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Military intelligence unit & Delhi Police special cell thwarted a possible attack on Jama-Masjid

That's good, But tell your producers that don't pass on your Indian Muslims & their culture as Pakistanis.
You’re right!
Indian muslims are unique, they follow the Hindu culture.
Infact its also true for the Xians in my country.
This is what bonds my country-men. :)
indians again crying even before anything happend nothing can be happen bigger than APS incidence. india was behind in every terrorist attack in Pakistan. now they wanted to put pressure on Pakistan. let them live in bollywood crap.
I would say that the Establishment in Kashmir ignored radicalization for too long. The Establishment was only looking at separatists while generally ignoring regressives like Asiya Andrabi. Remember the all-girl music group from Kashmir called "Pargaash" ?? They received many threats just because they wanted to play music. Omar Abdullah, the CM then, supported them.

But good job by Jammu MI and Delhi MI in thwarting this latest attack.

By the way, Levina, are IM and SIMI still active ??
either we ignored or deliberately let it grow? Some of these radicalized outfits even though are anti-India and highly communal are a good example to show case to outside world. Well India also needs a good excuse and these are our useful idiots in the great game.
You’re right!
Indian muslims are unique, they follow the Hindu culture.
Infact its also true for the Xians in my country.
This is what bonds my country-men. :)

Whatever it is bond or balm - It's not how Pakistan or Pakistani people look & live like, so stop portraying orange as an apple.
Whatever it is bond or balm - It's not how Pakistan or Pakistani people look & live like, so stop portraying orange as an apple.
We have an ocean named after us, so when it comes to identity,usually others emulate us. Lol
Anways we are deviating from the topic.
Your ISI agents havent been performing well since sometime, they need to pull up their socks.
Why dont you do something to motivate them? :)
Oh yes!
Just that the group has now either merged with Maoists or other similar terrorists groups, which get funded by the enemy agnecy.
I hope you are aware that the enemy spy agnecy had asked them to help Maoists in the past?


Where can I get more details on this ??

either we ignored or deliberately let it grow? Some of these radicalized outfits even though are anti-India and highly communal are a good example to show case to outside world. Well India also needs a good excuse and these are our useful idiots in the great game.

If it was the highlighted bit then it was unwise.

Some years ago, that burqa, Asiya Andrabi, threatened to throw acid on the faces of Kashmiri women who did not cover up fully.

As to your point of such groups being demonstrations to the world, well, the world primarily sees the civilian deaths and detentions.
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We have an ocean named after us, so when it comes to identity,usually others emulate us. Lol

That's exactly the wrong assumption and problem with you people. No, we don't emulate you, hence have different culture and way of life which is nothing close to what your Bollywood make you believe.

Anways we are deviating from the topic.
Your ISI agents havent been performing well since sometime, they need to pull up their socks.
Why dont you do something to motivate them? :)

We aren't diverting from topic. Talking about the plot of upcoming Bollywood fiction, and the factors which will make it look more real by depicting your enemies correctly.

Where can I get more details on this ??
In this article, I had mentioned how Simi members are being absorbed into other terrorist grps. You will have to rummage through the subtitles and go straight to the subtiyle called Cohesion of internal and external enemies. If possible do visit the links(words in blue) that i have provided as the source to my content. Heres the link to my article >>>


No, we don't emulate you, hence have different culture and way of life which is nothing close to what your Bollywood make you believe.
1. You know thats not true.
2. You must be having blinkers on to not see it. Even your PM emulates our PM. Lolz
Talking about the plot of upcoming Bollywood fiction, and the factors which will make it look more real by depicting your enemies correctly.
Huge fan of Bollywood eh?
Ganaie, the man who was supposed to carry out the attack on JM, is now under arrest. So i wonder why would you so vehemently be denying this incident?
1. You know thats not true.
2. You must be having blinkers on to not see it. Even your PM emulates our PM. Lolz

LOL ... As I said, you people live in Bollywood bubble. I don't know what make you believe that guy who have been star in all of his life will try to emulate a Chai wala on world hugging/selfie/photops tour because it's first time in his life he got the opportunity.

Huge fan of Bollywood eh?
Ganaie, the man who was supposed to carry out the attack on JM, is now under arrest. So i wonder why would you so vehemently be denying this incident?

I watch anti-Pakistan movies of Bollywood as they are good laugh.
Your country have history of killing own citizen to blame Pakistan or divert the issue. So, new drama for Kashmir day isn't something unexpected.
Military intelligence unit & Delhi Police special cell thwarted a possible attack in Jama-Masjid area, intended at causing communal disharmony

“Bada hona chahiye aur Hindustan rona chahiye”
the explosion should be big and Hindustan should be in tears), the instruction from ISI handler Abu Mauz to Ganaie was short and crisp. Jaish-E-Mohammed’s Ganderbal chief, Abdul Latif Ganaie, had recently proved his allegiance to the terrorist organization, by carrying out myriads of successful grenade attacks in Kashmir. He was now tasked to repeat the same in Delhi, at three crowded markets, two important tourist destinations, a religious structure and a gas pipeline in Delhi, on or before 26th January. According to Delhi police special cell’s statement–Ganaie and his associate Hilal Ahmad Bhat, had reconnoitered Lajpat Nagar, Palika Bazar and Jama Masjid market area. Their arrest was announced on 24th January.

