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Modern times?: more savage than "dark ages".

There are more people surviving on Earth than ever so in this context the amount of war is proportionally much lower. People are living longer than ever despite starvation and war too so it can't be that bad.

In the olden days there were far fewer people but still people were at war almost constantly. E.g how many times have national borders changed in the past centuries and compare it to the last 50 years. All out war and invasion was very common before, now it hardly ever happens.

Instead militaries use infiltration and proxy war - which is a more civilised, limited way to do it isn't it? In the old world, a power like USA could decimate a population and take over resources - that does not happen anymore.

Also any savage act that you can imagine, even the worst acts of a serial psychopath, were routinely carried out in public by sovereign rulers. Feeding people to animals, burning alive, torture, all were carried out for everyday people's consumption.

So no, the world was definitely more savage before.

You've hit the nail on the head!!

The world is definitely more civilized than before. Less starving. Less violent than before.
The OP post is nostalgic about a past which was less glorious. We all suffer from nostalgia.

Perhaps, in the same vein, personally I'd very much like to get out from the rat-race and into a life of simple living, of part time work, reading books, blogging and online blog reading, such as this.

I think the technology may have clocked a bit too quickly ahead of the human nature--depriving us of the time to contemplate and meditate. We may be losing the value of personal human touch. Of the physical connectivity we had barely few days ago.
I have no problem with polygamy as long as you legalize polyandry
let me know if you are game for that
Polyandry doesn't exist as Polygemy. The only form, in which Polyandry exists, is: when few man share a single woman for sx. No women in this world will go for polyandry, you can ask even the wildest prostitutes, they will never accept it.
The NATO proxy war in Syria cost 500,000+ Syrians lives. Is this civilized ??

Well I did say, this is as opposed to the USA just rolling over the entire country with their air and ground forces - which was the modus of older kingdoms. An emperor could kill every man woman and child with no eyes raised.

Humans will always fight. But just like boxing is a less savage than gladiators fighting to the death, today's wars are less savage compared to brutality of old times.
Polyandry doesn't exist as Polygemy. The only form, in which Polyandry exists, is: when few man share a single woman for sx. No women in this world will go for polyandry, you can ask even the wildest prostitutes, they will never accept it.
why do you want to speak for others ?
You've hit the nail on the head!!

The world is definitely more civilized than before. Less starving. Less violent than before.
The OP post is nostalgic about a past which was less glorious. We all suffer from nostalgia.

Perhaps, in the same vein, personally I'd very much like to get out from the rat-race and into a life of simple living, of part time work, reading books, blogging and online blog reading, such as this.

I think the technology may have clocked a bit too quickly ahead of the human nature--depriving us of the time to contemplate and meditate. We may be losing the value of personal human touch. Of the physical connectivity we had barely few days ago.

I think most young people on here lack context, anyone who has seen the world even in the 80s, will know just how good things are in comparison.
we dont have issue with polyandry as long as you accept this statement .its ok! " to grab women by their private parts" :cheesy::cheesy:

what does polyandry have to do with grabbing women by their private parts ??
i assume both polygamy and polyandry are consensual
you speak for yourself

you need logic 101
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