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Ministry Keen to Purchase 500 More Howitzer Guns from BAE Systems

Are you sure that Tiger hill was bombard with 300 Bofors Guns .What are you Talking about ? I hop you are not drunk. Get your facts right first. 300 Guns for Tiger HILL, you are funny. MLRS are you kidding me that's not gonna make a difference, how would you lift MLRS in mountains man , we lost the 62 war because they were not able to mobilize troops and Ammunition on time. That is the reason we need M 777.

He is at least partially correct; the final assault on Tiger Hill was supported by over 400 guns and heavy mortars, believed to be the biggest concentration of artillery fire since WWII.The Bofors gunners, there were 120 Bofors, found that in the rarefied atmosphere of Kargil it could lob shells upto 39 km instead of the usual 27 km, and to improve accuracy and avoid artillery radar, resorted to firing through open sights. Backing up that murderous fire, and leading the fire by volume were the M46 guns,a few individual gun positions reporting firing upwards of 500 shells in just 24 hours. Finally came the fearsome 160mm heavy mortars, pound for pound the most devastating of the deployed artillery systems.

I've not been able to confirm if 105mm L37 IFG/LFG were deployed for TIger Hill operation. Maybe someone else will be kind enough to educate me.
He is at least partially correct; the final assault on Tiger Hill was supported by over 400 guns and heavy mortars, believed to be the biggest concentration of artillery fire since WWII.The Bofors gunners, there were 120 Bofors, found that in the rarefied atmosphere of Kargil it could lob shells upto 39 km instead of the usual 27 km, and to improve accuracy and avoid artillery radar, resorted to firing through open sights. Backing up that murderous fire, and leading the fire by volume were the M46 guns,a few individual gun positions reporting firing upwards of 500 shells in just 24 hours. Finally came the fearsome 160mm heavy mortars, pound for pound the most devastating of the deployed artillery systems.

I've not been able to confirm if 105mm L37 IFG/LFG were deployed for TIger Hill operation. Maybe someone else will be kind enough to educate me.

There were some 105mm IFGs deployed on adjacent hill features, But the bulk of the file was from M-46 and Bofors FH-77 Howitzers, there were some BM-21 MLRS utilised too in the "softening-up" phase of the barrage.
Are you sure that Tiger hill was bombard with 300 Bofors Guns .What are you Talking about ? I hop you are not drunk. Get your facts right first. 300 Guns for Tiger HILL, you are funny. MLRS are you kidding me that's not gonna make a difference, how would you lift MLRS in mountains man , we lost the 62 war because they were not able to mobilize troops and Ammunition on time. That is the reason we need M 777.

If you are too stupid to understand english then read my posts again. Do not ask me to repeat myself.

If you want to discuss 62 war open a new thread. Do not talk rubbish just because you can.

Its a fact that Pinaka was used in Kargil and there are multiple sources that say it. Don't expect people to soon feed you just because you are lazy or stupid.

Read and understand and don't bother to reply back and waste my time.

Battle-Winning Role of the Gunners in Kargil War » Indian Defence Review
If you are too stupid to understand english then read my posts again. Do not ask me to repeat myself.

If you want to discuss 62 war open a new thread. Do not talk rubbish just because you can.

Its a fact that Pinaka was used in Kargil and there are multiple sources that say it. Don't expect people to soon feed you just because you are lazy or stupid.

Read and understand and don't bother to reply back and waste my time.

Battle-Winning Role of the Gunners in Kargil War » Indian Defence Review
Go home open your Text book , read and read carefully, Give a tight slap on your face if you still don't,t understand and This is about M 777 . (Idiot how dare you ?)

There were some 105mm IFGs deployed on adjacent hill features, But the bulk of the file was from M-46 and Bofors FH-77 Howitzers, there were some BM-21 MLRS utilised too in the "softening-up" phase of the barrage.

what do you mean by some MLRS how many , did you see more than 1 ? one idiot is taking MLRS to china border up the hill.
what do you mean by some MLRS how many , did you see more than 1 ? one idiot is taking MLRS to china border up the hill.

Dude, I was'nt there at Kargil, more so at the attack on Tiger Hill? Now were you there at the time?
The BM-21 MLRS were at the base of the hill, BTW. If you want to drive them up a hill, then you'd need to fit wings, add rocket boosters, maybe even add a large Rotor on top of the MLRS. The 6x6 drive will not make cut.

