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MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

Why sir? Because I question BJP version of things?

My retina can also percieve numerous shades of maggot

I will give it to you- maybe she was a terrorist (though I fail to understand why she had to go to UP for weapons when it could have easily been just delivered to her). My questions are different.
Questioning is different..bhai tum toh haath dho ke peeche pad gaye ho :tongue:
what is irking u mate?why is this love for terrorists?do you want us to waste crores of rupees by putting tht btch and those bastrds in jail and by feeding them.what if tomorrow some terrorist kidnaps some high profiled personality or hijacks a plan and demand the release of these terrorists?modi did a right thing.his status has grown even more in the eyes of all the indians now

How did you come to the conclusion that Ishrat Jahan was a terrorist? She hasn't been proved a terrorist in the court of law so why are you jumping out of your seat. Moreover don't you guys defend Modi by saying that he hasn't been convicted in the court of law for all the accusations made against him so he is innocent until proven otherwise. So why this double standard?
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are you a muslim?if not then you are certainly a congress man working to defame modi on cyber space.

no real indian patriot can question what modi did.only muslims and pseudo seculars (who are both desha drohis) do that.

How about Abdul Hameed? Was he also a desh drohi?? I thought that you guys at least spare people like him. Is that not the case?
Are we talking of the same case?

There is a case against several Gujarat police officers.

There may be a case against one or more IB officers.

There is no case against any one else, including Modi.

It was not a political initiative, a point that many have failed to recognize, but entirely driven by the judiciary, making nonsense of the conspiracy theories floating about.

That is not how it has been playing out. The judiciary aside(if you note I have always held that the law will take its course), there is way too much political gamesmanship going on in this case with the INC using this case to try & exploit the situation. While I would not hazard a guess if the CBI was under any influence, the behavior of the NIA hardly seems above suspicion. The home ministry's own actions seem contradictory at times. The CBI going after the IB officer is unprecedented and what access the CBI has to IB sources remains unknown. The judiciary is correct in the argument that it does not matter what the status of the accused was, however public perception is different and I find it difficult to reconcile this case being pushed as opposed to acid throwers being shot & the police there never having to face the same threat

Why do you believe that politics has come into it?

Only Modi and his camp are strenuously pleading this, in order to ward off a wholly hypothetical attack. Such an attack does not exist in court, so why the dismay and the predictions of doom? 'Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much!'

My point is in the behind the scene actions, not judicial proceedings. As I have said earlier, this case seems to have a life of its own as if it operates in a completely different plane as against the numerous such incidents elsewhere in India.

The issue isn't about Modi or the INC. In the end, I really don't care enough excepting for the hypocrisy involved. It is about how a sensitive issue of intelligence operations on counter terrorism is being dealt with in a ham handed fashion. I cannot but fear the long term consequences for national security if IB officers and state police acting on intelligence tip off's fear for their own safety and decided to play it safe. As I mentioned earlier an assassin sent to take out Kasab was interdicted & a planned terrorist attack on the CWG foiled. The absence of any court case against anyone leaves us to use our imagination to how that was done. What is the real difference to this case, if we are right in what we are thinking?
How about Abdul Hameed? Was he also a desh drohi?? I thought that you guys at least spare people like him. Is that not the case?

Let it go man, you know that is not the opinion most of us here & in India generally share, why worry about what some chap with a pronounced bias says? You are wasting your time.
I demand that the CBI register an FIR naming Mr. P. Chidambaram,
presently Union Minister of Finance, for having directed the preparation and
tampering of evidence in what is now known as Ishrat Jahan Encounter
Case, for which a charge-sheet has been filed by the CBI in the Special
Court against some officials. I have confirmed from my sources that the US
Federal Bureau of Investigation had provided evidence to the Government
of India that an agent of terrorists, a Pakistani based in Chicago USA, Mr.
David Coleman Headley had during the questioning by FBI said Ishrat
Jahan had volunteered to be a suicide bomber for payment,
but before she
could be the police in India had killed her along with three of her

Suicide bomber for payment?
Ishrat and the three terrorists accompanying her wanted a fast ticket to Jannat and the IB in collaboration with the Guj police obliged.

Guys this is a win-win for both. I dont see why y'all are fighting.
if anything is exposed it's just that while you are for extra judicial killings which is against the rule of the country which you are so proud of, I and many others who you accuse as Pakistani and anti India etc are for respecting the law of the land.. that shows who is who.

Extra-judicial killings are a fact of life when dealing with terrorists, not only in India, but all over the world. They are not only a fact of life, but an effective method too. Can you please come down from this pathetic ivory tower that is completely disconnected from the roots of reality ? Both you and I know that none of the thekedaaris of judicial integrity here are actually concerned about it. The only concern is that the terrorist in question is a muslim and the state in which this occured is ruled by Modi. It's the sole reason. Else I dont understand why there is so much hoopla around this one case when literally thousands of encounters have happened both before and after this one incident.

Political point scoring - perfectly acceptable in a democracy. But the same at the cost of national security - not cool guys. Definitely not cool. Please dont make a martyr out of a terrorist and feed the the victimhood paranoia.

