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Missiles intercepted above Saudi Arabian cities Riyadh, Jazan

After a failed coup attempt in Riyadh set up by the CIA. MBS wants to go all-out war with the USA that's why they are pumping at full production because they want to crash the petrodollar economy. Because with current production rate USA shell oil pumping companies won't survive long
You cannot be serious.

They are not in it to counter Israel. If it was then Syrian war would be a lot different. This has nothing to do with religion/sect either but older Persian ambitions.
Your country is the one that is not serious. You accuse Iran of what you guys cant and wont do. so pls i dont need that crap.

You cannot be serious.

They are not in it to counter Israel. If it was then Syrian war would be a lot different. This has nothing to do with religion/sect either but older Persian ambitions.
In reality, the only unserious person here is you. You talk as though you are part of Iranian govt or are a professioinal news person. but you're not- your argument is full of fallacies and manipulations(like since they arent short of funds since they can lob missiles at neighbors) its just oversimplification, and i dont think you understand how sophisticated states operate- they always deceive simple minds. your own country supports proxies while Pakistan is POOR country so you are a big hypocrite also.
Saudis have strong rights to defend themselves from Houthis. May God protect the Arabian soils from proxies and insurgencies of hypocrites.To those who are trying to make alliance shamelessly minusing Arabs should be reminded that Saudi Arabia accepted Pakistan and supported her in every era at the time of difficulty. No matter what some specific big mouthed, brain washed mindsets say, Arab was our second home, Arab is and Arab shall be! Our former ISPR just went to offer pilgrimage recently and saluted Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) by standing infront of his "roza" and our generations shall be bounded to the sacred oath we have taken. Pakistan is a trustable friend and open enemy and Pakistan likes to deal with things that way. I can't stop enjoying what some so called intellects are trying to project about Pak- Saudi relations. This picture is of my Pakistani army's former DG ISPR presenting honorable salute:

If MBS is taking actions not liked by people, that doesn't give anyone right to abuse all Arab people and specially nonsense like removing Arabs from region. Arabs lived in past, raised to glory and inshallah will continue to thrive.
Criticize MBS but please don't talk shit against Arabs as nation.

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Your country is the one that is not serious. You accuse Iran of what you guys cant and wont do. so pls i dont need that crap.

Lol, what! Do you really think Iran is trying to fight Israel in any way. Last time I checked their proxies are like next to Israeli border but I don't see them lobbing those ATGM's to strike IDF even though they are getting pummeled by their AF in strikes.

They are more interested in controlling Lebanon, Syria, Yemen or Iraq instead of waging a "holy war" against Israel.

Its a Ponzi scheme.

In reality, the only unserious person here is you. You talk as though you are part of Iranian govt or are a professioinal news person. but you're not- your argument is full of fallacies and manipulations(like since they arent short of funds since they can lob missiles at neighbors) its just oversimplification, and i dont think you understand how sophisticated states operate- they always deceive simple minds. your own country supports proxies while Pakistan is POOR country so you are a big hypocrite also.

Since when is a "professional news person" an expert on things like IR and foreign policy.

If such things are a criteria to have a discussion, then I guess your points do not matter either because you don't work for Iranian govt either (or do you).

Lolz man. There is a plenty of difference between what Iran does and what Pakistan does.

If you can't see that then I don't need to bother explaining it to you. Please carry on.
Lol, what! Do you really think Iran is trying to fight Israel in any way.
Yes. At least Pakistan has not earned the right to comment on that if Pakistan doesnt want to look like hypocrite.
Last time I checked their proxies are like next to Israeli border
No they're not! because US + NATO + ISrael placed Islamic militants betweeen Syria and ISrael as a buffer zone to protect ISrael from attacks.

but I don't see them lobbing those ATGM's to strike IDF even though they are getting pummeled by their AF in strikes.
Then why did IDF pull all soldiers from the Lebanon border some months ago when Israel feared retaliation from Hezbollah??

Because you dont see ATGMs being fired now doesnt mean there isnt a conflict. why such a simple way of understanding something complex? I mean your country diverts valuable financial resources to preparing for India but when last did u guys fire 1 missle at India? you're like Iran - you keep investing in and using proxies, but they dont fight everyday...long wars arent determined by short common battles.

They are more interested in controlling Lebanon,
Is this why Iran hasnt ordered hezbollah to takeover the entire Lebanon since early 2000? man go sit down.

