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MIG 29 deployment near Pakistan border Is PAF ready for the threat ?

Must watch Dogfight between MIG29 & F/A 18

pyP2mOKb_6o[/media] - F/A-18 VS MiG-29 Dogfight

It cannot be regarded as a real dogfight in its any form either you considered as a real dogfight or a exercise one. Since clip is customized to suit the needs of Hornet, hence despite glueing to Hornet's tail for brief amount of dogfight, poor Flogger weren't allowed to have a shot. Rather I should see it as a Mercy of Mig-29 to Hornet. But one thing is clear, Flogger was fuming its smoke from engine a big time.
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Lets breakdown the Junagadh incidence as it happened......

Being a Hindu majority state with a Muslim ruler, Junagarh had the option of remaining independent as a state if it chose to....
However the Nawab of Juna wanted to join Pakistan....
The problem was that the suzerainty of Junagargh was clubbed with 2 states that fell under it, Mangrol and Babariawad......both did not want this option and decided to seperate from Juna and asceded to India....
The Nawab of Juna furious at this militarily overtook these states....
The rulers of these states invited India to intervene.....
India sent its troops to the 2 states that had decided to join India but NOT Junagarh.....
The Nawab at the arrival of the Indian army fled to Pakistan leaving the Dewan (Father of Z.A Bhutto) in charge, who in turn requested India to intervene and take over the state.....

Even after we could have just occupied Junagargh militarily, we decided to hold a plebiscite and which unanimously worked in our favor.....

So as I see it, no hypocrisy here....We went about in a very legal and diplomatic way to get Junagarh....

Your accusations are uncalled for and rubbish.....

I could reply to your clever attempt to cloak the obvious, but there is no use arguing. So lets just leave it at that.

The King had decided to remain independent..t..Pakistan did not like it....and decided to take it by force.....The population went with the Kings decision

For the record, I am partially Kashmiri, my grandmother is from Sri Nagar and let me assure you no Kashmiri ever accepted the decision of the Maharaja to acceede to India, atleast not 90% of the population. This position of yours that "the population went with the King's decision" has revealed unsurmountable bias on your part, such that I see no point in continuing any further argument.

Thank you for your time.
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I could reply to your clever attempt to cloak the obvious, but there is no use arguing. So lets just leave it at that.

Mystic...I have broken down the entire Junagargh incident as simply as possible......

If you can refute any of my claims, feel free to do so and Im all ears!!

But yes I do agree with you, most probably we wont see eye to eye....

For the record, I am partially Kashmiri, my grandmother is from Sri Nagar and let me assure you no Kashmiri ever accepted the decision of the Maharaja to acceede to India, atleast not 90% of the population. This position of yours that "the population went with the King's decision" has revealed unsurmountable bias on your part, such that I see no point in continuing any further argument.

Thank you for your time.

Mystic, a pretty lame argument that a lot of Pakistani Kashmiri's use.....
Just because you're Kashmiri and your granma is from Sri-Nagar does not legitimize your claims of knowing "90% of the populations" view on partition and who they wanted to join.....
Unless your family conducted a documented survey we all dont know about, we can end the discussion here and call it as a difference of opinion.....

Thanks for responding.....peace
@ PESHWA..........KASHMIR was annexed just like hyderabad DECCAN....so please keep your part of history to yourself.....stay on the topic & spare me the lies!
indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they weilded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to him, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly has the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.
look who is talkin about being big brotherly .This coming from the people who invade small countries like panama and Vietnam and not to mention Iraq where u faked the presence of so called weapons of mass destruction
well i think , that if India stops spreading the BS in the region it would be more safer , its simple You kill kashmiries they will kill you , You demolished Babri Mosque one day india will pay such a price that it would be rememberd for Centuries to come.
You killed fifteen thousand Sikhs in their HOLIEST Tample , U must admit that India's hand are full of Innocent Blood , and it causes revenge.:sniper:
Man , why are you guys living in dreams ? :hitwall::hitwall:
Do you really think that IAF's MIG'29's will do a surgical strike in Pakistan and then go home without being Knocked out'a the sky?
F-16 had locked on a Mig 29 close to Mumbai darama , after it came into Pakistani airspace...:chilli:

Ghaznavi & Babur Cruize missiles Loaded with Cluster warheads will be soaring towards your airbases in seconds .

Hope it helps:smitten:
You think its so easy to just launch a strike and tats it kapoof
No its not tat simple if it was wat stopped the USSR and USA from Nuking each other
A concept called MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction)
If tat happens North western India will be in trouble verry big trouble and Pakistan whould be wiped out for the face of the earth by about 70-90 nukes
This would happen if some one tried to nuke india weater it will beChina or is satelite stake pakistan.
We apperantly show of becoz we got some thin to show of wat have your governments and military contributed to wrld affairs other than taliban ,alkida an d military rule (Not talkin about civilians who we indian s consider our brothers
Has anyone here been to Adampur airbase? The college where I work is 1 km from the airbase. I see those planes everyday.

I never saw any Mig21s there. Its always Su30MKIs in the sky. Some rare days I see IL76 and Mig 29s. I even saw the Phalcon once.
We have always been ready since day one to safeguard our skies no difference now or ever ..if one is ready to face death then let one come.
Let me Remind you about East Pakistan A.K.A Bangladesh big countries win too
in reply yo small countries always win
You just stole words out of my mouth. Mig-25 is indeed a unique aircraft and has ceiling of 90,000 ft (27,000 m) although it has reached 123,523.62 ft (37,650 m).The record is the only recognized absolute record not held by a pilot from the United States.

You can find complete story here
Vayu Sena - IAF MiG-25R incursion over Pakistan in 1997

I was fascinated by Mig-25 foxbat since i watched this video years ago on youtube. I felt like i am with god or in heavens

YouTube - MIG-25 - Earthviews - To the edge of Space - 92.500ft

Too bad they are retired from InAF. Wiki also states that it uses vaccum tube electronics instead of solid state semiconductor to make it more rugged and insulate it from electromagnetic pulse.

A marvel, indeed :smitten::cheers:
Dude they got repalaced by a better mig 31
Most of times F 16 and Mig 29 came aginst each others as enemy in most wars and 80 percent win rate has been taken by F 16 so they are not want a big threat threat is MRCA of india i think if PAF really want air superiority they should go for 50 F 15 Halt F 16 and J10 for 5 years time if we get if we get F 15 which was made for complete air superirity why israel has good airpower becoz they glanded F 15 air superiority power and F 16 dog fight power together
Hi Sirji

Murari Lal ki Rangeen sapne dekhna band karo

If Indian Airforce has to attack there would be in force multiplier and combination of many aircraft back by SAM S-300, Advance Pine radar (Ground Base) and AESA Ballon Radar,UAV ,Satellite Guidance, and much more

Imagine small Comparison One mission

3 SU-30MKI
3 Mirage
5 MIG-21 Bison
3 MIG 29B
2 MIG 27
2 Tu-22M3 bomber
1 Battery of UAV's
1 Battery of S-300 SAM (Range more than 180KM) and Support Radar or Spider SAM
Backed by ground based Advance Pine Radar (Range more than 300KM) and Satellite communication (forget about AWACS)

How would you Counter it... :sniper:
As per cold start and latest strategy India need to Bomb Max 300KM inside PAK

How many F16, J10, JF17,F7 and Mirage and SAM and Other Radars will be brought in to counter India's attacks :woot:

Sometimes we have encountered and destroyed them without even wasting a bullet.::bounce::woot:


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