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Miftah Ismael under-reported new foreign debt by at least $7 Billion in the budget 2022-23 document.

I don't know why but I am just hung up on not including a new debt of $7 billion in the budget documents buy PML(N) finance minister. Media seems to be ok with this slight oversight.

I am wondering how media would have handled it if previous government had deliberately omitted such information from the budget.

If even $100 was misplaced from the budget they would have incinerated the previous government and NY Times would have a piece claiming IK has turned Pakistan into his personal bank.

They will never dare go after this government though because they are subsidising their entire industry via useless ads, and jetting the biggest bootlicking journalists abroad to London, Dubai, NY, Mecca, etc.
They actually have supporters. Let that sink in for a moment.
yeah they have...my entire city is in love with these idiots but just like their leaders..you cant reason with their donkey supporters!
@JamD I'm just making a 'political analysis' here, but it really seems like this PDM gov't is torpedoing the PML and PPPs' ability to contest in the next elections. It's as if every manner of 'corrupt politician' caricature is coming alive in this relatively short period.

I'm just thinking aloud here, but had the PTI been able to complete its term under these conditions, I think it would have sputtered into the next elections on an unfavourable footing. But now, the situation is making the PTI look strong, no? I feel the situation is setting itself up for another PTI term, potentially a majority government.

Note, I'm just observing here, no horse in this race except for the racetrack itself (Pakistan).
Ab ye tou haal hai hamaray Finance Minister ka.

Kaha-kahan say dhood kay atay hain een chamaroo ko?

@JamD I'm just making a 'political analysis' here, but it really seems like this PDM gov't is torpedoing the PML and PPPs' ability to contest in the next elections. It's as if every manner of 'corrupt politician' caricature is coming alive in this relatively short period.

I'm just thinking aloud here, but had the PTI been able to complete its term under these conditions, I think it would have sputtered into the next elections on an unfavourable footing. But now, the situation is making the PTI look strong, no? I feel the situation is setting itself up for another PTI term, potentially a majority government.

Note, I'm just observing here, no horse in this race except for the racetrack itself (Pakistan).
I view the same thing differently. I think it's more likely incompetence and not corruption. Simply because the odds are that.

In terms of electoral futures I think PMLN made a very tough possibly losing bargain. They could have and wanted to call elections immediately but I'm reasonably sure that the establishment impressed upon the need for stability and "asked" them to ride it out. They are hoping that stabilization and being in the good books of the establishment will help them recover some seats in the parliament.

Yes, this no confidence has put new life into the PTI who otherwise would have had a really bad time because shaukat tarin had no idea what he was doing (he was undoing all of the stabilization done by hafeez sheikh with an expansionary economy that pakistan couldn't afford but was politically easier). The establishment didn't want IK to install the next chief. Otherwise there was no reason to oust him.

I still feel PTI has slim chances of a majority in the next elections because:
1. If you're looking at 2018 then clearly the establishment was with PTI and there was all sorts of help. Even with that PTI barely managed a government. So their actual electoral performance isn't proven.
2. The swell of middle class PTI supporters isn't all of Pakistan even though it sometimes looks that way. The media focus shows us the urban middle class and we see the social media. Believe it or not this doesn't represent the majority of Pakistan.
3. As time goes by PTIs narrative will loose steam. This is just the nature of narratives. So what will be the passion level of PTI voters in 2023?
4. In an attempt to pull a NS mujhe kyun nikala pressure tactic on establishment I think IK has overplayed his hand. He may be slowly entering Altaf Hussain territory in the establishments books. So far from being neutral the establishment might actually attempt to diminish IKs numbers.

So what I see in 2023 is another PDM type government. Just my 2 cents.
I view the same thing differently. I think it's more likely incompetence and not corruption. Simply because the odds are that.

In terms of electoral futures I think PMLN made a very tough possibly losing bargain. They could have and wanted to call elections immediately but I'm reasonably sure that the establishment impressed upon the need for stability and "asked" them to ride it out. They are hoping that stabilization and being in the good books of the establishment will help them recover some seats in the parliament.

Yes, this no confidence has put new life into the PTI who otherwise would have had a really bad time because shaukat tarin had no idea what he was doing (he was undoing all of the stabilization done by hafeez sheikh with an expansionary economy that pakistan couldn't afford but was politically easier). The establishment didn't want IK to install the next chief. Otherwise there was no reason to oust him.

