China herself disagrees with you.[QUOTE="Ajay Ghatak, post: 12700948, member:
"China had either sought or given up veto power in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)” this is very diplomating answering, doesn’t refute anything I said. AIIB is Beijing product. No China no AIIB. India took greater improportional sized loan to its stake.
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India China fight is so stupid. India should focus on development and be an ally of China to start the Asian century but people in both countries are more interested in being the most loyal dogs for whites.

But China's ambition is the biggest thorn in the flesh. It it clearly using Pak against India (much like US uses countries against one another).

For a matter as simple as declaration of a terrorist as a terrorist in UN, it opposed India.

Even after India's invitation & hospitality given to the Chinese Premier, it has not just failed to reciprocate but continues its dubious methods of power play & politics.

India never showed aggression. It is a historical fact. But China has taken Indian territory from Pak. Trying to get CPEC through a territory claimed by India is not going to work.

China should understand some things in black & white.

Dont take India for granted.
Dont consider India's hand of friendship to be a sign of weakness.
Dont oppose India just to score brownie points.
Dont try to use India's enemies against India.

We both have our interests to protect. We both have our issues. We both play politics against each other. But dont show your muscle. Or be ready to get a bloody nose. That is all India has clearly said in recent times.

China has clearly shown its attitude towards India by trying to protect a terrorist in UN (which it could not this time). Not just India, the entire world is watching this. Change your attitude. Or be ready for repercussions.

Agreed that your cheerleaders can damage & weaken India. But dont think that you will remain unscathed. Get your head out of sand.

@beijingwalker please continue ignoring
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