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Militants release video of former ISI officers

So it is clear that those who so ever kidnapped the retired officers are also enemies of ISI, similarlly as they are enimies of Pak armed forces, rangers, police, school children.. etc...etc..

In past we have seen that TTP always came forward and accepted responsibility for the murder of child girls and security officials, where as they remain reluctant to accept responsibility of terrorism in Mosques...

After the Pak army pushed them to Afghanistan and in the process found enough evidence linking them to india and proof of them being infidels by themself. Hence, there heavenly support suddenly disappeared and so does their name... like it never existed ever. How amazing? Should we belive it is over? Actually, not! It was expected to see terrorist activities with new names. Hence turning all evidence of TTP being controlled by foreign hand became irrelevant! How convinient?
Now latest trend is, different names are being used for selective catagories of terrorist activities.
Point is shall we go withthe flow as the planners want us to believe? or shall we count all these new latest models of terrorists organisation as new make over of same strategy, which is to instigate/foment trouble in Pakistan!
We should keep in view that recent bomb blast in Peshawar targeting JI workers protesting against loadshedding.
And earlier Bomb blasts in Kohat supressing the protests against new name of NWFP.
We should also remeber that when we had open cities during judicial campaign TTP decided not to target lawyer rallies and any other rally against previous govt.
From begining i suspect ANP and PPP patronising terrorists and following similar agenda as TTP but on political front.
Rehman Malik and ANP cheif must be interogated without any delay.

At the end i say... i see some member deliberately creat confusion between former Afghan Mujahidin, Taliban and other terrorist organisation operating exclusively against Pakistan, while they were/are all independent setups.
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It is entirely possible that these two are just staying over as guests and playing an act to get their chums released from the custody of the Government of Pakistan. They are Taliban sympathizers, might as well try and get their friends released.

Nonetheless no negotiation necessary.

You read my mind. But being an Indian I couldn't say that or half the PDF would be down charging at me :P

They can play this real easy and nice to get their men out. They got nothing to lose.
a blaming ISI ISI and ISI video... wonder who are these Asian Tigers... but whoever they are and those who fund them are all Bastords
they just ruined the peace in this region. like Col Imam used to say and insists, indeed there are Good and bad Talibans and one must know and distingush them rather blaming everything to Talibans.
It is entirely possible that these two are just staying over as guests and playing an act to get their chums released from the custody of the Government of Pakistan. They are Taliban sympathizers, might as well try and get their friends released.

Nonetheless no negotiation necessary.

After serving for Pakistan, you think they'd randomly decide to switch sides and support the Taliban? You have got to give a bit more respect to the PA officers.

They're not the only taliban sympathizers out there in Pakistan to be singled out like that.
After serving for Pakistan, you think they'd randomly decide to switch sides and support the Taliban?

Aren't we talking about Afghan Taliban? Wasn't there a marriage between our sides? How can we assume that all links have been destroyed for we (as a country) are openly saying that we want to have continued relations with Haqqani and Hikmatyar as "strategic assets".

They served Pakistan and so did many people. Their services are duly noted. I'm grateful for anything good they did.

You have got to give a bit more respect to the PA officers.
Can't there be any morally bankrupt and/or corrupt person in the PA or am I to use the holy cow tag again? I am not saying that these two are corrupt people but you are extrapolating conclusions. I don't want to indulge in a debate over this matter.

They're not the only taliban sympathizers out there in Pakistan to be singled out like that.
I hate two kinds of people:-
1. Taliban apologist
2. Dictatorship apologist

Nobody is singling them out. We have many Taliban apologists and among them potential terrorists. Teach them tolerance and peace or the day they become violent, they will have to face the wrath of this nation as well.

These two openly claim their sympathy for the Taliban. I'm guessing you've never met Col Imam or Khalid Khwaja. Col Imam recently gave an interview where he toned down his sympathies and asked for negotiations and reconciliation. Khalid Khwaja claims to be a personal friend of OBL. And please don't glorify OBL, justify any actions, tell me he was a US sponsored agent but later killed thousand including many in Pakistan or claim that all's-false-here's-a-conspiracy.

I'm not saying that he can't be right about negotiations, but I'm at least unwilling to accept negotiations any further. It's either surrender or death now for these terrorists. (No Soviet era glorification, I'm not in a mood to discuss events that lead to polarizing religious opinions)
After serving for Pakistan, you think they'd randomly decide to switch sides and support the Taliban? You have got to give a bit more respect to the PA officers.

They're not the only taliban sympathizers out there in Pakistan to be singled out like that.

