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MIG-27 crashes in WB

Hmm....relative to the title of the thread, i think the planes themselves are safe on ground.

Same can be said about Pakistan planes. Read a report of a trainer crash in another thread.
Same can be said about Pakistan planes. Read a report of a trainer crash in another thread.

Come on @ Ramu, you are comparing a piston powered trainer which has been flying since 1985 and has no benefit of an ejection seat either.:no:
My dear, even Allan Warnes, thinks it's one of it's own kind incident.
Besides, there are always Noobs who need enlightening. :D

Mig 27 and the older variants are close to make a move to museums and history halls.

Crashes are a part of any air force. In the words of a famous man .. You can't make omelets without breaking eggs.

Anyways, long time... how u doing ... How is the weather up north. Heard it snowed liberally a few days back.
Come on @ Ramu, you are comparing a piston powered trainer which has been flying since 1985 and has no benefit of an ejection seat either.:no:

Both cost lives Windjammer. It is a precious life lost...

Ya, the comparison is a lil out of place but surely Pak has had its share of lessons and snags.
Mig 27 and the older variants are close to make a move to museums and history halls.

Crashes are a part of any air force. In the words of a famous man .. You can't make omelets without breaking eggs.

Anyways, long time... how u doing ... How is the weather up north. Heard it snowed liberally a few days back.

Buddy, it's a reality, if they don't fly, they don't crash, forget the MIGs, what really got my attention was how many Jaguars the IAF has lost.

However, i was away for an Easter break with some boys, and yea, the snow didn't make an April fool of any one. You feel Spring in the air but there is still white stuff on the hills.
Both cost lives Windjammer. It is a precious life lost...

Ya, the comparison is a lil out of place but surely Pak has had its share of lessons and snags.

True buddy, the machines can be replaced but it's the precious life which is always paramount.
Coming this from a country where its majority A/Cs are Chinese and itself goes through crashes is Funny, not unusual in the case of pakistanis!!:partay:

Indian media is Free (unlike China) and Objective (unlike Pakistan) in reporting each incident, sure IAF is a force to recon with, and in coming years graveyard for Junky Gliders flown by our neighbors.

Coming this from a country where majority of aircrafts are vintage Russians and even Russians have dumped them ages ago.

Your enthusiasm is in contradiction to the hundred of dead IAF pilots who hit the ground while still with the aircraft.

Your Mig-21s were inducted before our F-6s that we have scrapped years ago but Mig-21 still makes the most number in IAF. I know you will say that they were inducted over a long period of time but so were the F-6s.

PAF inducted A-5s in 84 and have already grounded one squadron and the other will be gone by the end of this year. Whereas The F-7s are of early 90s and the PGs from early 2000s.

I will seriously request you to have a look at quality and average age your own fleet first before calling other junks .
Guys this is my assessment-:

1) The spares that Indian Govt buys from may be Ukraine or somewhere, the middleman and babus (political leaders) should be made to sit in these planes for like 500 sorties.
2) Check on the air force pilots what they are doing, asking them to abandon their social networking profiles, see they sleep at 10 PM sharp, no cell phones allowed and no wifi where they sleep, even laptop privilege should be take away.
3) Same to people on ground who do the repair and maintenance, they should be sitted in these airplanes when ever they repair or maintain. It's just like mughal days, where bavarchi (cook) was made to taste the food before serving to kings and other people to see if the poison is not mixed!

I think above ways will instill fear and they would exhibit more professionalism
so much for Russian super technology, this is like the lamest fighter jet ever made. i wonder how the pilots :hang2: feel before climbing into the this air widow maker, or a leg breaker :lol:
This off topic question-: Why Mig23,27 were selected when better Su-24 was already in production?
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