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Military parade on March 23 canceled for 6th time in a row

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Military parade on March 23 canceled for 6th time in a row

Joint military parade used to be a regular event on 23 March with display of military power and show of Pakistan’s folk and culture. – File Photo
Published 2014-01-10 21:47:41
ISLAMABAD: The joint military parade in the federal capital due for March 23, 2014 has been cancelled on 6th consecutive year due to security reason, sources in the ministry of defence told Dawn.com.

“The joint military parade has been cancelled due to security reason and deployment of troops at western borders engaged in the war against terrorism,” the defence source said.

Last parade which took place in Islamabad was on 23rd March 2008 and it was reviewed by Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf as a civilian president.

During the tenure of former president Asif Ali Zardari parade could not take place for a single time in five years, again due to security reasons.

Joint military parade used to be a regular event with display of military power and show of Pakistan’s folk and culture.

“We evaluated the security situation and availability of troops for this huge event, and consulted concerned security agencies which advised us not to go for this parade,” the top defence ministry official said.

In neighboring India, the parade has been taking place regularly amid extraordinary security.
for different reasons our country has done away with all its traditions and events. for me the republic day parade was a symbol of our unity. the horse & cattle & tatoo show was a symbol of our culture and martial races. there are many other such days and events which have been done away with. we have nothing left to mark such occassions with pride and joy!. very sad indeed. then people make excuses that the govt dosnt have the money to pay for such events. the govt has money to go on expensive foreign 'jaunts' but not to hold national days.
i was searching for news on the parade and found this thread, though its an old one, but still a depressing read, when they can provide security to IDEAS at Karachi(which is one of the most dangerous cities of Pakistan) why cant they arrange a parade in Islamabad? and the "bahana" that troops are deployed at western border...seriously man an army of 600,000 men and you cant provide a few thousand for the parade?
oh and there was parade today, and was one of the crappiest ones I have ever seen, even passing out parades at academies of armed forces are wayyyyyyyyy better.
So we have still many Type-69IIM and Tyüe-59IIM which have not get the Al ZARRAR upgrade !

Thank you for the picture, it was interesting to see the 37mm AA Gun and the 57mm AA Gun are in service with many units form Lahore to Karachi !

there are nearly 1,200 type69 and 59 in the inventory but only 400 will be upgraded to AZ standard. rest will be used as strategic reserve & training of crews.

AK = 1,200 required (400 delivered)
T-80UD = 380 (to be uprated to T-84)
AZ = 400

total 1,980 eventually.
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