Incidentally this is what ordering the M-777 ULH (and Chinooks) is all about. Yes, I did read all that clap-trap on this thread; including from a "professional" Johnny-come-lately !
Any Indian poster falling for the soft trolling of the brick wall called maarkhoor is wasting their time. You can get a fossilized toad from 30 million years to understand our POV on India defence matters but can not get the house troll to say anything useful, EVER. Just ignore him.
ohhhh man i almost fell off from my chair....it was funny :lol:
Go home open your Text book , read and read carefully, Give a tight slap on your face if you still don't,t understand and This is about M 777 . (Idiot how dare you ?)

Now that you have been exposed for a Fool and proved that you were wrong I really want to Give you one tight slap and ask you to keep you trap shut forever before you waste everybody's time again with your foolish opinions. Do not expect others to suffer fools gladly just because your parents do.

Dhanush is a Heavy GUN ; It is PLACED on Land Behind the MOUNTAIN

With M777 ; We will be TAKING the GUN to the MOUNTAIN TOPS

Now IMAGINE firing a Shell from TOP of a Mountain PEAK

Then the Shell will LAND deep in your TERRITORY
Your Roads ; Cantonments ; Fuel Depots ; AMMUNITION dumps all will
And to add to that...the shells are dirt cheap!
Please tell this to DRDO also and stop wasting your time on Arjun, Tejas, Nishant and many more just prepare the shoping list.

Do not worry about us. We know very well what to do and what not. When our enemy will face Arjun, they will know to whom they are facing. Its round shall penetrate enemy tank like a knife penetrate butter.

Are you sure that Tiger hill was bombard with 300 Bofors Guns .What are you Talking about ? I hop you are not drunk. Get your facts right first. 300 Guns for Tiger HILL, you are funny. MLRS are you kidding me that's not gonna make a difference, how would you lift MLRS in mountains man , we lost the 62 war because they were not able to mobilize troops and Ammunition on time. That is the reason we need M 777.

He seems to be confused between the rounds fired and numbers of Gun.
Now that you have been exposed for a Fool and proved that you were wrong I really want to Give you one tight slap and ask you to keep you trap shut forever before you waste everybody's time again with your foolish opinions. Do not expect others to suffer fools gladly just because your parents do.

Seems like Tight Slap didn't work on you, You need a knockout "Punch "

By the way You are a biggest mistake of your parents. ( Yo FAG, they must have used something) DAMM
Nice joke make my day you are funny.

All right . You ahve a habit to live in delusion. Your history is full of that. like Subah ka nashta Jaisalmer main, Shyam ka khan Delhi mai etc etc. It is fine that you underestimate our stuff.

When there will be face off, you guys will get to know the stuff of our weapons.
Dude, I was'nt there at Kargil, more so at the attack on Tiger Hill? Now were you there at the time?
The BM-21 MLRS were at the base of the hill, BTW. If you want to drive them up a hill, then you'd need to fit wings, add rocket boosters, maybe even add a large Rotor on top of the MLRS. The 6x6 drive will not make cut.

Incidentally this is what ordering the M-777 ULH (and Chinooks) is all about. Yes, I did read all that clap-trap on this thread; including from a "professional" Johnny-come-lately !

Dude, I was'nt there at Kargil, more so at the attack on Tiger Hill? Now were you there at the time?
The BM-21 MLRS were at the base of the hill, BTW. If you want to drive them up a hill, then you'd need to fit wings, add rocket boosters, maybe even add a large Rotor on top of the MLRS. The 6x6 drive will not make cut.

Incidentally this is what ordering the M-777 ULH (and Chinooks) is all about. Yes, I did read all that clap-trap on this thread; including from a "professional" Johnny-come-lately !


This is the only picture we have had for MLRS during the kargil war, probably this was the only one. We din't had enough systems then, things were very difficulty at that time.
LOL.... threatened by a internet tough guy :lol: ........ pathetic and a fool....... that makes you an official Pathetic Fool.
Haan TU too The terminator hai na, You leave your home daily with mission to terminate all Bad Guys come back with smoking HOT GUN, Mission Accomplished, Next morning you do the same HOO AA, that's what you are ? MY Foot.
View attachment 280420

This is the only picture we have had for MLRS during the kargil war, probably this was the only one. We din't had enough systems then, things were very difficulty at that time.

Not really. This is'nt the only picture for that matter. There is quite a bit of video-footage that was broadcast by the TV channels at the time. The BM-21s drove up from Jammu for the most part and were used only as 'shock and awe' weapons in the softening-up phase of the barrage. But were no use in precision artillery bombardment. These MLRS are meant for battle against massed formations ideally or to create a huge "shebang".
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