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Military Professionals

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Dec 25, 2007
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I note with displeasure the exclusion of foreigners from the designation of "Military Professional". Aside from myself, whom I consider as having earned such designation, I submit that Shiny Capstar, Ratus Ratus, Zraver, and deltacamelately are equally deserving of this recognition.

I had no objection to the "think tank" being a repository of Pakistani intellect. That seemed a fair choice. OTOH, designation of a military professional crosses national lines. I have only submitted names of those whom I'm aware that have been vouch-safed elsewhere and who have demonstrated by the power and knowledge of their posts the insights one might only observe in a professional.

There may be others.

Don't worry - you guys are in the works!

We had this exact discussion in fact, on whether to only recognize Pakistani MP's, and we decided against it.

All who have served their nation should be recognized as such on the forum - a small recognition of their service.

Webmaster is taking a phased approach though. First the Pakistanis, then the non-Pakistanis. Notice not all Pakistani MP's have been assigned that particular title yet.

All the names you mentioned were discussed with no objections, and we would like to assign them MP titles provided they themselves have no objections. :)
"enigma987 comes to mind also!"



A cut above.:eek:
I'd also mention keysersoze as having served with a certain armed force at one time or another and deserving of this additional acknowledgement.
Deltacamelately should not be added.That guy is an asshole.Keysersoze served in UK Military Steve.
I know about keysersoze's affiliation and that's the reason I mentioned him even if already a supermod. I also chose to do so obliquely in deference to his privacy.

That's your opinion of DCL but I know his posting well and he is an informed professional officer that fully merits this recognition.

And your service such to comment on this matter, sir?
Deltacamelately should not be added.That guy is an asshole.Keysersoze served in UK Military Steve.

Some people would have the same opinion about S-2 ;)

A member's opinions should not be an issue, so long as forum rules are adhered to.

The idea behind assigning people who have served in the military a 'Military Professional' title is to recognize that they have served/are serving. DCL is an officer in the IA, and that fact cannot be changed whether you agree with his views or not.

And just because someone is a MP does not mean you have to conform to their views - continue to argue your positions and POV logically and with civility.
The reason i am saying he is an asshole is this

"An average Pakistani Citizen's Perception on War with the US"
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The reason i am saying he is an asshole is this

"An average Pakistani Citizen's Perception on War with the US"

Yes, I am familiar with that post, but many Indian posters think along those lines. Chalk it down to the propaganda and brainwashing of the GoI and Indian media.

That said, despite the fact that that post was in very poor taste, it was not made on this forum. His posts on this forum have been largely civil, and that is what matters, that posters on defence.pk adhere to the rules while posting here - we cannot govern their posts elsewhere on the World Wide Web.

If he were to flame/troll like that here, he would be banned.
While I agree with S-2, I also think that the non-Pakistani MPs should give the title "Military Professional" but not the "Member" title. ‘Member’ title is remanence of the late TT club that was restricted to the Pakistani members only.
"member" of what, exactly? Senior member?

I've earned that, fair and square. Got the scars to prove it too.:lol:
The idea behind assigning people who have served in the military a 'Military Professional' title is to recognize that they have served/are serving. DCL is an officer in the IA, and that fact cannot be changed whether you agree with his views or not.


By that logic I could be included but tbh I'm happy with any designation.

Doesn't really stop me posting or using the forum.
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By that logic I could be included but tbh I'm happy with any designation.

Doesn't really stop me posting or using the forum.

Oh yes, you are part of the list as well.

You just have to allow for things to happen on "Pakistan Standard Time" and not "Regular Time" :D

We tend to wait till our Capital is about to fall to militants before we notice something is amiss :P
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