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Minority men beheaded for not giving jizya in Pakistan


Oct 24, 2009
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BBC News - Two Sikh men beheaded in north-west Pakistan

Two Sikh men beheaded in north-west Pakistan

Two Pakistani Sikhs have been beheaded, weeks after being kidnapped in separate incidents in the country's tribal north-west, officials say.

Jaspal Singh was taken while travelling in Khyber district a month ago. His body was found on Sunday.

Mastan Singh was kidnapped in the Orakzai region at about the same time.

The neighbouring regions are home to crime syndicates involved in carjacking and kidnappings, which are known to have links with extremist groups.

Unidentified gunmen demanded ransoms in both cases. A large Sikh community has lived in the area for more than 200 years.

Ransom demand

Officials in Khyber say Jaspal Singh was among seven Sikhs travelling in the tribal district a month ago. He and two others were kidnapped by a group of armed men - four others in the party escaped.

Later, the family of Jaspal Singh received a ransom demand for 20 million rupees ($235,000) to be paid by last Saturday.

His body was found when members of his family arrived in the area on Sunday to negotiate his release.

Two other Sikh men still remain in the custody of the kidnappers, officials say.

In Orakzai, Mastan Singh was also kidnapped by gunmen from the Bezot area one month ago.

There was a ransom demand for his release which was not met, officials said.

Many of the Sikhs in the Orakzai and Khyber regions own businesses or farms. But the community has come under increasing pressure as the influence of Islamist militants has grown in the area, BBC correspondents say.

Most of them have moved to Peshawar, and further east to cities in Punjab province.

There have been reports that Sikhs in the region have been subjected to jizya - an Islamic tax that is collected from non-Muslims.
The only Jiza the idiots who did this deserve is , hanging for killing innocent people, and that free of charge courtesy of police and justice system
Already posted before, don’t you guys have anything better to do all day but to search any unfortunate incident that happens in Pakistan and then twist the wordings to suite your agenda.

And if you had opened your mind up and read the article properly it says that the demands were of ransom, and the only mention of Jaziya is the reference to past incidents.

The only other thing I have to add is "get a life".
Already posted before, don’t you guys have anything better to do all day but to search any unfortunate incident that happens in Pakistan and then twist the wordings to suite your agenda.

And if you had opened your mind up and read the article properly it says that the demands were of ransom, and the only mention of Jaziya is the reference to past incidents.

The only other thing I have to add is "get a life".

Since when Taliban has started speaking English i mean ransom instead Jizya.

This what your Zaid Hamid was referring publicly about muslim armies taking Jizya from kafirs in past.
You get some life cause it will hurt your fallacious ego now and will make you think why people hate when someone twist words.
Since when Taliban has started speaking English i mean ransom instead Jizya.

This what your Zaid Hamid was referring publicly about muslim armies taking Jizya from kafirs in past.
You get some life cause it will hurt your fallacious ego now and will make you think why people hate when someone twist words.

This is what I call being dumb, now listen to me kid where in the article says that the killings were done for Jaziya. So read carefully, and where did I say anything in support of Zahid Hamid or the talibans so don’t give me that BS that if one don’t agree with your school of thought then he is a talib sympathizer. So stop wasting my time. And move on. And while you are at it it won’t hurt to read the article again. And also find some more sources because since morning the number of times I have read this article there have been 10,000 different statements on what was the motive. So don’t fabricate a title because you think that that is the case.
lets staRT discussion about racial discrimination in pakistan similar to the godhra riots punching .Which is the pakistani members favorite pastime
^ absolutely right....there r many unfortunate incident that happens in india too and then twisted the wordings to suite poor agenda by just posting some youtube videos
There is nothing to discuss on racial discrimination in Pakistan as there only one race resides. They don't have any substantial minority communities as most of them migrated to India either by will or force...
Same topic running in a dozen tghreads started by confused souls.Sikh was pakistani and talibans are supported mo...f..kers hired by @ss.... in kabul.
Anyways these trali fuks will see the end of there f...king lives.
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