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Mitra the "made in India"Robot Greets PM Modi,Ivanka Trump at GES 2017

Meet Mitra, the robot designed by Bengaluru firm and made in China

Meet Mitra, an intelligent bot designed in India, that you might soon encounter in hospitals, cinema halls, and even banks.

When Bengaluru-based robotics start-up Invento came up with an idea for an intelligent robot, they had the skills to design and conceive the prototype, but not to manufacture it. So, the group headed to China and scoured the manufacturing hubs of Shenzhen and Dongguan, before finding the suppliers to flesh out their vision.

The result is Mitra, a robot that is already functioning in a Canara Bank branch in Bengaluru, welcoming clients, and it will soon headed for hospitals and movie theatres in India, welcoming patients and reminding them of their medical history, while offering suggestions for movie-goers based on their past visits.

Four prototypes, moulded in a Dongguan factory with circuit boards from Shenzhen, are currently being shipped to India. If the company is successful, hundreds more may be on the way.

"The software is all from India, which is around 80 per cent, but the hardware had to be good enough so we turned to China," explained Balaji Viswanathan, co-founder and CEO of the company Invento, as he showcased the idea to Chinese companies and potential investors on Wednesday in Dalian, a northeastern Chinese tech hub that hosted a rare meeting of Indian and Chinese tech companies.

Today, the Dalian government signed a first of its kind MoU with Nasscom, the Indian National Association of Software and Services Companies, to take forward the long-heralded coming together of Indian software and Chinese hardware that has been generally slow to crystallise.

The MoU says the Dalian government will help Indian IT companies set up units , and more importantly, "Promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing companies of Dalian and assist Indian software companies in expanding international market."

The Mitra case-study, although still at a nascent stage, has been seen as an example of what collaboration could achieve.

"This is another example that shows there is a lot to benefit from if we combine our respective strengths when we move towards smart manufacturing," said Gagan Sabharwal, Senior Director, Global Trade Development, NASSCOM. "With the new Digital wave, today we have a unique opportunity to merge hardware and software together to create smart solutions for the world."

Viswanathan now hopes to find a market in China for Mitra, and will be bringing the 5-foot-tall robot for future demonstrations. He is also in China looking for potential investors and local companies to partner with on the sourcing side.

Mitra's mould comes from Dongguan, a massive manufacturing hub in the southern Guangdong province. Its motherboard and source motors and controllers are from Shenzhen. It also has a Russian component, an indoor positioning system.

"We actually came to China for quality and efficiency, not for cost," says Viswanathan, saying the nature of Chinese manufacturing is changing rapidly and gone beyond the "cheap China" image that is still pervasive.

He believes there is a potential market for the robot in China, despite the massive domestic robotics industry. "We offer what they don't have yet, which is 99.2 per cent face recognition, the ability to build conversations and a natural language understanding, and a unique navigation system," he says.

Mitra, he points out, is named after the Vedic deity that symbolises good agreements and treaties, as well as trust. The name was originally intended to signal the relationship between Invento and its customers, but if the robot blazes a trail, it may well end up with a larger message for India and China.

Indian like to humiliate themself, freaking childern toy dubed as a make in India robot. Toys R Us used to have this kind of toys back in the 90s

For once I agree.

India will have a Billion strong youth population in the next 9 years and unless they are gong to become robot technicians and repairmen, I fail to see what a robot is going to do in India if these unemployed youths start to express their frustration on the streets, cinema halls and theaters.

Its truly one of the most Idiotic Ideas of all times.
Indian like to humiliate themself, freaking childern toy dubed as a make in India robot. Toys R Us used to have this kind of toys back in the 90s

Indeed. Yet we think, it's better and an honor to fail in originality than succeed in imitation. So we just don't care about what others think. Hope you got my point. :p:
Indeed. Yet we think, it's better and an honor to fail in originality than succeed in imitation. So we just don't care about what others think. Hope you got my point. :p:

Here is a "point" to chew on.

When a few frustrate unemployed youth on the street can end the showing of Padmavati in 2017, what do you think is going to happen when a billion youngsters is going to enter the job market and there is no jobs waiting for them ?

Robots with guns ?
Here is a "point" to chew on.

When a few frustrate unemployed youth on the street can end the showing of Padmavati in 2017, what do you think is going to happen when a billion youngsters is going to enter the job market and there is no jobs waiting for them ?

Robots with guns ?

And who's fault is it that no new jobs are not being created ???? A Robot's ????? :p:

Please ping me if you have anything on topic to discuss. :)
For God's sake, every one knows the level robots have reached. Why would India display this thing so proudly to the world's media?

Even locals are unlikely to be impressed by this - forget the rest of the world.
And who's fault is it that no new jobs are not being created ???? A Robot's ????? :p:

Please ping me if you have anything on topic to discuss. :)

I am going to say the CONgress for having ruled and destroyed this nation for the last 60 years.

There is no way in Hell ANYONE including Modi can do about this impending crisis. Let us see how the future pans out.

For God's sake, every one knows the level robots have reached. Why would India display this thing so proudly to the world's media?

Even locals are unlikely to be impressed by this - forget the rest of the world.

Quite frankly, I was embarrassed by the whole thing.

I am pretty sure it was a publicity gimmick by the company who used political contacts to promote their brand.
China again? Don't you remember Doklam Modi?

Lol Modi.
I am going to say the CONgress for having ruled and destroyed this nation for the last 60 years.

There is no way in Hell ANYONE including Modi can do about this impending crisis. Let us see how the future pans out.

Quite frankly, I was embarrassed by the whole thing.

I am pretty sure it was a publicity gimmick by the company who used political contacts to promote their brand.

Well, I agree whoever have been ruling India for the past 70+ years, irrespective of the political parties have given the highest priority for their party rather than the nation. Congress or BJP are no different in that case. We need a government at-least once who think about the nation as a whole ahead of their own political/group affiliations. :(
I am pretty sure it was a publicity gimmick by the company who used political contacts to promote their brand.

Yes maybe, there isn't any other logical reason for it to be there.

Although producing any robot is an achievement, there is a time to display things to the world.
China again? Don't you remember Doklam Modi?

Lol Modi.

Here is an Idea.

A billion youths who have entered the job market but have no jobs but are point towards China and send on their way with guns in their hands to express their frustration.

Do you think Tibet will be a free land in the next 10 years ? you think Nukes and aircraft's can stop 200 million youths ? Especially with a neighbor who also has Nukes and aircrafts ?

Tell me, who has more to loose and more to fear ? India or China ?
Here is an Idea.

A billion youths who have entered the job market but have no jobs but are point towards China and send on their way with guns in their hands to express their frustration.

Do you think Tibet will be a free land in the next 10 years ? you think Nukes and aircraft's can stop 200 million youths ? Especially with a neighbor who also has Nukes and aircrafts ?

Tell me, who has more to loose and more to fear ? India or China ?

This is such an original idea that made me write in this section for the second time of my entire presence in this forum.

And I do not know what to say.

Its cheaper to make in China. Its simple logistics.

India is expensive because the manufacturing quality is too high to hire?
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