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Militants release video of former ISI officers


May 12, 2009
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Videos of two former ISI officers, who went missing last month, have been released by unknown militants. – (File Photo)

ISLAMABAD: Videos of two former ISI officers, who went missing last month, were released by unknown militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan on Monday.

Col (retd) Amir Sultan, widely known as Col. Imam and Squadron Leader (retd) Khalid Khawaja went missing in the tribal areas last month while they were accompanying a journalist to assist him with a documentary on militants.

In the video, both hostages introduced themselves as former ISI officers.

They claimed that they were visiting the tribal areas following an advice by former Army Chief General Aslam Baig and former DG ISI Lt.General Hamid Gul.

However, Khawaja also mentioned the name of a serving ISI official, Colonel Sajjad and said that he visited the area on his direction.

The militants have demanded the release of at least two arrested Taliban leaders in Pakistan's custody for the release of the two officers.

The demand was made through an email which also contained the footage of the two officers.

The militants have threatened that if Mullah Kabir and Mullah Mansoor Dadullah were not released, the officers would be killed.

The unknown militants who sent their email late Sunday night also mentioned that they would issue another list of their demands soon.
LOL, what is this. Would have been better if Aslam Baig anf Hamid gul went instead of sending these two.

They need to make a film on the dangerous and espionage world of these guys. What havent they done in the last few decades, you name it they have done it.
Lol the infamous Col. Imam abducted. He was as much a boaster as Mr. Ahmedinejad. And an apparent Taliban supporter (having helped create them). Now they have him! Things have come full circle. Pakistanis must realize this: nobody from your establishment contolls the Taliban. They're at a point that you don't even negotiate...you ask politely.
Why did they send two ISI officers into tribal areas just for a documentary? And isn't this a journalists job?

I seriously doubt it was a documentary. Could be something else but how would we know?
Anyways let's see what happens.
Why did they send two ISI officers into tribal areas just for a documentary? And isn't this a journalists job?

I seriously doubt it was a documentary. Could be something else but how would we know?
Anyways let's see what happens.

You might be right. Another , important matter which needs attention is the identification of those two former armed forces officers as " ISI Officer" instead of retired Army or Air force officers.An armed forces officer carries out his duties in various units and assignments during the course of his service including in the ISI. However, ISI is not a permanent posting for an armed forces officer and therefore a former armed forces officer can not be called a former ISI officer.
You might be right. Another , important matter which needs attention is the identification of those two former armed forces officers as " ISI Officer" instead of retired Army or Air force officers.An armed forces officer carries out his duties in various units and assignments during the course of his service including in the ISI. However, ISI is not a permanent posting for an armed forces officer and therefore a former armed forces officer can not be called a former ISI officer.

I'm guessing you're not familiar with Col Imam and Khalid Khwaja. It won't be wrong to say that Col Imam was the mentor to many Taliban warlords and was literally involved in raising and strengthening the Taliban. Khalid Khwaja is a infamous ISI officer who is famous for his claims of personal frienshdip with OBL. These aren't average armed forces officers who happened to serve a two or three year stint in the ISI, they are long serving famous ISI officers who have been at the helm of affairs for a long time.

Some people doubt Imam's claims and the stories but Khalid Khwaja's stories are known to all and sundry.
Non can predict anything until name in demand list published...
These bas***** Col. Imam and Khalid Khwaja are getting a taste of their own medicine.

What an irony! the Taliban Apologists getting abducted by their children.

No negotiation with the captors. Only and only their beheaded bodies will be required.
This may have been the most ironic event in Pakistan's history, had Hamid Gul been abducted with these guys. Supposed Taliban sympathisers abducted in exchange for other Taliban.
these are the very famous peopels even colonel imam is teacher of mulah umer.....i highly dought their kidnape there should be some thing deep in this,,...what say guys?????????????//
It could be as simple as the new guard not recognizing the old guard from the Afghan war days and holding them hostage.
Why did they send two ISI officers into tribal areas just for a documentary? And isn't this a journalists job?

I seriously doubt it was a documentary. Could be something else but how would we know?
Anyways let's see what happens.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but this does seem to be a setup. They can't be held hostage by the actual original Taliban. Could be the TTP or some other mercinary group hired for money or something.

Making documenatary on Taliban (probably to show a good side of them) was a reason given to them, coupled with some money, to lure them into the trap. And they being the good doers servants of God happily obliging for the tasks like they been before.

Would the military and govn't help secure their release? I highly doubt it, if the govn't does they will have my respect.

I don't care what their beliefs are. They have served the country and put their lives before it, and If the govn't doesnt secure their release, this will send very wrong signals to the young and old officiers in the PA, say goodbye to freedoms and the spirit of fighting for bigger cause. and welcome to the rule of servants of American neo-Imperialism.
It could be as simple as the new guard not recognizing the old guard from the Afghan war days and holding them hostage.

It could be; but it reads like the opening of a Le Carre novel, which is the reason for my interest...:D
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