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Militants attack J&K Army camp, police station; kill seven

Says someone from a country where terrorists come into Airforce and Navy bases, blow up the planes and go away.. And routinely take out the field offices of the revered ISI ...

Revered ISI? Maybe only Indians consider it revered, since all Indian ailments get blamed on ISI.

I don't understand what Indians here are trying to prove? That their armed forces are somehow better than Pakistani or what? Am i missing something here?
Militants kill 12 in attack on IoK police station

SRINAGAR: Militants disguised as soldiers killed twelve people in an attack on a police base in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) Thursday, days before long-awaited talks between the leaders of India and Pakistan, police said.

The militants, all wearing army fatigues, lobbed grenades and opened fire at the Hiranagar police station, around 200 kilometres (126 miles) from the main city of Srinagar, an officer in the police control room said.

"We can confirm that five policemen and two civilians have been killed in the attack," the officer told.

A Lt Col of Indian Army among five soldiers were also killed in the attack near Samba Sector, sources added.

The attackers escaped after hijacking a truck and were now engaged in a fierce gunbattle with Indian troops in the Samba district, Indian media reported.

It was not immediately clear how many militants were involved in the attack.

The attack will cast a shadow over an expected meeting this weekend between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, the first such top-level talks in three years.

Militants kill 12 in attack on IoK police station - thenews.com.pk
Revered ISI? Maybe only Indians consider it revered, since all Indian ailments get blamed on ISI.

I don't understand what Indians here are trying to prove? That their armed forces are somehow better than Pakistani or what? Am i missing something here?

Look at the comments to which the ones you are quoting were responses, and then you will understand.

Pakistanis were laughing at this terror attack, and claiming that four terrorists cannot do so much damage in Pakistan. To which Indians were pointing out that a handful gunmen have carried out even more audacious attacks in Pakistan, like infiltrating naval bases and air force bases and the army GHQ itself.

It is not Indians trying to prove anything, it is simply pointing out that Pakistan fares no better.
Look at the comments to which the ones you are quoting were responses, and then you will understand.

Pakistanis were laughing at this terror attack, and claiming that four terrorists cannot do so much damage in Pakistan. To which Indians were pointing out that a handful gunmen have carried out even more audacious attacks in Pakistan, like infiltrating naval bases and air force bases and the army GHQ itself.

It is not Indians trying to prove anything, it is simply pointing out that Pakistan fares no better.

Oh acha.

Carry on......
Talking about baking, let's talk about INS Sindhurakshak.

While the crew of the Tank in the photo you posted survived, the crew in the INS Sindhurakshak wasn't so lucky.

Wonder what would happen if India actually fought a war? :laughcry:

See, even i can troll, but i would hate to stoop down to your idiotic level.

If India actually had a war...there would be another war trophy in the west of india this time.

Talking about idiotic level...why dont you start from page 1 and see who started it Mr Jr Think Tank.

You retards are automatically accusing Pakistan of the failures of your p.u.s.s.y army. Fine. So be it.

What is your country going to do to Pakistan?


So just stfu.
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If India actually had a war...there would be another war trophy in the west of india this time.

Talking about idiotic level...why dont you start from page 1 and see who started it Mr Jr Think Tank.

If....a big IF. Could've Would've Should've.

tell me something new.

One of the most controversial personalities in the history of South Asia, Mahmud Ghaznavi is known as one of the greatest conquerors the world has ever seen. He was one of the very few leaders who were never defeated in a battlefield. Born in 979, Mahmud became the Sultan of Ghazni in 998. He inherited the small state of Ghazni from his father Subuktigin, and turned it into an empire that lasted for about a century. He was a brave man and use to take part in all the battles his forces fought. Though he was interested in extending his empire toward Central Asia, the maneuverings of the Hindu rulers of Punjab forced him to invade South Asia. He came to South Asia seventeen times and went back to Ghazni every time with a great victory. He fought against the strong forces of Jaipal, Annadpal, Tarnochalpal, Kramta and the joint forces of Hindu Rajas and Maharajas but all of them were forced to flee away from the battlefield due to Mahmud’s war strategy as a general. After the conquest of Multan and Lahore, Mahmud made Punjab a part of his empire in 1021.