It is all about ideology. One should not forget that those people were already Taliban sympathizers. To blame individuals does not mean that we are blaming an institution. However, it is the responsibility of the institution to closely monitor the activities. Nothing can be ruled out as of now.
It is all about ideology. One should not forget that those people were already Taliban sympathizers. To blame individuals does not mean that we are blaming an institution. However, it is the responsibility of the institution to closely monitor the activities. Nothing can be ruled out as of now.

I agree. The level of fundamentalist penetration in our armed forces is alarming.We Pakistanis need to be little more introspective. Our erroneous Afghan doctrine since the formation of Pakistan only brought us disaster. We seriously need a national debate on our Afghan doctrine which is a historical mistake of our policy makers. The separation of faith and the national institution like the armed forces is another issue that also need serious consideration if we are to save Pakistan .
Aren't we talking about Afghan Taliban? Wasn't there a marriage between our sides? How can we assume that all links have been destroyed for we (as a country) are openly saying that we want to have continued relations with Haqqani and Hikmatyar as "strategic assets".

They served Pakistan and so did many people. Their services are duly noted. I'm grateful for anything good they did.

Can't there be any morally bankrupt and/or corrupt person in the PA or am I to use the holy cow tag again? I am not saying that these two are corrupt people but you are extrapolating conclusions. I don't want to indulge in a debate over this matter.

I hate two kinds of people:-
1. Taliban apologist
2. Dictatorship apologist
and by default you miss out on the root cause of the problem caused by two kinds of people: American apologists and Indian apologists. all in bed with their amreekan masters.

I wonder how you miss 'em out so conveniently.

Nobody is singling them out. We have many Taliban apologists and among them potential terrorists. Teach them tolerance and peace or the day they become violent, they will have to face the wrath of this nation as well.

These two openly claim their sympathy for the Taliban. I'm guessing you've never met Col Imam or Khalid Khwaja. Col Imam recently gave an interview where he toned down his sympathies and asked for negotiations and reconciliation. Khalid Khwaja claims to be a personal friend of OBL. And please don't glorify OBL, justify any actions, tell me he was a US sponsored agent but later killed thousand including many in Pakistan or claim that all's-false-here's-a-conspiracy.

I'm not saying that he can't be right about negotiations, but I'm at least unwilling to accept negotiations any further. It's either surrender or death now for these terrorists. (No Soviet era glorification, I'm not in a mood to discuss events that lead to polarizing religious opinions)
Col Imam i have read about him and seen his interviews. No doubt he's a Taliban sympathizer. And what exactly is wrong with his views? that was the view of PA and GOP a decade ago, until they were bought over by Amreekan imperialists.

Khalid Khawaja I do not support and agree with his views if he supports the OB network. I don't know much about him. The point is that they served the flag with their blood, now that they havnt changed in their views, they can't be blamed. They were trained to believe and do what they did.

Now that these guys are no more use due to shift in Zardari's and PA's official policies, shoot 'em and kill em all. take out all the Taliban sympathizers from the PA including generals and kill em one by one. Put the US made bullets to good use i guess.
What say you? No more debates and Problem solved??!
I agree. The level of fundamentalist penetration in our armed forces is alarming.We Pakistanis need to be little more introspective. Our erroneous Afghan doctrine since the formation of Pakistan only brought us disaster. We seriously need a national debate on our Afghan doctrine which is a historical mistake of our policy makers.

There's no such thing as "fundamentalist penetration" in the selection process of the PA. The desire to protect one's land and air out of love that lives in the hearts and minds of people, especially Muslims, cannot be construed as fundamentalism.

The Afghan doctrine brought about a disaster to those who supported the commies Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

The separation of faith and the national institution like the armed forces is another issue that also need serious consideration if we are to save Pakistan .

That would be the end of Pakistan. That would be deconstructive to the purpose for which Pakistan was made. How can you take away the notion of Jihad from the armed forces that is overwhelminginly muslim whose hearts crave to sacrifice their lives for this highest honour?

I can see that happening already, we're now fighting those Afghan Taliban who are fighting for their natural freedoms. Perhaps Dr. Tahir ul Qadri is right in his prediction that Pakistan would be destroyed in the future, if things like this continued and PA loses the moral resolve to defend the country.
One thing remember that Colonel Imam condemned Pakistani Taliban and said that they have to be dealt with in the right manner.

He likes the Afghanistan Taliban because he trained all of them, he is their father.
The millitants operating on the Pakistan side are more 'commercial' , they are taking money from anyone who can give them an offer to conduct mercinary work of any nature ( the money is coming from various sources which have been discussed here many times ).
Missing ex-ISI officers in Fata
Punjabi Taliban behind kidnapping, says family

Thursday, April 22, 2010
By Umar Cheema

ISLAMABAD: The mystery of the abduction in tribal areas of two pro-Taliban ISI veterans has virtually been solved as the wife of a kidnapped officer says the Punjabi Taliban were responsible and they invited them to the tribal areas.