I still feel PTI has slim chances of a majority in the next elections because:
1. If you're looking at 2018 then clearly the establishment was with PTI and there was all sorts of help. Even with that PTI barely managed a government. So their actual electoral performance isn't proven.
2. The swell of middle class PTI supporters isn't all of Pakistan even though it sometimes looks that way. The media focus shows us the urban middle class and we see the social media. Believe it or not this doesn't represent the majority of Pakistan.
3. As time goes by PTIs narrative will loose steam. This is just the nature of narratives. So what will be the passion level of PTI voters in 2023?
4. In an attempt to pull a NS mujhe kyun nikala pressure tactic on establishment I think IK has overplayed his hand. He may be slowly entering Altaf Hussain territory in the establishments books. So far from being neutral the establishment might actually attempt to diminish IKs numbers.

So what I see in 2023 is another PDM type government. Just my 2 cents.
It'd be ironic if Pakistan achieves 10 years of political stability via a balanced PDM setup. Basically, the establishment gets the best people from each party and turns them into a coalition government over and over again.
It'd be ironic if Pakistan achieves 10 years of political stability via a balanced PDM setup. Basically, the establishment gets the best people from each party and turns them into a coalition government over and over again.
that might be the plan lol.
I still feel PTI has slim chances of a majority in the next elections because:
1. If you're looking at 2018 then clearly the establishment was with PTI and there was all sorts of help. Even with that PTI barely managed a government. So their actual electoral performance isn't proven.
2. The swell of middle class PTI supporters isn't all of Pakistan even though it sometimes looks that way. The media focus shows us the urban middle class and we see the social media. Believe it or not this doesn't represent the majority of Pakistan.
3. As time goes by PTIs narrative will loose steam. This is just the nature of narratives. So what will be the passion level of PTI voters in 2023?
4. In an attempt to pull a NS mujhe kyun nikala pressure tactic on establishment I think IK has overplayed his hand. He may be slowly entering Altaf Hussain territory in the establishments books. So far from being neutral the establishment might actually attempt to diminish IKs numbers.

So what I see in 2023 is another PDM type government. Just my 2 cents.

It all depends on when the elections are held: as early as possible as PTI wants, or as late as possible as PDM wants. IK still has to decide about his megamarch on Islamabad.

that might be the plan lol.

Such stability may not be all that bad overall.
Such stability may not be all that bad overall.
Conceptually it's not too different from the "king's party" concept that Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq, and Musharraf each applied. With PTI, the "king's party" emerged via the democratic process, but as a separate party.

However, this time around, it seems the 'establishment' wants to form a "king's party" through both the democratic process and from each of the parties. It's a delicate exercise because it'd mean working to get everyone on the same page, but if you do, then you should get both long-term stability in policymaking.
It all depends on when the elections are held: as early as possible as PTI wants, or as late as possible as PDM wants. IK still has to decide about his megamarch on Islamabad.
You're right. I was assuming that his megamarch would come to naught. Let's see. Never say never in Pakistan.
Conceptually it's not too different from the "king's party" concept that Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq, and Musharraf each applied. With PTI, the "king's party" emerged via the democratic process, but as a separate party.

However, this time around, it seems the 'establishment' wants to form a "king's party" through both the democratic process and from each of the parties. It's a delicate exercise because it'd mean working to get everyone on the same page, but if you do, then you should get both long-term stability in policymaking.

"Same Page". Where have I heard that before? :D

Seriously, though, you may be on to something useful here.

You're right. I was assuming that his megamarch would come to naught. Let's see. Never say never in Pakistan.

I'd keep an open mind and see what becomes of the megamarch first. The faithful here seem to be convinced it will happen. I want to see how effective it might be, or not, in achieving its stated goals of forcing immediate elections.
Yes, this no confidence has put new life into the PTI who otherwise would have had a really bad time because shaukat tarin had no idea what he was doing (he was undoing all of the stabilization done by hafeez sheikh with an expansionary economy that pakistan couldn't afford but was politically easier). The establishment didn't want IK to install the next chief. Otherwise there was no reason to oust him.

I am not sure if you are following Pakistani politics but after well coordinated & collective media black out of events of April 10, May 23 & May 25; the consensus is that bad PTI performance that was broadcasted every night from 7:00 PM to 11:00 pm for past 3 yers, was directed from Boys in Pindi.

Boys in Pindi should have not called Shukat Tareen at HQ in Aabpara to SEEK HELP for economic situation if they really thought that PTI's economic performance was dismal. Three of five people called for help at Aabpara served under PTI.

The report published by Economic Survey of Pakistan 2021-22 earlier in June 2022 clears up all the misconception about poor performance of PTI. Here are few snippets , snippets & snippets if you do not want to read complete REPORT .

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
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