I am talking about a particular issue of extra judicial killing, I am not accusing Modi or bjp to be a part of it.. but simply saying what happened is wrong and guilty should be punished.I would have said the same if it happened on a state where congress is ruling..so don't bring politics in to it, we can discuss it on relevant threads.

Its NOT wrong if the dead are terrorists (which in all probablity they indeed are). I dont know about you but a vast majority of us, the cattle class, wont be bothered about that. She came for killing and got killed. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Hypothetical question - tomorrow if Dawwod Ibrahim is shot down by some Indian agencies in some fake encounter/targeted killing, would you still favor prosecuting those who shot him ..because apparently that too fits your criteria of killing without trial. Wake up. There is a whole shade of grey inbetween black and white.
That is not how it has been playing out. The judiciary aside(if you note I have always held that the law will take its course), there is way too much political gamesmanship going on in this case with the INC using this case to try & exploit the situation. While I would not hazard a guess if the CBI was under any influence, the behavior of the NIA hardly seems above suspicion. The home ministry's own actions seem contradictory at times. The CBI going after the IB officer is unprecedented and what access the CBI has to IB sources remains unknown. The judiciary is correct in the argument that it does not matter what the status of the accused was, however public perception is different and I find it difficult to reconcile this case being pushed as opposed to acid throwers being shot & the police there never having to face the same threat

Are you not being disingenuous?

If there is political gamesmanship, more than half of it originates with the BJP. Why are they so agitated about it, why are their spokespersons wholly engaged with it, why have reacted even before their politicians are chargesheeted? When Amit Shah was actually chargesheeted, for exactly this kind of sordid murder that he and Vanzara had successfully monetized, why was there no reaction from the BJP? Why now, why so shrill, why so widespread?

Please look at the case as it stands today, and tell me why it bothers the BJP so much. It is they who are responsible for the gamesmanship.

You mentioned the NIA. There is reason, very good reason, to believe that the supposed extract from their report is a forgery. It is difficult to understand your misgivings about them.

The same applies to your unexplained remarks about the Home Ministry. How is it concerned in this matter? Could you spell it out? Neither the rogue action by the IB officer nor the initiation of the CBI in this case had anything to do with them. You need to refresh your understanding of the terms and conditions under which the CBI may be brought into a matter; it is not at all a central matter, but has to be initiated at the state level. Once a prosecution has started, the centre has faced criticism for slowing these down to serve a political purpose, never for initiating it.

The CBI had no access to IB sources. Nobody has access to IB sources except as the IB shares it with others, particularly with Military, Naval and Air intelligence (the last a very rare occurrence). Why, by the way, should the CBI have had access to IB sources in the first place, unless you are one of those laboring under the delusion that suspicion of terrorism, or even established links to terrorists permits supersession of the law and the entire judicial process? As you yourself have pointed out the judiciary has taken the view that it does not matter what the status of the accused was; that applies to some future extension of the charge sheet to the IB officer as well.

Finally, it may dismay you, but it encourages me to believe that the days of arbitrary police action are waning; what was accepted a few years ago is no longer acceptable now.

My point is in the behind the scene actions, not judicial proceedings. As I have said earlier, this case seems to have a life of its own as if it operates in a completely different plane as against the numerous such incidents elsewhere in India.

That is on precisely the same plane as the recent agitations in which the middle classes participated so aggressively. If they are sensitized today to corruption, which is ancient and rooted in our society, why are you surprised that they have reacted to this? It is that public sense of outrage across all communities that gives the case a life of its own, not your mysterious behind the scene actions. How did you learn about them, by the way, was it through the application of inductive logic?

The issue isn't about Modi or the INC. In the end, I really don't care enough excepting for the hypocrisy involved. It is about how a sensitive issue of intelligence operations on counter terrorism is being dealt with in a ham handed fashion. I cannot but fear the long term consequences for national security if IB officers and state police acting on intelligence tip off's fear for their own safety and decided to play it safe.

Again, a total misreading and a total failure of comprehension.

It is nobody's case that the IB erred in passing on information to the state police. That is exactly what they are paid to do. The issue arose of criminal culpability when one of the Gujarat Police officers stated during his interrogation that the IB officer, and perhaps several of his subordinates, participated in the events that followed, the abduction, the illegal detention, the murders. Is it your case that this criminal behaviour should also go unchallenged?

As I mentioned earlier an assassin sent to take out Kasab was interdicted & a planned terrorist attack on the CWG foiled.

You mentioned speculation in this regard. Can you point to a shred of evidence on the ground?

The absence of any court case against anyone leaves us to use our imagination to how that was done. What is the real difference to this case, if we are right in what we are thinking?

it is a sobering reflection that even a mature commentator should now conclude that absence of any evidence indicates proof of the event.

And what if all your private speculation and nightmares are not right? What if you should ask yourself why the desperate private battle of a rogue administration is being converted to a matter of public principle?

Suicide bomber for payment?

A matter for light badinage?
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