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MiG-29 Fulcrum Vs F-16 Falcon

Even if the RCS for the first generation is higher it still does not affect the fact that the F-16's planform was primarily for maneuverability instead of radar reflectivity. From a head-on perspective, the A and C model in clean configurations, have practically no significant differences.
Not "Even if", it is higher. The differences I was talking about are new intakes for powerful engines, RAM and (gold?)colored canopy.

What is 'too short'? Based upon what previous criteria? The C is based upon the A and I worked on both. You are making a grossly wrong assumption that the C model is a redesign of the aircraft. It is not. The most signifinicant differences are in the avionics and some engine bay modifications to accommodate a more powerful engine from a different manufacturer. But the C body is still based upon the A model. I worked on some of the Navy's N aircrafts and they were essentially C models and some hand-me-down A models. What happened was they underestimated the intensity of the adversary air program the US Navy subjected their N versions.
The question is why should there be a need to strengthened some areas of the airframe in the first place? Metal fatigue is a fact. Adversary air flying, especially with limited quantity of aircrafts, inevitably accelerated the progression of airframe fatigue and that is why the N models had those airframe reenforcements. That mean the original airframe design and manufacturing were sound to start. I know you are desperately trying to salvage some face for the -29 but you are doing it at the expense of facts and common sense.
Based on the criteria of other fighters operated by USN aggressors. Underestimated it? I find that hard to believe they they will be underestimating it to that extent. "The airframes were made lighter, and they were strengthened to cope with the continuous high-G loads associated with air combat maneuvering."... the fact which you carefully avoided to highlight previously, and now you are stating they underestimated it?
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Currently, Pakistani F-16s typically carry two all-aspect AIM-9L Sidewinders on the wing tip rails along with a pair of AIM-9P-4's on the outermost underwing racks, while the Matra Magic 2 (French counterpart of the Sidewinder) can be carried as well. They also have an important strike role, being capable to deliver Paveway laser-guided bombs. Pakistani F-16s are also capable of firing the French AS-30 laser guided missile. The ALQ-131 pod is carried as ECM protection.

Atlis laser designation pod

Pakistan has acquired the French-built Thompson-CSF ATLIS laser designation pod for use on its F-16s. The ATLIS pod was first fitted to Pakistani F-16s in January 1986, thus making the F-16 the first non-European aircraft to be qualified for this pod.

The only aircraft to ever defeat the F 16 in combat is the Mirage 2000. In 1996 a Hellenic M2K shot down a Turkish F 16.

I don't think the MIG series can compete with the F series any longer.
you can just check the history book to see what happened to russia after 1991. after some quick reading on that, do you still believe their fighters are still the same as the F-16?

russia is no longer the old ussr, it is not remotely comparable to the ussr.
Then why the dickens is China importing aircraft technology and engines from Russia? In 2003, 2007 and 2009 China imported 276 engines from Russia. China is still regularly importing RD-93 engines. China has also ordered a large number of Russian AL-31 series aircraft engines.

And then you say that Russian equipment is all crap? :undecided: Jeeez!
The only aircraft to ever defeat the F 16 in combat is the Mirage 2000. In 1996 a Hellenic M2K shot down a Turkish F 16.

I don't think the MIG series can compete with the F series any longer.
Have you ever flown any of these air crafts you mentioned??
Oh WAIT!!Aren't you the same jerk from D F I who was spreading bs there about INSAS IAR??Stop your bs will you??As Ray sir told,don't talk if you have no f*c*ing idea what are you blabbering about????
The only aircraft to ever defeat the F 16 in combat is the Mirage 2000. In 1996 a Hellenic M2K shot down a Turkish F 16.

I don't think the MIG series can compete with the F series any longer.
I can't say anything about the rest of the F series fighters but as faar as the F 16 BLK52 V/s Mig 29 Smt with {Franch and Israili avionics} are concern...Both Machines are on par with each other its Man behind the machine who will decide the end result of this fight......

¤ And yaa 1 more thing Don't ever underestimate the Russians.....
As blain and gambit have posted in this mig29/f16 thread so I am opening this one -- Upon members' request, several vs threads have been opened in the air warfare section however trolling should not be encouraged at all

The specs of a simple blk52+ are posted here -- I want members to use this data to start informative discourse -- And please dont make it a paf f16 vs iaf mig 29 thread... you know thats why we started closing these kind of threads on the place
Who gives a damn about pilot skills? F-16 Block 50/52+ CCIP goes all the ways!
(Or F-16I Sufa)
Pakistan doesn't have AIM-9X it has the inferior AIM-9M-8/9s.
It also does't have JSOW.

MiG 29 UPG has a 15% higher climb rate than original MiG-29's 320m/s.
Pakistan doesn't have AIM-9X it has the inferior AIM-9M-8/9s.
It also does't have JSOW.

MiG 29 UPG has a 15% higher climb rate than original MiG-29's 320m/s.
Enlighten your self before shooting off the hip, Pakistan has much more lethal and capable weapons than these.
One interesting fact about mig 29 UPG:
MIL-STD-1553 databus on the Mig 29 UPG gives it the ability to use, Python IV (one of the best rated operational BVR AAM), with future addition of RVV-SD.
Python 4 is not a BVR, also I think RVV-SD already there with IAF/IN
Python 4 is not a BVR, also I think RVV-SD already there with IAF/IN

Think again... SD not yet, a significant amount of money from GoI is been alloted to russians for this...
but i can unofficially confirm MD being in service and it's new seeker is considered th best in the arsenal right now. In meant Python V's new batch, and the derby too will fit the bill
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