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MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

I m very sure he has no personal knowledge of the defense establishment...only snippets obtained from "uncles":rofl: I say this because I too have quite a few defense connections, and I know the general mindset of the officers.

He worked at a very high level within defence institutions...a very high level! So go easy on the :rofl:....or don't.... if you choose that path. My last post on this.
Good question. Why didn't the IB ask the Maharashtra police to arrest them before they came to Gujarat ? IB is a central organisation. If the actions of the state police are taken as the actions accorded permission by the CM of Gujarat, then logic hold that the Union Home Minister & the PM should be held accountable for the actions of IB personnel. There is no logic to the argument that the IB didn't understand what was happening, what would happen with the information given by them. If the CBI is to be believed, the IB officer helped plant the weapons at the site of the "encounter". Since the IB director has voiced his support for the officer concerned, it must be assumed that the IB as an organisation was involved in the operation. The "Buck" then stops at the HM & PM's door if the wish is to see the actions of the Gujarat police as reflecting on the CM there.

Btw, it would be very interesting to ask what happened to the assassin supposedly sent by Dawood Ibrahim to take out Kasab. It seems common knowledge that he was interdicted by Indian intelligence but what became of him? Don't see a court case anywhere....:)

Unfortunately for your intervention, there is no case against the IB or its serving officers at the moment, so all these are moot.

If, with the gathering of further evidence, there is an extension to the charge sheet including this man, or any others from the SIB in addition to him, those charges will be that he overstepped his role and exceeded his authority, in conspiring with the Gujarat police officers concerned to execute the murders.

There was never any argument that the IB did not understand what would happen to the information given by them.; on the contrary, if a case is found, it will be on the grounds that they not only knew what was done with that information, but participated in the further proceedings. They were not dazed and innocent bystanders, if the evidence goes into individual responsibilities being established. But that is still moot, as at the present.

It is perverse to claim that the IB Director has voiced his support for the planting of weapons by the officer concerned, when all he did was to point out that the subsidiary bureau officers must be free to pass on information without the fear of being held responsible for the consequences. That support does not cover the obvious criminal excess that may have been committed in the possible conspiracy that may have taken place. To jump from this general enunciation of support for the normal role and duties of the IB to endorsement of criminal behaviour is not warranted.

The whole train of reasoning from this non-existent support for criminal misconduct to involving the IB in the planting of arms and the murder operation through to the nonsensical involvement of the Home Minister and the Prime Minister is based on only the leap from the Director's defence of officers doing their duty to an unjustified extension to officers engaged in premeditated murder. You must see for yourself that this is ridiculous.

As for the rest, pistols, 30 paces, Lalbagh, July 15th, 05:00?
It is perverse to claim that the IB Director has voiced his support for the planting of weapons by the officer concerned, when all he did was to point out that the subsidiary bureau officers must be free to pass on information without the fear of being held responsible for the consequences. That support does not cover the obvious criminal excess that may have been committed in the possible conspiracy that may have taken place. To jump from this general enunciation of support for the normal role and duties of the IB to endorsement of criminal behaviour is not warranted.

Certainly perverse. That actually is my opinion on the whole case & the bandwagon effect it seems to be generating. "Get Modi & damn the consequences" seems to be the war cry. As you know, I'm no great fan of the man but this seems like a very bad way to go after a political aim.

The whole train of reasoning from this non-existent support for criminal misconduct to involving the IB in the planting of arms and the murder operation through to the nonsensical involvement of the Home Minister and the Prime Minister is based on only the leap from the Director's defence of officers doing their duty to an unjustified extension to officers engaged in premeditated murder. You must see for yourself that this is ridiculous.

Ridiculous? Certainly!. That is my point. Where do you draw the line? Where one's political inclination rests? This whole thing has long left any port of sanity, all we have are political & ideological point scoring.
A pity then you had to come to a pakistani forum to understand culture of some or your fellow Indians. .............are you a social outcast ? dont you have any normal social interactions and debates with fellow Indians in India ? :cheesy:
Did i mention your name..............why are you getting agitated...................I do have debates with my friends.........But not at this level...........
Certainly perverse. That actually is my opinion on the whole case & the bandwagon effect it seems to be generating. "Get Modi & damn the consequences" seems to be the war cry. As you know, I'm no great fan of the man but this seems like a very bad way to go after a political aim.

Are we talking of the same case?

There is a case against several Gujarat police officers.

There may be a case against one or more IB officers.

There is no case against any one else, including Modi.

It was not a political initiative, a point that many have failed to recognize, but entirely driven by the judiciary, making nonsense of the conspiracy theories floating about.

It is against Modi only as a distant possibility in the minds of chartered Modi haters. Not, certainly, in the minds of the judiciary.