Is this why Iran has kept Assad in power and taken its own "territorial allocation" given to it by the Syrian govt?

Iran even told Houthis not to take Sanaa, so if Houthis followed Iran's advise, how could Iran "control Yemen"in the first place??? you see, you have a very basic, warped way of understanding complex ME politics.

Btw your Saudi allies have killed over 12K civilians in Yemen but where is your protest for that? soon you Sunni majority will turn sour and start playing sectarian victims to minority Shiites. smfh.

r Iraq instead of waging a "holy war" against Israel.
If Iran wasnt waging any war aginst ISrael then why is Israel attacking IRGC in syria monthly? cuz according to you, Iran hasnt done anything to Israel.

go sit down you troll and stop wasting our time.

Its a Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi is what Rich arabs play with Pakistan.
Houthis present 10% of yemen population

2. Irrelevant, because majority of Yemeni people support Houthis in this battle against fake Hadi govt and abuser and traitorous Saudi Arabia.

I've wondered the same. Why dont they turn the mountains in North Yemen to powder? They have the means and no one is really stopping them.
Answer(by process of elimination) - Because they cant.

No i dont think its an all out offence, not by a long shot. An all out offence would meant using their army to invade from north and west, use navy from the south and east and air force. Only air strikes and supporting local forces is not enough.
Saudis CANT invade because they literally dont have the 15,000 soldiers needed for this phantom Arab super power ground offensive. Stop living lies. 5 years into the war already so why cant Saudi deploy those necessary forces now? oh man Saudis have it all and still cant make anything out of it- US support, US weapons, lots of money...good size army...WHY THE FUK cant Saudi army take over Yemen? because they are militarily incompetent, and after 5 years, it shows.
Yes. At least Pakistan has not earned the right to comment on that if Pakistan doesnt want to look like hypocrite.

Lol what troll? We have every right to comment on the issue because Iran's duplicity impacts the whole muslim world.

No they're not! because US + NATO + ISrael placed Islamic militants betweeen Syria and ISrael as a buffer zone to protect ISrael from attacks.

Then why did IDF pull all soldiers from the Lebanon border some months ago when Israel feared retaliation from Hezbollah??

Because you dont see ATGMs being fired now doesnt mean there isnt a conflict. why such a simple way of understanding something complex? I mean your country diverts valuable financial resources to preparing for India but when last did u guys fire 1 missle at India? you're like Iran - you keep investing in and using proxies, but they dont fight everyday...long wars arent determined by short common battles.

You are saying that they are not near Israel and then you say that Israel pulled back forces from lebanese border.

Choose one thing man. Either Both Iranian and its proxies are within shooting range of Israel or they are not?

Rest of your comment is just crap. I would explain why below.

First thing first. Learn what "control" means. You don't have to takeover a territory to control it.

But then again I can't expect anything better from a person who thinks a "professional news person" should be the go to guy. Please stop watching Iranian version of Fox news. It is doing you no good.

Coming back to the point.


They really can't takeover rest of the lebanon. Not without turning it into another syria. They want to but they just want to use a controlling interest option. Much easier that way.


Boy Iran is writing blank cheques to Syria not out of love for him. If you think they are on some holy mission then those tens/hundreds of thousands of sunnis killed/wounded and millions displaced (which BTW formed a majority population in syria) is enough proof of the genocidal ambitions of Iran to protect its geo-political interests.

All that much weaponary in the theater and yet they focus on killing the sunnis instead of the jews that they very much chant about in their slogans.

They are as bad as those ISIS thugs.


Again you quote what saudis did but conveniently forget to mention what houthis did and how Iran is supporting it.

Please can you give me a detail of all the patents filed by houthis for the R&D that they did for the weapons they use in their fight against KSA and their supported yemeni govt? Especially for those guidance seekers used in their S2A, S2S missiles.

Please also share detail of any TOT deal done by houthis for all the weapons that they use (in case it is not local R&D).

All of their weapons seem to have a resemblance to the Iranian weapons. Heck their slogans if you can read the arabic text is a direct copy of Iranian slogans with all that Death to America/Israeli chant.

Please also remind me how does Iran border KSA or for that fact Yemen?

Your inability/forgetfullness to quote the other side does reflect your blindness to iranian atrocities so I don't need to waste my time further with you.

Please take a break kid, dig a hole and put your head inside it and comeback when you are less intoxicated from that iranian version of Kool-Aid.
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