One of the kidnapped ISI veterans, Khalid Khawaja, has previously acted as a conduit for Baitullah Mehsud for an intelligence agency. He once handed to late Baitullah a list of the Punjabi Taliban in the tribal belt who were disliked by the intelligence sleuths.

Khawaja, in a recently televised video sent by the captors, said he went to the tribal belt on the advice of former DG ISI, Lt Gen (retd) Hamid Gul, a serving ISI Col Sajjad, and former Army chief Aslam Beg. Col (retd) Imam in the same video said he undertook the tribal area visit on the advice of Gen (retd) Beg.

Retired PAF Squadron Leader Khalid Khawaja and Col (retd) Sultan Amir alias Col Imam were kidnapped along with a British documentary-maker of Pakistani origin, Asad Qureshi, in the tribal area where they went to film the ‘atrocities’ being committed on the Taliban of the Fata region.

According to an early press release issued by Khawaja’s family, they went there on the “precise invitation of the High Command of Tehrik-e-Taliban of North and South Waziristan as their respected guests for the purpose of making a documentary highlighting the present situation of the area and its impact on the indigenous population.” However, details gathered in background conversations present a totally different picture.

As far their visit to the area is concerned, it was not being done at the invitation of leadership of Taliban militants in Waziristan as was initially told to the media by the family of Khalid Khawaja. It was the second visit to the area within a month by Khawaja and Col (retd) Imam. They first went to the area in the beginning of March and left Islamabad for a second trip on March 26.

Before they departed for the second time, their guide in the first visit declined to join them, stating security concerns. As Khawaja was in contact with another Taliban militant, Usman Punjabi, they decided to leave after receiving clearance from him who also sent a guide to ensure their safe travel. They were later found missing.

The man who called the family of Khalid Khawaja to convey the demands of the captors introduced himself as ‘Usman Punjabi, confirmed Khawaja’s wife and son who have realised that the callers represent a bunch of criminals. They understand the group is dominated by Punjabi Taliban, raising questions about their motives.

Khawaja once handed a list of Punjabi Taliban to late Baitulah Mehsud on behalf of an intelligence agency, conveying the latter’s desire they be reined in as they were creating trouble time and again. Right from attacks on former President Pervez Musharraf to the GHQ and at other places, the Punjabi Taliban have been found involved.

Khawaja’s family did not deny he acted as a conduit. Elaborating, his son said his father’s efforts were intended to bring peace and he played a crucial role in holding Jirgas with Baitullah-led militants in the past.

Col (retd) Imam was closer to Afghan Taliban apparently working on behalf of the Pakistani establishment. His son is a serving major in the Army.

Khawaja remained more active on the domestic front. He had once claimed that he hosted Osama bin Laden in pre-9/11 days when bin Laden used to visit his Islamabad residence. Khawaja also remained at center-stage during Lal Masjid crisis, siding with the clerics. Though he spearheaded the movement of missing persons in the beginning, his alleged dual role came under suspicion by the families.
Col Imam i have read about him and seen his interviews. No doubt he's a Taliban sympathizer. And what exactly is wrong with his views? that was the view of PA and GOP a decade ago, until they were bought over by Amreekan imperialists.

Khalid Khawaja I do not support and agree with his views if he supports the OB network. I don't know much about him. The point is that they served the flag with their blood, now that they havnt changed in their views, they can't be blamed. They were trained to believe and do what they did.

Now that these guys are no more use due to shift in Zardari's and PA's official policies, shoot 'em and kill em all. take out all the Taliban sympathizers from the PA including generals and kill em one by one. Put the US made bullets to good use i guess.
What say you? No more debates and Problem solved??!

Don't delude yourself.

Khalid Khawaja and Col. Imam epitomise ex-military officers who sold their soul to the salafi ideology, got reverse indoctrinated, and betrayed the very state they were sworn to protect. And now, they are actively supporting the TTP and its ilk as the latter wages a murderous war to establish a fascist salafi fiefdom in pakistan with the help of its salafi sponsors.

Khalid Khawaja and Col. Imam are akin to once-beloved pet dogs that have gone rabid. And when a dog goes rabid, you have to put it to sleep. There is no rehab option.

Despite the recent culling of extremist sympathisers from within the PA, years of promoting the jihadi machinery within the military cannot be rolled back overnight. That said, the military is finally making good progress as it genuinely attempts to destroy the pseudo-religious network of fascist TTP mercenaries operating in Swat and FATA.
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