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misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

Your avatar say a lot about you ... so for now let's not promote this baggers theories to the world be proud of wat u are n stop pointing fingers on your ownself go ask these army generals to stop robbing the nation every now and then

Give me proof that the Army Generals have been robbing the Nation of Pakistan. Let me guess are you a PPP supporter.....the so called champions of democracy......before you point fingers at the army.....you should point fingers at your politicians who have so much wealth yet have failed Pakistan on a constant basis. These are very same Landlords that are sitting in your Parliament....laughing away at how naive Pakistani's have become.
I feel Turkey can form a very good role model for Pakistan to develop. With the zilth of governance simlarities they can also look upon the reforms which India introduced economically to be implemented in Pakistan.
People of Pakistan are not unthankful to Allah they will be rewarded for their love for pakistan n for their hard work they carry alot of dignity and pride of being a pakistani show some respect to them

Yes Pakistani people have worked hard.....yet they have been stupid.....its fact...look at the state of Pakistan......worse period in its History....why because people such as yourself who live in Pakistan voted in Zardari into Power. Under Mushy, Pakistan was much better off, you had no IMF loans, and to be frank in England and the World Pakistan had a good respectable status, yet all that is gone down the drain.
ask any ques to those army generals who are the root cause of some of the shameful problems in pakistan
never call a pakistani bagger on the street of pakistan u will get chop into some hundred pieces,.....

The army Generals of Pakistan are partly responsible in why Pakistan has failed....yet they are not the core problem. The core problem is these Landlords that reside in Pakistan...who have enormous power.....and who currently reside in your Parliament. Pakistani people are not beggars...yet it is your politicians that have made that scenrio possible. The Beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said interest is haram....yet Pakistan has gone to the IMF.....the worse thing a country can ever do.
:angel: Indian economy grows so are your poor with double digits. So lets say for the last many decades India is obsessed with its neigbours mainly China and Pakistan and also smaller ones for trying to impose its bullying by spending more on purchasing weapons than spending on millions of poor in India.

India had started the destabilising of neighbourhood LTTE, Mukti bahani and meddling in Nepal, and now even BD

Fair enough.....

But you also have to realize that India and Pakistan have a near parity wrt Per Capita Income....

The difference is.....
Indian Govt has created land reforms to limit the power of the Zamindars....along with a liberal economic policy that has resulted in the Govt and Indian reserves booming at an incredible rate...
Pakistan has failed to measure up here....

So as the Indian elite get richer the Indian Govt gets richer as welll.....

In the case of Pakistan.....The elite get richer and more powerful yet the Govt is poor as sh!t....

So when a natural calamity befalls your country.....as is the case now where 1/3rd of your country is submerged affecting your main source of income.....agriculture....your Govt is not able to cushion itself and its people into rescue....Your Elite are not altruistic enough to contribute to relief as can be seen from the current scenario.....

India on the other hand is able to deal and allocate a lot of resources to damage control if required.....

When your Govt tries to imitate a larger neighbor in an arms race......you take away funds from some key areas that India does not have to worry about

Which model would you prefer keeping in mind the current scenario?
As I mentioned Pakistani System has been damaged beyond repair.
This cancer will need to be surgically removed by the knife;
down to every last infested cell
to make sure it does never grow again.

As simple as that.

Do you agree ?


But in Pakistan revolutions come in 2 forms:

- Its either an Army coup......excellent for the country (Case and point Musharraf)....bad internationally...

- Islamic Revolution....Bad for the country (Case and Point TTP....Some may argue otherwise)....Bad internationally

So what other solutions remain?
Give me proof that the Army Generals have been robbing the Nation of Pakistan. Let me guess are you a PPP supporter.....the so called champions of democracy......before you point fingers at the army.....you should point fingers at your politicians who have so much wealth yet have failed Pakistan on a constant basis. These are very same Landlords that are sitting in your Parliament....laughing away at how naive Pakistani's have become.

Not that Its my concern how Pakistan's landlords or the army run the country......

But I have a ton of Pakistani friends, whose parents were ex-Armymen....
It surprised me how much wealth these folks had.....and Im talking about pure hard cash....
They had the best tables at Embassy in Boston...popped champagne like it was water and.....drove Porshe's and BMWs....

Makes one wonder how an Army man on a govt salary gets so wealthy....
And mind you....this is not an isolated case....
Give me proof that the Army Generals have been robbing the Nation of Pakistan. Let me guess are you a PPP supporter.....the so called champions of democracy......before you point fingers at the army.....you should point fingers at your politicians who have so much wealth yet have failed Pakistan on a constant basis. These are very same Landlords that are sitting in your Parliament....laughing away at how naive Pakistani's have become.

I m not supporter of PPP never was never is n never will be stop playing guessing games with yourself n i have never voted for PPP

Now days kids are in love with glamour of the army n don't know nothing about the history of pak or the real propose of the army i love my army who die on the border defending the nation all my respect to them but not those bastard generals who over the years came from no where n took over the civilian governments ...

you setting in england trying to be civilised by defending n talking in favor of generals not going to do any good for pakistan....
its not this that we are always like this......you cannot judge all military persons like this.....if you have seen some well off people it does not mean that whole military is like this....
and what if they are corrupt and take money away from civil and eat ....they deserve it because when earthquake came no bod called govt for the aid but the military is called when the flood came same case scenario.....so they deserve what ever they do............pak foj zindabaaad
But I have a ton of Pakistani friends, whose parents were ex-Armymen....
It surprised me how much wealth these folks had.....and Im talking about pure hard cash....

Just because a few Army men are wealthy does not mean all our. Those that are because of there own family wealth...or simply because the army takes care of its own. One such case is the Fauji Foundation where retired soilders work there and earn a decent living....how is that robbing the nation.
you setting in england trying to be civilised by defending n talking in favor of generals not going to do any good for pakistan.

Well you live in Pakistan.....so any problem is going to have a impact on you not me, as I live in England. Its up to you to do something....and so far Pakistani's like you have failed in this regard.
Few things Indian should know. Pakistan is new nation, but India is not. Why ?, Before and after 1947, all best institutions from banking to education came under Indian rule. What Pakistan got? nothing, not even part of wealth to run the country. Where famous Indian politicians (don't remember name)said, Pakistan will be back in India,its matter of Time. Few feudal lords and striving hard commoners. Its time for feudal to go.
Saw the video - they returned the honest political's tax check back? LOL - never heard of such a thing ever.
Few things Indian should know. Pakistan is new nation, but India is not. Why ?, Before and after 1947, all best institutions from banking to education came under Indian rule. What Pakistan got? nothing, not even part of wealth to run the country. Where famous Indian politicians (don't remember name)said, Pakistan will be back in India,its matter of Time. Few feudal lords and striving hard commoners. Its time for feudal to go.

India got the bulk of the poor and the destitute....Trust me....thats more of a liability and a heavier weight to handle than a few hundred industries....

In fact, India is yet to achieve an Industrial Revolution completely.....yet we have used our resources to our advantage.....

India and Pakistan should take China's example.....They had theirs in 1978 and look where they are.....

And not like Pakistan isnt sitting on a goldmine of resources......but Zamindari has made sure that these remain the exploits of the rich only...

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