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Mike Pence 'We rebuilt China over the last 25 years'

in 2018 now Chinese GDP per capita is over $10,000?
China has the biggest pie when came to trading with the US. So the claim is based on that. China could also claim that you built the 1% of the US by exporting cheap goods.:D
We have no claim of rebuilding US, that's Americans job.

in 2018 now Chinese GDP per capita is over $10,000?
If China maintains the first quarter pace throughout 2018 then GDP China GDP should be 91.2 trillion yuan ($14.5 trillion). Per capita income would be $10,200.
Companies can get taken away their property. Production can get relocated easily.

China itself has no big doemstic market. You see it as they cant realy strike back with tariffs, they depend on export.

What do you mean by "big market"
From consumer products like car, TV etc to industrial machinery like robots, Chinese market is already equal to the US and EU put together. So how can we call EU market? Tiny?
Japan is occupied by US and became a US slave which China never was. Only stuck up Americans believe that no sanction means help, if that is the case who built US?

Anyone that continues to call Japan a "slave" of the US continues to ignore points like these.



Therefore it can only be concluded that when certain posters after reading such points always fail to substantially provide any rebuttals and then just go on with posting simple 1 liner statements of so called master slave relationship between the US and Japan only indicates that they post not for the purpose of informing but posting for the purpose of propaganda.

As for who built the US, the last time the US mainland has seen lots of destruction was the US Civil War. Since then, US cities and industries have been free from war. Also the US has lots of natural resources including oil, coal, and metals. The land of the US is also good at farming thus it is also a natural bread basket country. But not only plentiful resources but also skill workforce. The US has always been very good at production on very large scale since the late 1800s. The US also had a high degree of immigration and a patent protected system so that talented people around the world can pursue a wealthy life by applying their know how in a relatively free market economy. All these factors have made the US without the dependence on a foreign country to enable it. China on the other hand couldn't do it without US consumers.
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China's export container transport gains momentum in September

Source: Xinhua Published: 2018/10/13

China's container transport for export purposes gained momentum in September, according to new data from the Shanghai Shipping Exchange.

The average China Export Containerized Freight Index stood at 853.97 points in September, up 2.9 percent from a month earlier, as the market was still in peak season, the exchange said in a statement.

Since the beginning of this year, the index has averaged 808.63, lower than last year's average of 820.47.

In September, the sub-indices of the United States, South Africa, the Republic of Korea, Southeast Asia and Japan all rose to different extents, the data showed.

The China Export Containerized Freight Index was first released by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange in April 1998 as a barometer of the export shipping market.

China's exports of goods rose 17 percent year on year in September, higher than August's increase of 7.3 percent. Total exports in the first nine months of this year rose 6.5 percent, customs data showed Friday.

Well, calling Japan a slave of the US is inappropriate. You just need an approval from the US just like what Trump said to South Korea.
Well, calling Japan a slave of the US is inappropriate. You just need an approval from the US just like what Trump said to South Korea.

As far as South Korea is concerned, its a fair point to some extent. Although it is concerning DPRK's denuclearization. There are few topics, if any, that gets a heavier hand of influence than DPRK related measures. It was DPRK that has directly threatened the US with nuclear ICBMs, so the issue isn't just inter-Korea. At any rate, if looking at South Korean political polls, South Koreans still like the US more than either China or Japan. As a small country surrounded by big countries (China, Russia, Japan, and the US) they have a tough diplomatic situation.
US will be no more alone power very soon china will takeover
As far as South Korea is concerned, its a fair point to some extent. Although it is concerning DPRK's denuclearization. There are few topics, if any, that gets a heavier hand of influence than DPRK related measures. It was DPRK that has directly threatened the US with nuclear ICBMs, so the issue isn't just inter-Korea. At any rate, if looking at South Korean political polls, South Koreans still like the US more than either China or Japan. As a small country surrounded by big countries (China, Russia, Japan, and the US) they have a tough diplomatic situation.
So Trump just said the obvious which should be said in a euphemistic way as a politician.
Sadly, Trump is not a politician but an over spoiled kid. He will keep embarrassing himself and allies of the US like Korea and Japan by telling the truth.
Sadly, Trump is not a politician but an over spoiled kid. He will keep embarrassing himself and allies of the US like Korea and Japan by telling the truth.

Japan, and to a smaller extend, Korea, would love to go back to the days of facade politics in which they played independent country and the US acted as if it were really so.

Yet, as with the Saudis, the new US administration is putting everyone in their place openly, telling the bitter reality of subjugation and political bend-overness.

It is not that the US suddenly begun to mistreat its political minions, but that it just got more verbal and in-your-face in its diplomacy.
Japan, and to a smaller extend, Korea, would love to go back to the days of facade politics in which they played independent country and the US acted as if it were really so.

Yet, as with the Saudis, the new US administration is putting everyone in their place openly, telling the bitter reality of subjugation and political bend-overness.

It is not that the US suddenly begun to mistreat its political minions, but that it just got more verbal and in-your-face in its diplomacy.
Even Britain is treated like a sidekick let alone Japan or South Korea.
What do you mean by "big market"
From consumer products like car, TV etc to industrial machinery like robots, Chinese market is already equal to the US and EU put together. So how can we call EU market? Tiny?


US is worlds largest market, followed by EU. Sometimes USA leads, sometimes EU.

China is far behind simply because it has magnitudes smalelr income.


The EU market alone is 2.5 times bigger than chinese market.

US is worlds largest market, followed by EU. Sometimes USA leads, sometimes EU.

China is far behind simply because it has magnitudes smalelr income.


The EU market alone is 2.5 times bigger than chinese market.
There are different ways to calculate that, but calling China not having a big market only shows your ignorance. EU is not a country, try Italy next time.

US is worlds largest market, followed by EU. Sometimes USA leads, sometimes EU.

China is far behind simply because it has magnitudes smalelr income.


The EU market alone is 2.5 times bigger than chinese market.

The reason why the United States and Europe are so high is that this list includes a lot of service expenditures.
your list includes the following components:

  • households' purchases of products for their everyday needs (e.g. food, clothing, cars, rents, personal services)
  • households' partial payments for products provided by the general government (e.g. tickets to public museums and swimming pools)
  • households' payments to the general government for licences and permits (e.g. fees for issuing passports)
  • imputed rents for services of owner-occupied housing
  • household's own account consumption of outputs produced by unincorporated enterprises owned by households (e.g. own-consumption of milk produced on a farm)
  • income in kind earned by employees (free or reduced train tickets for railway employees)
  • households' consumption of Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM)

We all know the service costs in the West are much higher than in China.For example hire a lawyer in US could be ten times more expensive than in china.This makes no sense to be seen as the real comsuming power when compared with different countries

But just look at retail market, China is likely to have surpassed the US,last year it was 5.8 trillion dollars which equals the US's retail market ,this year possibly as much as 6.1 trillion dollars.Very likely to become to world largest retail market
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