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Modi Approves $3.2 billion Aircraft Carrier Funding

MKIs taking off from Pune can attack Pakistan from Iran side already, we don't need an aircraft carrier for that.
An aircraft carrier is the modern day incarnation of Ashwamegh horse in the sense its more for projection of power.
MKI from pune can follow pakistan ships importing oils from Arab? does it has Range to take off from Pune go to coast of saudi arab shoot pakistan container and return back to base in pune?
MKI from pune can follow pakistan ships importing oils from Arab? does it has Range to take off from Pune go to coast of saudi arab shoot pakistan container and return back to base in pune?

Yes it can. But what does it have to do the discussion ?
Don't move the goalposts now that you point is rebutted.
In doing so why you are working on conventional powered Aircraft carrier instead of Nuclear powered to regulate and monitor vast area of Indian Ocean.

IAC-II will be nuclear powered: INS Vishal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuclear powered ones are extremely costly to operate. Our region of operation is the Indian Ocean and our conventionally powered CBGs will have sufficient range.
I wanted to know that in war case scenario between pakistan and India if Saudi gets involved in by supplying lethal arms to Islamic republic can India contain with it.
I wanted to know that in war case scenario between pakistan and India if Saudi gets involved in by supplying lethal arms to Islamic republic can India contain with it.

Arabs will only try to annoy India and will avoid large scale involvement because of huge oil purchase by India and their historic rivalry with Iran.
3.18 billion USD?

Is this in addition to the amount already spent on the CV?

Rather expensive?
The aircraft carrier is the battleship of the modern era, a little more than useless in most wars. It had been discussed in detail in the cold war the vulnerability of the aircraft carrier to submarines,swarm attacks and naval exercises proved the same. It is a ploy by big navies to keep the money flowing to shipbuilders. The Indian navy has other priorities such as submarines,ASW ships,minesweepers,mine layers which have proved to be far more useful in the previous wars,it shouldn't be sucked into the false sense of security provided by these behemoths.
An Aircraft Carrier is a Blue Navy Ship used to project Power overseas.

Why does India feel the need or compelled to Project Power Globally ?

The indian navy doesnt use its cbgs for power projection. We use our carriers for fleet air defence, mostly. THough they are trained for all eventualities
An Aircraft Carrier is a Blue Navy Ship used to project Power overseas.

Why does India feel the need or compelled to Project Power Globally ?

Vast coastline sirjee, everyone's building one - the russians, the chinese etc. I have a feeling that we may need it sooner than later. Not against Pakistan - but overall detoriating global scenario.

3.18 billion USD?

Is this in addition to the amount already spent on the CV?

Rather expensive?

close to 4 billion actually.

650 million has already been spent on it plus the 3.2 billion.
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How can you brain accommodate both of these:

1. Talking about lack of project completion during UPA time
2. Justifying Ribbon cutting (He has been cutting ribbons, just look at how many inauguration he and his ministers are attending)

Navy has set new standard as afar as indigenization is concerned; and UPA did play a major role in achieving this.
How can you brain accommodate both of these:

1. Talking about lack of project completion during UPA time
2. Justifying Ribbon cutting (He has been cutting ribbons, just look at how many inauguration he and his ministers are attending)

Navy has set new standard as afar as indigenization is concerned; and UPA did play a major role in achieving this.

no doubt that this fate was achieved this in UPA regime. But carriers construction was finished in oct-nov last year. Although carrier was under sea trials but it is also true that Manmoham gov was sitting idle when files related to this beast came on the desk.

So that credit absoluy goes to Modi Sarkar.
Now everything good will be done by only Modi. Jaitley or anyone else do not have any part.
Stupid Journalism.

Jaitley is more like NaMo's MMS. Think about it; his is handling two of the meatiest ministries in the country. Do you really think that it is possible for one man to run both the things simultaneously? Jaitley is just a titular Defence Minister while the real power is in the hands of NaMo.

The very fact that it was he who visited Vikramaditya instead of Jaitley and the fact that Modi ji will meet the military commanders every month speaks volumes of who is the actual decision-maker in MOD.

How can you brain accommodate both of these:

1. Talking about lack of project completion during UPA time
2. Justifying Ribbon cutting (He has been cutting ribbons, just look at how many inauguration he and his ministers are attending)

Navy has set new standard as afar as indigenization is concerned; and UPA did play a major role in achieving this.

Navy's indigenization has been a long process. Cutting ribbons was what Anthony did. While Navy was more streamlined in managing their projects, IAF and IA botched up big time.

How many projects did he sign off? Three of the biggest deals, the chopper deal, the artillery deal and the MRCA deal, which would change the dynamics of Indian military forces have been in a limbo for 10 years.
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