Ridiculous? Certainly!. That is my point. Where do you draw the line? Where one's political inclination rests? This whole thing has long left any port of sanity, all we have are political & ideological point scoring.

Why do you believe that politics has come into it?

Only Modi and his camp are strenuously pleading this, in order to ward off a wholly hypothetical attack. Such an attack does not exist in court, so why the dismay and the predictions of doom? 'Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much!'
You only get caught once.. POTA was a dead give away...come on now...don't feel bad...there are so many IDs for taking.:yahoo:
You should have gone through our posts before alleging that I and many others are Pakistanis.
now that you called all of us who are opposing your stand "as Pakistanis in disguise "then why don't you ask moderators to check our IP ? For your info, right winger's standards phrase for describing people who stand neutral or secular is " pseudo secular ".
You should have gone through our posts before alleging that I and many others are Pakistanis.
now that you called all of us who are opposing your stand "as Pakistanis in disguise "then why don't you ask moderators to check our IP ? For your info, right winger's standards phrase for describing people who stand neutral or secular is " pseudo secular ".

Sickular. That's the phrase.:astagh: The specimens you have had the misfortune of rolling in the mud with are akin to Zarvi, less polite though. A plaintive and pusillanimous lot only capable of shrouding their intellectual inadequacies behind heckling, lamentable attempts at indulging in japes and farcical hyperbole. Neophytes at best absent any power or standing.
I demand that the CBI register an FIR naming Mr. P. Chidambaram,
presently Union Minister of Finance, for having directed the preparation and
tampering of evidence in what is now known as Ishrat Jahan Encounter
Case, for which a charge-sheet has been filed by the CBI in the Special
Court against some officials. I have confirmed from my sources that the US
Federal Bureau of Investigation had provided evidence to the Government
of India that an agent of terrorists, a Pakistani based in Chicago USA, Mr.
David Coleman Headley had during the questioning by FBI said Ishrat
Jahan had volunteered to be a suicide bomber for payment, but before she
could be the police in India had killed her along with three of her
associates {having connections with Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)}. However, this
document submitted by FBI, and the Report of Indian interrogaters of
Headley, was vetted by Mr. Chidambaram as Home Minister and either in
complicity with certain officials or otherwise the document was “sanitized”
to delete the references to Ishrat Jahan.
I warn the CBI that if they fail to come up with a clear explanation as to why
the revelation of Headley about Ishrat Jahan is missing in the CBI charge-
sheet, then, I would be entitled to intervene in the trial when the matter
comes up for framing of charges by the Special Court. Or alternatively, the
CBI should seek withdrawal of the entire Encounter Case.

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy,President of the Janata Party and fmr. Union Minister for Commerce & Law.
He worked at a very high level within defence institutions...a very high level! So go easy on the :rofl:....or don't.... if you choose that path. My last post on this.

Who are you...some sort of his drum beater...and why speak in riddles??

And his profile says that he is in the IT sector for 22 years...and that was in 2009 when he was 59 years. Which means he was in the forces not beyond 37 years of age...how high can you get at that age???

Or maybe he is lying in his profile in which case I don't have to believe a word he says.

And after saying all this, I dont give a damn to what he is in real time. For me he is just a poster on a forum where everyone is equal. Can't play football on a muddy field--stay off...dont tell me about the fine silks you are wearing.:rofl:

@Guynextdoor2 You sir have to be a designated congress neta or worker.

No, He is a Foreigner hiding behind an Indian flag...see my earlier posts
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You should have gone through our posts before alleging that I and many others are Pakistanis.
now that you called all of us who are opposing your stand "as Pakistanis in disguise "then why don't you ask moderators to check our IP ? For your info, right winger's standards phrase for describing people who stand neutral or secular is " pseudo secular ".

Whats it to do with IPs? Cant Pakistanis in India access the internet...now come on...come clean...
Whats it to do with IPs? Cant Pakistanis in India access the internet...now come on...come clean...

That's a good argument, but since you were not ready to listen to other senior members here who suggested that all of us who oppose you are not Pakistanis(actually none of us ) I don't think there is no need to talk about it further, you can continue to believe what you believe is true.
But it has helped a lot to understand Culture of some of our fellow Indians.............

What's your culture, uncle Tom?

To nurture a permanent inferiority complex and take daily guilt trips into the zones of self loathing?

The criticize the nation, it's traditions and it's people and feel virtuous about doing so?

To be politically correct at all times, even in your sleep, and berate anyone who dares to question your paradigm?

To assume superior airs against the " natives" And to consider all nationalists as right winger, uncouth and fascist?

I challenge you to a debate on any topic of your choosing...and you may bring your lackeys along too.

My culture??

If a person slaps me, I break his bones...
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