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Missile hit Pentagon on 9/11: Video

It is amazing to note that no one is commenting on authenticity of video presented here but just using other tactics to flush the topic into drain.
Hey! If you want to comment on this topic, then use arguments other than usual brain farts.
Ok lets start.
Is that video fake?
Was that thing, in the video, an airliner?

Thx but dont u realy think these ppl will answer to that ? Admin should delete all answers not related to video. Thats tatic by some to just fill with spam !!!
That video of the missile hitting the Pentagon sure is the most damning piece of evidence I've seen since this 9/11 conspiracy talk started...
Fall of WTC-7 (Solomon's Building) is equally important evidence of controlled demolition...

& on-record police officer who arrested israeli's with van full of explosive on the very same day...
Beverly Eckert

kenneth johannemann, committed """suicide"""",,, Yeah right...

michael h doran's plane """crashed"""

Bertha Champagne found """crushed"""" under her own car...


Christopher Landis, committed """suicide"""

Paul Smith was run-over by a cab which in-turn was cut by a black car, so "creating" an excuse for cabby to be released without charges...

Aaron Rosso had exposed those for whom the word "criminal" is very small...
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He saw the building JUST "Blew up OUT of NOWHERE"
HE SAW IT,,,, do the "murderers & their supporters" understand...
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What explains the six month long underground fires?

Why media was not allowed at all during the debri cleaning period spanning months?
What explains the six month long underground fires?

Why media was not allowed at all during the debri cleaning period spanning months?

A fire will burn as long as it has fuel and oxygen. There are some mines in Pennsylvania that have been on fire for decades (look up the Centralia fire if interested). Same thing here.

A lot of the restrictions were due to the hazardous nature of the site after the attacks, and some were in place for removal of classified materials and dignity of human remains.

Of course, feel free to not believe these perfectly rational and truthful explanations.
A fire will burn as long as it has fuel and oxygen. There are some mines in Pennsylvania that have been on fire for decades (look up the Centralia fire if interested). Same thing here.

A lot of the restrictions were due to the hazardous nature of the site after the attacks, and some were in place for removal of classified materials and dignity of human remains.

Of course, feel free to not believe these perfectly rational and truthful explanations.

Your Last sentence is what we call sense-of-insecurity -&- feeling of guilt...

Those Australian youtube videos "How stupid are Americans" really fit here...

I MYSELF watched news in those days & 3 weeks after incidence, MOLTEN steel (not just any metal) was being discovered...

So ur oxygen-deprived jet fuel was in enough quantity to survive 3 weeks & hot-enough to keep STEEL molten ...!!!

That fuel couldn't keep plane in flight for 3 days,,, let alone burning MUCH FASTER & still survive 3 weeks...
پاكى;2075305 said:
Those Australian youtube videos "How stupid are Americans" really fit here...

I MYSELF watched news in those days & 3 weeks after incidence, MOLTEN steel (not just any metal) was being discovered...

So ur oxygen-deprived jet fuel was in enough quantity to survive 3 weeks & hot-enough to keep STEEL molten ...!!!

That fuel couldn't keep plane in flight for 3 days,,, let alone burning MUCH FASTER & still survive 3 weeks...

You think that jet fuel was only thing that could burn in the thousands of tons of debris? :lol:


Why would I have any insecurities or guilt? I only think and speak rationally. Ever heard of papers, furniture, clothing, curtains, backup generator fuel etc. etc. burning? May be not! :D
May be US killed the citizens on board that missing airplane ? then made it classified data and came up with this bird brain idea
You think that jet fuel was only thing that could burn in the thousands of tons of debris? :lol:


Why would I have any insecurities or guilt? I only think and speak rationally. Ever heard of papers, furniture, clothing, curtains, backup generator fuel etc. etc. burning? May be not! :D

There is a saying : never mud wrestle with a pig.The pig actually enjoys it ..
May be US killed the citizens on board that missing airplane ? then made it classified data and came up with this bird brain idea

And just why would the US need to do that? And even assuming this to be the case, which is NOT, crashing the plane into deep ocean waters would be much simpler, no?
It is amazing to note that no one is commenting on authenticity of video presented here but just using other tactics to flush the topic into drain.
Hey! If you want to comment on this topic, then use arguments other than usual brain farts.
Ok lets start.
Is that video fake?
Was that thing, in the video, an airliner?

The video is morphed.

Notice movement of the surroundings with respect to the camera (relativistically speaking) and then compare the speed of that movement with the velocity of the missile.

And that hazy camera was so good it tracked the continuous movement of the missile within 50 yards?

I am a fool when it comes to defence equipments (missiles, fighters, tanks etc.), but even a fool can easily tell that the velocity of the missile in this video is nowhere higher than 100 miles an hour. Is that the speed a missile is supposed to be at while hitting the target?

Secondly, on one hand many proponents say the 7ft by 8ft hole was created by the missile - into the wall. If so, then the missile did not carry any warhead, leave alone any liquid fuel. But in the undeniably genuine official video you see a fireball going 100 ft high - that kind of fireball can only be created with large amount of liquid fuel. No missile will just make a hole, and then go on to create a huge dark red (tells you about the fuel that is burning) fireball that big.

Bombs or Warheads or Missiles create shockwaves, not fireballs.

Then the tail piece part - It is not necessary that in each and every disaster, that includes a plane crash, will you find a tail piece. Remember it was Pentagon, one of the most important and well protected buildings of the US, it was quickly cordoned off and they did not deem it fit to show off the evidences for those who may want to deny everything they see for unrealistic reasons.

Finally, think of the last plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. If it were an inside job, why would the conspirators just crash down another plane for no reason? Are you going to say that all the phone calls made from that plane and released by the relatives were fake too?

If it were not to crash in a public area and a lot of videos did not go around, many would be saying this was another missile that missed its target.

And about those "reliable" pilots and spooky Boeing engineers saying the debris would have fallen miles apart in Pentagon crash - How far did the debris of planes (crashing in twin towers) fall away? When a plane hits a building, even a very small one, its debris does not get far, and they say the debris of even a small fighter jet would go for miles.

Here's a fact from my personal experience - A fighter plane crashed in a residential area of Najafgarh, New Delhi. I was right there waiting for my school bus. We all ran to look for those in need of help. A lot of fire was there, not much debris. The most distant debris, that was later collected by the Air Force officials, had fallen 2 blocks away - a distance of 25 yards.

These conspiracy theorists are simply passing away a possibility for 100% probability. It does not happen like that.
You think that jet fuel was only thing that could burn in the thousands of tons of debris? :lol:


Why would I have any insecurities or guilt? I only think and speak rationally. Ever heard of papers, furniture, clothing, curtains, backup generator fuel etc. etc. burning? May be not! :D
Nops NEVER HERD OF these things burning under natural conditions (with atmospheric oxygen) & temperature going high enough to melt steel.....

But DID infact herd & watched Thermite melt steel & know that it has been discovered from WTC's dust... collected by REAL physicists , NOT scientists like u who think paper & wood can melt steel...
Nops NEVER HERD OF these things burning under natural conditions (with atmospheric oxygen) & temperature going high enough to melt steel.....

But DID infact herd & watched Thermite melt steel & know that it has been discovered from WTC's dust... collected by REAL physicists , NOT scientists like u who think paper & wood can melt steel...

Being ignited by jet fuel and then compressed in a mixture of debris with voids in between are not exactly "natural" conditions, are they?

A LOT of other material was also stored in those buildings, so of course traces would be found. Do you have any idea just how large the WTC underground complex was and what was stored there? How many thousands of gallons of gasoline (petrol) was in all the cars in the garages there?
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