It was Military intelligence unit in Jammu, which had first caught the ISI handler, Abu Mauz, jibber-jabbering with JeM operatives in the valley. Once cognizant of the gravity of situation, the MI unit in Jammu swiftly handed over the case to Military intelligence unit, Delhi. Delhi Police Special Cell’s nimble-footedness to work in tandem with MI unit in Delhi, helped prevent anti-India entities from jeopardizing the Republic-day parade this year. But with Lok Sabha elections 2019 afoot, the possibility of ISI funded terrorist groups attacking a religious structure like Jama Masjid to cause communal disharmony in the country, cannot be ignored.


Earlier terror attacks were carried out during the religious and cultural festivals but now the enemy spy agency’s strategy is to dub national days like Republic day and Independence day, into a majority/minority celebration. Atleast twice in the past, Jama Masjid has come under attack by terrorist groups, funded by Pakistan. In 2010, two Indian Mujahideen operatives had opened fire at a tourist bus parked outside the mosque, injuring two foreigners. Indian Mujahideen, is a terrorist group composed of members from lowest tiers of SIMI, which also receives its funding through ISI operatives in India. But the attack that was being planned by Ganaie this year, was similar to the one carried out in 2006, when two low intensity blasts had taken place in the mosque. This was later tracked by the agencies to the grenade attacks in Srinagar, that took place on the same day. The inspiration to attack Jama Masjid and its vicinity, could have also come from the Kasganj violence which occurred last year, when a Tiranga Yatra was interrupted by a mob shouting slogans in support of Pakistan. The violence that ensued killed one person.

Our intelligence agencies have prevented enemy spy agency,ISI, from stroking the smoldering embers of communal unrest in the country.

@Nilgiri @jamahir @Mentee @Zibago and others

With elections nearby, it seems more like there would be moles in secular and leftist parties who would want these terrorist attacks to happen so that there is a visible tension in the society. IB should be deployed to investigate and spy on the so-called left and secularist parties.
Another false flag in making .. hopefully this time Indians recover CNIC and passport of Pakistani terrorists which they would be carrying for obvious reasons .. and please don't forget to add an audio tape from ISI handler and terrorists cause they are very funny specially how these ISI agents talks [emoji5]
star in all of his life
Imran khan may have been a Cricket star but that doesn’t make him a good politician. No Rocket science!!!
a Chai wala on world hugging/selfie/photops tour because it's first time in his life he got the opportunity.
India is a country where a fisherman’s son can become a President- APJ ABDUL KALAM, and
where a maid’s son can become the Prime Minister- Narendra Modi. We are proud of our leaders. Could you name any of your leaders who have a humble background?
And incase you’re not aware, Narendra Modi has served as the CM of Gujarat for more than a decade.
Imran khan may have been a Cricket star but that doesn’t make him a good politician. No Rocket science!!!

Politics is basically dirty game in developing country, so yes humanist like him can't be good politician. But Modi have all the qualities, so he sure is good politician.

India is a country where a fisherman’s son can become a President- APJ ABDUL KALAM, and
where a maid’s son can become the Prime Minister- Narendra Modi. We are proud of our leaders. Could you name any of your leaders who have a humble background?
And incase you’re not aware, Narendra Modi has served as the CM of Gujarat for more than a decade.

Since when being from poor background became criteria of success? NS's father was blacksmith, there are many senators and parliamentarians who were poor but now are rich, who does this make Pakistan better?
I am aware that he was CM, I am also aware that he was banned to travel to US because of his involvement in killing outcast Hindustanis, it's position of being PM of a big market which have gave him opportunity to go arround the world on selfie and hugging trip not his personality.
NS's father was blacksmith, there are many senators and parliamentarians who were poor but now are rich, who does this make Pakistan better
You still don’t get it. Do you?
Compare NS’s present wealth with Modi’s.
Modi’s brother is still an Autodriver and his mother lives in a house with just 3 rooms.
When APJ Abdul Kalam was moving out of Rashtrapati Bhavan after his term, he had just one suitcase of clothes with him. Thats how humble our politicians are. They have dedicated their lives to the country, and we love them for exactly the same reason.
ha ha ha .............keep living in denial mode ,
your prime minister nawaz sharif, your then home minister rehman malik , your FIA chief , many reputed journalists said azmal kassai was trained , lived , born in pakistan. now keep denying . don't tell me all of them are RAW agents .:enjoy:
Pakistan is truly effected by the surgical strike. We can still smell the leopard urine. Did you enjoy the movie? That has more chance pf success than yours troops starving at the LOC
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