Unlike other great conquerors like Alexander and Chengez Khan, Mahmud did not leave the areas conquered to the mercy of his soldiers. After becoming the first Muslim ruler to conquer Northern Punjab, he consolidated his rule in the area and established his provincial headquarters at Lahore. He established law and order in the areas that he ruled, giving special attention to the people he ruled. The department of police and post were efficient. His judicial system was very good as everybody was equal before the law and justice was the order of the day.

Mahmud was also a great patron of learning. His court was full of scholars including giants like Firdosi the poet, Behqi the historian and Al-Biruni the versatile scholar. It is said that he used to spend four hundred thousand golden Dinars on scholars. He invited the scholars from all over the world and was thus known as an abductor of scholars. Under Mahmud, Ghazni became one of the most important and beautiful cities of the Islamic world. It was the city of mosques, madrasas and libraries. He also established a Museum in Ghazni. During his rule, Lahore also became a great center of learning and culture. Lahore was called ‘Small Ghazni’. Saad Salman, a poet of those times, has written about the academic and cultural life of Lahore.

Mahmud was also a deeply religious man. He himself wrote a book on Fiqh. He had respect for other religions. A large number of Hindus lived in Ghazni, and they enjoyed religious freedom. One of his commanders named Tilak was a Hindu. A number of soldiers in his army were also Hindus. Mahmud attacked the Hindu Temples in India because of political and not religious reasons.

Mahmud Ghaznavi died on April 30 1030.
Dear Indian members remember him :rofl:
@RazPaK @AUz @Areesh @A.Rafay
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Indian government making chuttiyahs of Indian people once again.

Karma is a b!t(h*!!!
While death toll rose to 330 in Pakistan quake and may climb with Pakistani incommpitecy wishing more death upon others. Your hell and heaven is here. There is no Disneyland with angels waiting for you anywhere. We pity you daily
Can you blame us for that? Even before Indians dragged Pakistan in, Pakistani members have already been threatening that these attacks will increase, especially after NATO withdraws in 2014. (Giving a middle finger to the canard that the terrorism in Kashmir is an indigenous freedom movement.)

And there are religious insults all over from Pakistanis, epithets like "abbey kaley hindu", and a lot of prideful boasts about central Asian muslims plundering hindus in the middle ages. (As if these Pakistanis who boast about it were spared.)

I understand that it is a Pakistani forum, but at least ostensibly there is a pretence of impartiality, unlike the Indian forums which are openly anti-Pakistan. That is the reason so many Indians join here and few Pakistanis join those Indian forums. But with all that pretence of impartiality, do you see so many religious insults by Indians here? Or laughing about pakisttani deaths? A suicide troll may do it now and then, but do you see senior (and elite) members using epithets like "kale hindu" on a topic that has nothing to do with religion or skin color?

Do you see why it is difficult for some of us to make a meaningful contribution on a thread where so many Pakistanis have openly expressed joy, and flavoured it with racist and religious insults? All we can do is to take pity on those Pakistanis, and close the thread, because a valuable contribution is impossible.

You repeated everything I said, just a bit more eloquently. Do not paint a whole country in the same light. Most of us do not get excited beating war drums. There are a few of the trigger happy keyboardists and they are dealt with appropriately if they start wetting themselves.

What is the alternative? Either you can get pissed and upset which is pretty much the goal in these situations or you can shift through the relevant information and people you need and chuckle and feel sorry for the rest. That what I do and I have yet to block any Indian poster because he speaks his mind, no matter how crass and idiotic.
this attack is an indian problem. let them handle it. clearly their Army is not happy with peace talks. Ours currently is too preoccupied internally to care about india!

if their forces are attacked they should handle the matter. none of our concern.
Thanks to your valuable contribution Pakistan. you will for ever be remembered as the the anus of the earth.

No that will be the womb that produced you.
until we don't do covert operations in pakistan nothing is going to change .

if you could only walk the walk, everyone talks the talk
makes you think if you have it in you, doesnt it

2 terrorists gunned down while other 2 are holed up. 3 civilians also killed by terrorists.

terrorists know they will die when they go for it
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