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MIG-21 crashes in Rajasthan, pilot dies


Stop using those old junkfighters plseas!

Stop using those old junkfighters plseas!
This country needs a revolt against the UPA government... only a revolution will stop this bunch of freaking anti-national scumbags. :hitwall:

May the hero find eternal peace in hereafter.
Hope those bureaucrats slowing down the procurement programs get some sort of wakeup call from this.
Perhaps a "rang-de-basanti" type movement is needed to roll heads.

'Rang de Basanti' came out 6 years ago. Doesn't look like it's had much effect on the bureaucrats...
why the hell are they still using these so called flying coffins..........?? (is there any strategic need to keep them flying.....??)
these kind of crashes will definitely have effect on the other pilots.... it takes them to a position where they start thinking like when is this one gonna crash...
is there any news on the cause of crash.....??
may he rest in peace.............
Its better to leave our skies undefended rather than sent our young pilots on these' flying coffins'.

Ground all Mig-21s and scrap them.
according to a study carried out by a GOI body most mig 21 crashes are happened due to faulty fuel pipe.
This country needs a revolt against the UPA government... only a revolution will stop this bunch of freaking anti-national scumbags. :hitwall:

May the hero find eternal peace in hereafter.

do u want the pm to resign for this,or the entire government.RIP brave man.

we need to retire all non MiG-21 bisons immediately these MiG-21's from 40-50 years ago are flying coffins they should have been phased out a long time ago

LCA needs to hurry up and enter service we need to get the non upgraded MiG-21s out of service ASAP
rip to the man.

Guys please don't the machine before the cause is determined. Type-96 is of-course obosolete. But the bisons are good,right?

BTW,the pilot is antony's state,hope he takes adequate steps.
I think India must replace the mig 21 fleet as soon as possible , but until then it should not put the life of its pilots and innocent civilians in trouble . Indian officials must do all the crash case studies and try to reach out with an interim solution regarding these crashes . Paf has its old f7 , A5 fleet but it is not facing these problems , anybody can shed light on it ?

because of poor maintenance on the non upgraded MiG-21's and the loss of valuable MiG-21 conversion trainers do not give proper training to the MiG-21 pilots, pilots have to jump directly from the Hawk or Kiran (subsonic trainer) to the Mach 2 capable MiG-21s without flying in supersonic speeds before that its quite a shame really

PAF has probably good maintenance on its old fighters as well as supersonic capable trainer aircraft its inventory
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