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Miftah Ismael under-reported new foreign debt by at least $7 Billion in the budget 2022-23 document.

Get rid of the IMF ...

It is said that after independence from France, France appointed its ambassador to Congo. One day the French ambassador went out into the jungles of Congo in search of prey. As he walked, the French ambassador saw some people in the distance. He thought they might be waiting for him. When we got closer, we found out that this is a man-eating tribe. So they grabbed the French ambassador, slaughtered him, made his frying.

France was outraged by the incident and demanded that the Congolese pay millions of dollars in blood money to the ambassador's heirs. The Congolese government held its head high. The treasury was empty. There was poverty and famine in the country. After much deliberation, however, the Congolese government wrote a letter to France, stating:
The Congolese government is deeply saddened by the incident.

Since our country cannot afford to shed blood, after some deliberation we suggest to you that the ambassador we have with you should eat it in return. Thanks.

I don't know how much truth there is in this incident, but there is a lesson for the people of Pakistan and that is that they should write a letter to the IMF which has the following article:
The loans that our governments have borrowed over the last seventy years, more or less, have been in the personal accounts of our elites and politicians, in your own banks.

Therefore, it is suggested that the bank balances and assets of our elite, which are in your own countries, be taken up by you in return for your debts. Thanks.
Both did some good things but mostly just "let the system run" and were victims of short-term politics-based policies. The bottom line and undeniable fact is that growth lead to CAD crises just like in the past 30 years. No amount of mental gymnastics can change that. PTI was more of the same in my opinion. Still awaiting actual tabdeeli.

For @JamD @ @VCheng :
I thought I'd wait till 2023 to give my opinion but now we have crude oil is at 6 months low and PKR is at all time low, so I thought I can ask your opinion now on economic progress made under present government.

Weak PKR has not stimulated the export growths and @JamD mentioned on last page that economy always grows and numbers always improve, but Pakistani GDP is all set to contract during this fiscal year. Exports are in free falls as well and no one talks about CAD during government minister's economic speeches.

What is your opinion now on economic policies of PTI & PML(N) being all-the-same ?
What is your opinion now on economic policies of PTI & PML(N) being all-the-same ?

Right now, the financial policies are still in a crisis recovery mode by necessity, so everything is reactive and not proactive that can be judged. Let this setup complete its term by law, just as I advocated for the previous setups too.
Right now, the financial policies are still in a crisis recovery mode by necessity, so everything is reactive and not proactive that can be judged. Let this setup complete its term by law, just as I advocated for the previous setups too.

There was no headline news about economic crisis in March 2022.
So why do we need this crisis recovery ?

... and just a simple question: When you listen to economic policy press conferences of PDM government official, do you feel they really know what are they talking about?
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There was no headline news about economic crisis in March 2022.
So why do we need this crisis recovery ?

... and just a simple question: When you listen to economic policy press conferences of PDM government official, do you feel they really know what are they talking about?

The good thing about economics is that the good old Pakistani approach of "there is no crisis, if there is a crisis it is someone else's fault" simply doesn't work. The economic team "in-charge" now is just as incompetent as all the previous ones, getting its orders from somewhere else, as always. This economic failure is multi-factorial, and multi-generational and it will never be solved by any one government either.
The good thing about economics is that the good old Pakistani approach of "there is no crisis, if there is a crisis it is someone else's fault" simply doesn't work. The economic team "in-charge" now is just as incompetent as all the previous ones, getting its orders from somewhere else, as always. This economic failure is multi-factorial, and multi-generational and it will never be solved by any one government either.

....... nice attempt of sounding intellectual by issuing middle of road statement :omghaha: .
The economic team "in-charge" now is just as incompetent as all the previous ones, getting its orders from somewhere else, as always.

Oh and BTW, you may remember that back in May 2022, incompetent Shaukat Tareen & Raza Baqir was called in to meet Pindi Boys to help guide the economic policy.

So much for incompetence & taking orders from somewhere else.
Oh and BTW, you may remember that back in May 2022, incompetent Shaukat Tareen & Raza Baqir was called in to meet Pindi Boys to help guide the economic policy.

So much for incompetence & taking orders from somewhere else.

Idiots can only achieve so much, I would agree, just like trying to take a car stuck in first gear down a highway and expecting it to keep up with others in higher gears.
LOL. I am not a cultist, that is all, for any side. Facts rule. Results matter. :D

Do you mind sharing any facts or economic results, as you mentioned only 'Result matter'.

So far you are only making vague, snide comments trying to sound really smart. I hope you have not reached 43k posts making similar vague & pointless posts. Lets see what you can bring to table about economic policy & RESULTS?
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Do you mind sharing any facts or economic results, as you mentioned only 'Result matter'.

As a nation, Pakistan consumes far more than it produces, and it remains on a steady downward path of social degradation and economic decline. It has no chance of adequately meeting its health and education needs in the next several decades. Resource scarcity and mismanagement add to that horrific toll on top. It is absolutely straitjacketed by its security mindset that overrules everything.

There is nothing bad in stating the reality as above, which remains true no matter who or what is in power. It seems pretty clear to me, if not anyone else.

I now started getting a feeling that @VCheng is just another version of @El Sidd
43k posts would have been a red sign.

Please feel free to put me on your ignore list, problem solved. :D
For @JamD @ @VCheng :
I thought I'd wait till 2023 to give my opinion but now we have crude oil is at 6 months low and PKR is at all time low, so I thought I can ask your opinion now on economic progress made under present government.

Weak PKR has not stimulated the export growths and @JamD mentioned on last page that economy always grows and numbers always improve, but Pakistani GDP is all set to contract during this fiscal year. Exports are in free falls as well and no one talks about CAD during government minister's economic speeches.

What is your opinion now on economic policies of PTI & PML(N) being all-the-same ?
Honestly, this disaster is almost as big as when they replaced Musharraf with Zardari in 2008. So much went down the hill from that point forward.

What’s funny to me is how PMLN is throwing their own finance minister under the bus. Like they refuse to own their own shit. PDM has flopped hugely.
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