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Mike Pompeo Declares China's Uighur Policy as Genocide

The Reason America is in Afghanistan is not nation building or fighting any terrorist group. The Reason is that Afghanistan sits right across China's Xinjiang Province. It is there so the CIA can work to radicalize and destabilise that province using Uyghur Extremists. It is also there to destabilise China's Belt and Road Initiative that runs across central Asia

Watch at 20:55
Col Lawrence Wilkerson Speech At RPI Media & War Conference
I thought Pompeo's last parting shot would be recognition of Taiwan, now it seems I overestimated him.
When US hates a certain country, minority Sunni residence down there must be "genocided", and nothing else. For example Syria
When US hates a certain country, minority Sunni residence down there must be "genocided", and nothing else. For example Syria

What about China??

China forces them to eat pork, sing praises to Xi and Mao, forcibly sterilizes the women and so on...

How is that any different?? All you and your other Wumao trolls do is point fingers to the US when faced with CCP crimes.

So what?? Do you admit to wrongdoing?? The US sure does. Time you all put your big boy pants on and start accepting the truth.
There is this Assad genocide Sunni ranting 24x7 not too long ago. Worldwide Jihad kid rush in Syria with help from Jews and CIA, started a sex slave and killing spree in Syria.

It turns out, it was Syrian Sunni who help Assad defeated this crackpot Jihadist and erected a big Christmas tree at the center of predominantly Sunni Aleppo, slapping Sunni worldwide.

The real murderer and rapist of Muslims are USA and anglo Jews. 400,000 Iraq dies in the hand of USA.


What about China??

China forces them to eat pork, sing praises to Xi and Mao, forcibly sterilizes the women and so on...

How is that any different?? All you and your other Wumao trolls do is point fingers to the US when faced with CCP crimes.

So what?? Do you admit to wrongdoing?? The US sure does. Time you all put your big boy pants on and start accepting the truth.
There is this Assad genocide Sunni ranting 24x7 not too long ago. Worldwide Jihad kid rush in Syria with help from Jews and CIA, started a sex slave and killing spree in Syria.

It turns out, it was Syrian Sunni who help Assad defeated this crackpot Jihadist and erected a big Christmas tree at the center of predominantly Sunni Aleppo, slapping Sunni worldwide.

View attachment 708543

Don't care.
This is what US terrorists think about Uighurs:
View attachment 708460

US terrorists care about Uighurs as much as they care about Iraqis.

"Uyghur women are baby making machines".....such filthy language.


China cuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization (so much for "emancipation" and "eradication of extremism").

Source: https://apnews.com/article/269b3de1af34e17c1941a514f78d764c

And this:


Yeah, pardoning killers of Iraqi civilians is acceptable. But declaring which might/might not happened is genocide.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Anytime China is brought up....all the Wumao point fingers to the US. Like that excuses China to do horrible things to Uyghurs.
I admire the American government saying this with a straight face.

Sunni Islam is a good friend of USA. USA and west forever stick their head out for Is Sunni.

Libya, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, Iraq... Sunni. And you too mentioned Sunni Syrians helping Assad against the terrorists let loose by NATO.

Don't care.

You should. These are facts. :)
I need to go in detail. Secular Sunni are enemies of US and superstitious Sunni are good friend of USA. If Saddam or Nasser has their ways, the world may see a Mao-Stalin-lite.

This is unfathomable.

The west are support medival Sunni states against more progressive Sunni state, and destroying secular Sunni people.

I admire the American government saying this with a straight face.

Libya, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, Iraq... Sunni. And you too mentioned Sunni Syrians helping Assad against the terrorists let loose by NATO.

You should. These are facts. :)
I need to go in detail. Secular Sunni are enemies of US and superstitious Sunni are good friend of USA. If Saddam or Nasser has their ways, the world may see a Mao-Stalin-lite.

This is unfathomable.

The west are support medival Sunni states against more progressive Sunni state, and destroying secular Sunni people.

Ummmm.....you're completely wrong.....no such thing as "Secular Sunnis". :lol:

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