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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

I have no political animosity towards the present government. Indians on this thread are a least concern of mine.

How Imran Khan reacts to this will guide Kashmiri street opinion towards this matter. If he has the "Mitti Pao" approach than don't expect Kashmiris to carry out agitation against such overwhelming odds.
Don't worry, Nawaz Sharif is no longer in power and 27th feb has assured Indians of appropriate response from Pakistan. That's why Modi went begging in advance to Trump for mediation on Kashmir when the time comes. Modi knew it, so should everyone else.
Let’s see what the world has to say about this ?

World is too busy these days. Trump and China have each other. Europe has Brexit and Russia has S-400. OIC may issue some statement but India hardly cares.
Kashmir is a dispute and will remain so until & unless granted the due rights.
It only requires for someone to make a claim on something owned, held or claimed by others to make it disputes. What's the big deal about it? If only Indian government makes a claim on Pakistan, Pakistan too will become a disputes land. Some tense Pak fellows might get offended by simple and clear logics. If being in denial gives you satisfaction, then by all means remain that way.
I don't understand how it'll bring peace to Jammu and Kashmir. The world does not recognize it as Indian territory, but as disputed territory. Pakistan will furiously bring this matter to the UN. An all out war with Pakistan becomes closer to reality. There'll be more border skirmishes and terrorist attacks.
Don't worry, Nawaz Sharif is no longer in power and 27th feb has assured Indians of appropriate response from Pakistan. That's why Modi went begging in advance to Trump for mediation on Kashmir when the time comes. Modi knew it, so should everyone else.

I will stop worrying if the PM takes this a bit more seriously. Not even a single tweet from him so far.

I will take back my criticism if he takes Pakistanis and Kashmiris into confidence on our future course of action.
It only requires for someone to make a claim on something owned, held or claimed by others to make it disputes. What's the big deal about it? If only Indian government makes a claim on Pakistan, Pakistan too will become a disputes land. Some tense Pak fellows might get offended by simple and clear logics. If being in denial gives you satisfaction, then by all means remain that way.
Another delusional post? You keep harping Indian pov when tge UN recognizes Kashmir as disputed territory. For the love of God almighty! Give up your rat race to match intelligence quotient of your "clouds will hide my Fighters" PM.:haha:
yeh and in future we will be bullied on every issue or we will just sell ourselves for petty issues! india pani bund karay ga loi nai 10 bil lay lo;

mirage of economic prosperity;
That's only negativity because it has never been tried with enthusiasm.
I will stop worrying if the PM takes this a bit more seriously. Not even a single tweet from him so far.

I will take back my criticism if he takes Pakistanis and Kashmiris into confidence on our future course of action.
Na jani, keep criticizing, but also give cource of action, it puts pressure on government to act as much as possible.
1) We didn't give away any land to China. Almost every scholar holds that, to the contrary, it was Pakistan which acquired 750 sq. miles of administered territory.

2) International law permits a State in de facto and effective possession of an area to conclude agreements of a limited local character to maintain peace and tranquility

The Sino Pak border agreement of 1963 is Provisional , The article 6 clearly states :

“The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the boundary, as described in Article Two of the present agreement, .."

violation of The UN Resolutions or International Law by Pakistan.

Well the 2nd point in your comment justify India's right as well. :-)
Well the 2nd point in your comment justify India's right as well. :-)
Your IQ is through the roof just like your PM who claimed to have used digital camera and email before its advent.:omghaha:
Some People will call me warmonger or what not but i will still write what i think..

what option we really have? UN is impotent, dont even want to glorify OIC. The few options we are left with is either watch Kashmir to become another UP, Bihar (full of dirty stinky subhumans), or go to war and annihilate whole subcontinent for once..

The peace'fools in Islamabad will never go to war, they have no spine. i am pretty much sure that they will surrender Kashmir and Kashmiris to avoid war and "bloodshed" ( Pathetic excuses). But do they (elite, Imran) really think its the last one and #Hindutva dogs will not force their hand again? if you remain defensive they will take dump on your head instead of railway track and beaches..
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