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Miftah Ismael under-reported new foreign debt by at least $7 Billion in the budget 2022-23 document.

Pakistan needs about $10 billion in FDI every year to sustain a growth rate of 5%-6% without running into BoP crisis. This has been India's trick for a while now despite the fact that both countries suffer from same productivity and operational inefficiency concerns.
Pakistan needs about $10 billion in FDI every year to sustain a growth rate of 5%-6% without running into BoP crisis. This has been India's trick for a while now despite the fact that both countries suffer from same productivity and operational inefficiency concerns.

The "problem" with investments is that they go where there are good returns with manageable risks.
The "problem" with investments is that they go where there are good returns with manageable risks.
This is not the only reason for India's good fortune with investments. Geopolitically, Pakistan has not positioned itself favorably to gain from the China+1 strategy of the western bloc. India, Vietnam and other countries have played this game well. Vietnam is a good comparison for Pakistan. With an economy of around $350 to $400 billion, this country gets about $15 billion in FDI to sustain a 7% growth rate. Of course Vietnam may also have other advantages like better quality of labor, infrastructure and political stability that contributes for its success.
no matter who wins the next elections
all agreed except this part,sir. The only govt that would stand a chance will be a strong, popular and stable govt, which for the near future is just IK, hence why they are running away from election. I am not saying it'll be a cakewalk, obv. But, the only govt that can bear that kind of pressure will have to be a really strong one. As for PDM, they hold barely 174 seats will all of them + 2 of PML-Q combined and that is based of 2018 results. Imagine if elections were held today. Even with above average rigging (which i think would be a bad idea as people as pissed and have had enough of this) they are gonna get wiped out. and as hard as it to believe, anyone with half a brain in the powerful circles would stay out of it. but i don't think that rigging at such a scale is possible without it being ludicrously blatant à la PPP in sindh style,

In a normal year, Pak's CAD is around 2% of GDP, even if half of that is funded by FDI that should by and large take care of Pak's recurring forex issue. Pak's overseas friends- PRC, Arab countries and US shouldn't find it difficult to rustle up some USD 4 billion in cash as FDI, no?

all agreed except this part,sir. The only govt that would stand a chance will be a strong, popular and stable govt, which for the near future is just IK, hence why they are running away from election. I am not saying it'll be a cakewalk, obv. But, the only govt that can bear that kind of pressure will have to be a really strong one. As for PDM, they hold barely 174 seats will all of them + 2 of PML-Q combined and that is based of 2018 results. Imagine if elections were held today. Even with above average rigging (which i think would be a bad idea as people as pissed and have had enough of this) they are gonna get wiped out. and as hard as it to believe, anyone with half a brain in the powerful circles would stay out of it. but i don't think that rigging at such a scale is possible without it being ludicrously blatant à la PPP in sindh style,

You may be right, but since your opinion refers to events that have not happened yet, they will remain hypothetical until such time as they may actually occur.


In a normal year, Pak's CAD is around 2% of GDP, even if half of that is funded by FDI that should by and large take care of Pak's recurring forex issue. Pak's overseas friends- PRC, Arab countries and US shouldn't find it difficult to rustle up some USD 4 billion in cash as FDI, no?


As if $4 billion per year is chump change? :D

Pakistan simply does not have the environment to be a productive destination for any large amounts of sustained investment for a number of reasons.
You may be right, but since your opinion refers to events that have not happened yet, they will remain hypothetical until such time as they may actually occur.

That's precisely the reason they are not allowed to occur. :D

Pakistan simply does not have the environment to be a productive destination for any large amounts of sustained investment for a number of reasons.
I happen to think we need a Thanos like figure to quickly put the useless portion of our population out of theirs and our misery.
That's precisely the reason they are not allowed to occur. :D

I happen to think we need a Thanos like figure to quickly put the useless portion of our population out of theirs and our misery.

Again, all hypotheticals. :D
What about you, sir? Would you like to put the hypothesis to the test?
We aren't going anywhere anyways, except further down, maybe?

That is not a hypothetical situation. That is a FACT.
Look the fools, they won the battle for Pakistan..

That is not a hypothetical situation. That is a FACT.
That we are going down? Yes, I agree.

You may be right, but since your opinion refers to events that have not happened yet, they will remain hypothetical until such time as they may actually occur.
Again, all hypotheticals. :D

I was referring to my hypothesis. Do you think it should be put to the test?

SAH sb,

As if $4 billion per year is chump change?

For the countries I have named it is. Take the taller than mountain friend for eg. USD 3 Trillion and counting (I am assuming they are not like ModiGee degree)

Pakistan simply does not have the environment to be a productive destination for any large amounts of sustained investment

Well there are zillions of dollars in the developed economies earning next to zero return. A small fraction of that will suffice.

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